Prepare Yourself

*PG16 WARNING: (Though readers would probably still ignore this line and continue reading) You have been warned! XD*

"What are you doing?" Jason tried reaching to untie the knot behind his head.

Immediately, his wrists were caught by his wife's hands. "Nuh uh ah~ I'm only listening to hubby's request. I'm trying hard to seduce my husband to bed. Hubby can't touch me from this second onwards or else hubby loses."

"If I touch you, then I will lose in what?" His breathing quickened from the way her fingers touched his skin. With his eyes blocked by the thick fabric, his senses heightened. Every time she touches him, a strong tingling sensation would travel to the rest of his body. Whether she was blowing into his ear or sliding her fingers up his arm, everything was more sensual than usual.

"You lose in this game, and you'll get punished." She blew a soft breeze into his ear, making him shiver.

Her cold fingertips trailed the shape of his right ear, where his most sensitive spot was located. His lips parted as a gasp left his mouth. Her fingers followed his sharp jawline and traced down to his Adam's apple where she caught him swallowing.

"What is it? Can't stand it anymore?" Selina whispered into his ear as she unbuttoned his shirt. Once all his buttons were loosened, the thin fabric that covered his chest was pulled open slowly. Feeling the cold air kissing against his bare skin, he knew his abs were exposed.

Jason pressed his lips together, forming another faint smile. "Of course not. Perhaps, it is you who got seduced by me instead." He relaxed the tension in his shoulders and leaned back in a relaxing position.

"Hehe. You're right. I've been seduced by my husband. To make it fair, I need to return the favor. So..." She took advantage of her flexible dress and spread her legs to sit on his lap. Bringing her lips close to his earlobe, she started nibbling on them. Her fingers naughtily trailed down his torso, reaching his belly button.

Her kisses drowned him in a passion that ignited a burning sensation wherever she touches. Like an enchanted spell, her light floral fragrance entered his nostrils, almost making him lose control. He groaned as she sucked on his neck where his reaction was strongest. Her index finger twirled around the shape of his belly button, causing a mixture of ticklish and tingling spread through his nerves.

He inhaled sharply, giving her a pleasing response. Her left palm explored his chest, feeling his lean muscles against her skin. Steadily, her hand circled on the back of his head, bringing his head forward to meet her lips. This time, the kiss she gave was intense, wet and arousing. She kneeled slightly, giving her right hand some space to unbuckle his belt.

In less than a minute, his belt was pulled off. His zipper was also pulled down, leaving his jeans loose enough for her to touch the bulging erection underneath it. Once she gained access to his boxer, she reached down to touch his hardened penis.

Their lips fit like two puzzle pieces, matching perfectly as their tongues danced bewitchingly. Though his shirt was wide open, he didn't feel cold at all. Her kisses moistened his lips, increasing the blood circulation to his lower abdomen. Even though there was a barrier between her palm and his penis, he could feel her strokes rushing upwards and slowly tightening as it slid back down.

While catching their breaths and taking a break between the deep tender kisses, she rested her forehead against his. In his current position, it was difficult for her to pull his pants down. Hence, another idea replaced her original ones. She shared an affectionate, yet short kiss with him, before kissing him elsewhere.

Hot breaths landed on his neck as she tenderly brushed her lips against his skin. Sometimes, she would press her lips harder and other times, she would suck on a particular spot until he reacted to it. The places she touched left burning trails in his body as if a blazing flame had lit up in his body.

The kisses became rougher and more urgent as she rushed to kiss his Adam's apple. Her left arm slid around his bare waist, pulling herself closer towards him. She directed his hands on her legs, sliding them up her thighs underneath her dress. Understanding what she wanted him to do, he started brushing his hands against her firm curves.

She sounded as if she was out of breath as she felt his hands grew closer to her privates. Instead of touching her entrance directly, he teased her slowly and torturously. Just like how she teased him earlier, he decided to return this favor. From the way she started leaning her weight onto him, she was starting to feel tired.

"Remember what you said earlier? If I move, I'll lose the game. Tell me what you want, and I'll do it. Wifey." He wanted to make her demand specific actions from him. At the same time, he also knew she was close to falling asleep with how rasped her voice sounded.

"Mm..We're still playing the game! You have to listen to me." She pouted, knowing he wouldn't be able to see her face with the blindfold on. Soon, she gathered herself together and thought rationally again. She combed through the back of his hair and lightly bit his shoulder, leaving a mark only she could see.

"Yes. Yes. I'll listen to my wife at all times." He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. If she touches him any further, he will definitely topple her on this couch and he didn't want to do that. He knew how much time he had left until he had to see guests out downstairs. In addition to that, Selina was tipsy from chugging red wine earlier. Therefore, he wouldn't have gone as far as to consummate their marriage.

"Really?" She hiccupped, feeling a bit sleepy after hearing his comforting words.

"Mm. So, will my lovely wife take off the blindfold?" He smiled.

She nodded, reached out and released the tie from the back of his head. Seeing the dazed look on her face, he knew she would most likely be asleep when he comes back. He caressed her cheeks and kissed her lips. Slowly, she reciprocated the kiss, before yawning in front of him.

"Sleepy? Go to sleep." He stroked her head gently, waiting for her to close her eyes. Once her breathing steadied, he carefully placed her on the couch and fixed his attire.

After fixing himself up, he picked her up and carefully tucked her in the king-sized bed.

In the middle of her sleep, she mumbled something. His eyes matched with his smile after hearing these words. A soft kiss was planted on her forehead. He whispered back into her ears. "I love you too. Wifey."