You Need To Try harder

*PG16 WARNING: (Though readers would probably still ignore this line and continue reading) You have been warned! XD*

On the other end of the hallway from where Celinda and Bryan's room were located, Jason was carrying Selina in his arms. Looking down, he spotted the faint smile on her face as she snuggled closer to his chest. He smiled and continued walking to their assigned room. Once he reached the door, he tried unlocking it with the key card in his hand.

"Mnnn.." Selina groaned, feeling the weird movements underneath her legs. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at her husband to make sure it wasn't a stranger. "Hubby..." The volume of her voice was low since she had just woken up.

"Awake? If you're tired, continue sleeping. I'll see the guests out soon and come pick you up when the event is over." He gave her a peck on her nose.

"Mmm. Hubby, put me down. My legs feel numb." She wrapped her arms around his neck as she slowly bent down to help her stand on her heels.

"Let's go inside the room. I'll give you a massage."

After the couple entered the room, Jason found himself pushed against the door. He looked at the petite figure in his arms and stroked her hair gently. "Didn't you say your legs were numb? Lie down on the bed and relax a bit."

"Hubby.." She whispered softly, closing the distance between her lips and his ear lobe.

"Hmm?" He sensed tingles running down his spine when her sweet voice echoed into his ears.

"I'm thirsty." Her lips curved into a seductive smirk while he was looking around for water. Unfortunately, there weren't any beverages in the hotel room. If he wanted to get water for her, he would have to order room service. With the number of guests downstairs, he thought it would be faster if he went downstairs to get water for her himself.

"Come. Let's put you to bed first. I'll go downstairs and get you some water." He tightened the grip around her waist, trying to coax her to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

She leaned her weight onto his body, making him step backwards. "Ah, my legs felt numb." Once again, he missed the playful smile on her face. "Hubby. This leg is numb." She lifted her right leg upwards, rubbing her knee between his legs provocatively.

"Alright. How about this? You be a good girl and stay here for a few minutes while I go get you some water. When I come back, I'll massage your leg for you. Didn't you say you were thirsty?" He reminded her about the request she made less than five minutes ago.

Rubbing the back of her head with a helpless expression on his face, he continued coaxing her. Never would he have thought that she was trying to make a move on him with such boldness. Seeing her plan running not as smoothly as she thought it would, Selina parted her glossy lips. She gazed into his eyes when she parted her bottom lip from her top lip. She smiled, "I am very thirsty actually..."

She licked her lips when she saw the hesitance in his eyes. He still had that thought of leaving the room, which was not something she liked at the moment. Resting her cheek against his chest, she started listening to the sound of his heart beats.

Jason noticed how quiet she became and thought that she had finally calmed down. Smiling, he tried persuading her again. "Do you want.." Before he could finish his question, Selina loosened from his embrace and smiled sweetly at him.

She spread her arms outwards and made another request. "Hubby, I want a hug!"

He chuckled, spread his arms and wrapped her up in his embrace. While patting her back, he asked. "Does your head hurt? Are you feeling dizzy?"

She quickly nodded her head a few times. "Mm. Dizzy! Very dizzy!"

Though he saw through her coquettish act, he continued to play along with her. He brushed her flushed cheeks with his thumb and proceeded to massage her temples. Seconds after he attempted to relieve the dizziness, she spoke. "I'm dizzy because I've been revolving around you."

"Since when did my wife become this corny? Did the wine make you this drunk to lower your flirting skills? Hmm?" He pinched her chin lightly.

Staring affectionately at him, her eyelashes fluttered in slow motion. "I'm normally head over heels for my hubby. But today I'm drunken to love you...Say...Did Mister Hui just challenge my flirting skills?"

He bumped his forehead lightly against hers and pulled her closer by the waist. "Oh? Then you better try harder to woo your husband. Before that, I'll go grab you some water."

"Heh. It seems like my hubby still has time to think about other things besides me even though I'm standing right here. So, should I fill your mind with me? Hubby, I'm thirsty...but there is a much faster way in quenching my thirst. Do you know how it works? If you don't, then how about I teach you?" Her index finger traced up and down his Adam's apple.

The second he heard her words, his throat started to feel dry. He wondered if what he had in mind was the same as the meaning behind her words. Before he could ask her what she meant, Selina took the initiative to kiss him.

The first kiss she shared with him was slow and filled with mini teasing pecks. The second time her lips met his; he tasted the sweetness of her soft surface. On their third kiss, she bit his bottom lip, prying his mouth open. Her tongue intruded his territory and spread a taste of red wine into his mouth. He groaned in response to her deepened kisses as she slowly pushed him towards the couch.

When his leg bumped into the couch, she gave him a small push and cornered him with her palms against the back of the couch. Gliding her thumb across his bottom lip, she asked. "How was it?"

"If my wife wants to seduce me, then you will have to work harder than this." He brought her thumb between his lips and licked it.

"Is that so? Then.." She retracted her hand, placed her knee between his thighs and skillfully slipped off his tie. "You better prepare yourself for this." She leaned forward, giving him a small kiss before blindfolding him with the tie in her hands.