The Waiter

The man leaned his weight on one leg and slid his hand in his pocket. "Hi, Jessica Wang! Do you remember me?"

Jessica crossed her arms and eyed him for a second before answering his inquiry. "Sorry, no recollection."

"It's alright! I can reintroduce myself to you. I am Vincent Crun. Your family and my family are thinking about working together for a few projects." He didn't catch the hint from her cold response. Despite her obvious disinterest, he continued dragging on the conversation.

Out of boredom, Jessica wanted to grab a drink. When she stretched out her right arm to grab a glass of wine, she found Alfred blocking her path. She looked at him and saw him handing her an obvious not wine-colored drink.

Unamused, Jessica took the drink and sipped it. As the sweet and sour taste destroyed traces of leftover wine in her mouth, her face scrunched together. She observed Alfred again and found him sneaking a smile. Out of habit, Jessica leaned onto Alfred and hugged his waist. Using this great opportunity, she got her revenge and pinched his waist.

Maintaining his composure, he forced a smile from the stings he felt on his hips. While Vincent continued blabbing about how his family business expanded over the years, Jessica was enjoying the muscles she was feeling against the fabric of his suit. If they were alone right now, she would probably be toppling him already. At least, that was how she imagined it in her mind.

In the middle of Vincent's proposal of how successful his parents were, Jessica raised her palm and put a pause to his dull speech. "Mister. Cunt."

"Uhm, it's Crun." Vincent awkwardly corrected her.

"Okay, Crun then. I have no memories of ever meeting you anywhere, but that's fine. Now that you're finished introducing yourself, please excuse us. I have a more important matter to handle." Jessica didn't even care enough to memorize his name.

"But I didn't finish talking about-" He wanted to tell her his net worth, but this opportunity slipped away. Jessica already walked away with her arm linked with Alfred's.

Vincent quickly chased after them and stopped them from walking away.

"Mister...." Jessica's voice trailed off as she tried addressing him again. Seeing her helpless expression, Alfred gave her a hand and whispered the man's name to her ears.

"Right. Mister. Crun. After wasting five minutes and thirty-two seconds of my precious privacy time, I think it should be clear enough to you that I show no interest in you. I'm not even the slightest impressed by the number of ancestors you've spoken about so far. If you want to collaborate with Wang Corps, then make an appointment with my assistant during office hours. Now, would you please excuse me?" Jessica wanted to roll her eyes on this man.

"Then, I will stop beating around the bush and tell you what I want. I want us to merge our companies together and expand in the industry. I believe this is also something Miss. Wang would like. So, Miss. Wang, would you -" He attempted to propose to her on the spot.

Without a sign of hesitation nor consideration, Jessica put up a poker face. "I refuse. Done? Let's go, Alfred."

"What's so good about this Casanova? If it's bed skills, then you should be fair and see!" According to the waiter, Jessica was looking for a potential spouse tonight. If it is a mutual benefiting situation, he believes he would be a better candidate than an unknown man.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the anger she tried holding back couldn't be contained anymore. She turned around, faced Vincent and granted a slap across his face. Before he could react, she kicked him in the stomach, knocking him on the floor in one move.

"First of all, apologize to my partner for slandering his name. Perhaps, you should learn some manners before speaking your mind. Oh, wait. Just don't speak at all. Nobody will think you are a mute with that arrogant face of yours. Second of all, he is better than a spoiled brat second generation who only knows how to drink and spend money on useless things by infinity times!"

"So, what if you may be richer, drive a nicer car or have a company to take over in the future? I have everything you have and even more because I have potential in regulating a company. Everything you've mentioned so far doesn't belong to you. What is there to brag about? Also, if anything, I could provide for my partner if he ever needs me to. Third of all, which is the most important point of all, I don't like you one bit."

"So, you're willing to give your future to a lowlife like him?!" Vincent groaned as he spat nonsense from his mouth.

"Yes, I'm willing as long as he is. I don't know where you got that kind of confidence to speak rudely at Jason's party, but good luck with your family stocks in the morning." Jessica threw a warning glance at him, shutting him up instantly.

The second she grabbed Alfred's arm to leave, she heard Vincent muttering. "Tch. That waiter lied to me. Who said she wanted to find a husband tonight? If that was true, then she would have said yes already!"

"What did you just say?" Jessica and Alfred turn around and spoke simultaneously.

Pulling Vincent up by his collar, Alfred glared murderously at him. "Who?"

Searching left and right amongst the crowd, Vincent pointed at the direction where the waiter was heading. "There! Him! The one walking to Mrs. Hui!"

Alfred squinted at the direction where the waiter was walking. His eyes widened as he recognized the man immediately. Without warning, Alfred released his collar. Vincent stumbled backwards and landed on his butt.

Alfred quickly instructed Jessica to inform the guards to block all entrances and exits from this place. In the meantime, he would contact Michael, Bryan, Eric, Jason and Aaron to be careful.

Luckily, Aaron, Bryan and Eric came back right before Jason made his speech.

Therefore, they had enough men to capture Justin. The only downside right now is that everyone was separated by the crowd, so they must act on their own. This time, they must catch him!

Within seconds, a message was sent to the guys' cellphones.

Message to everyone in the group chat: "Rat is in. At everyone's 12 o'clock direction."

Slowly, each of them wandered through the crowd and planned to corner him.