
After stepping into the bathroom, Antonio locked the door, took off his clothes and entered the shower. His toes flinched as it touched the cold ceramic floor. It made him wonder how low the temperature was when Selina jumped down from the bridge. Was she still conscious when her body fell into the water? These thoughts gathered in his mind.

Before he knew it, cold water had begun spraying from above. Water droplets bounced off his chest, sending shivers down his spine. He lifted his head to face the cold liquid. He no longer knew whether it was his tears that were falling or was it the cold water from the shower. The water was awfully cold, but he didn't change it to hot water. While his body shivered from the water, he closed his eyes and imagined how cold the water must've been when it swept Selina away.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom of Jason's villa, Jason carried Selina out of the bathroom. After helping her wash up and change, he carefully carried her to bed. The moment he laid her down in bed, her eyelashes fluttered.

"Mm...hubby.." She groaned, slowly opening her eyes.

"Hmm?" Jason caressed her cheeks and helped her sit up.

"Hubby.." She rubbed her eyes, climbed on his lap and snuggled up to his chest.

"Mm..I'm right here." Knowing she was still half asleep, he chuckled lowly into her ears.

"I love you.." She muttered into his ears and circled her arms around his neck. Though she said it in a half-conscious state, happiness spread on his lips. He kissed her rosy cheeks and whispered sweet words back into her ears. As if his gentle voice played the role of a soothing lullaby, she obediently fell back into a deep slumber.

Slowly, he laid her back in bed and climbed next to her. Holding the petite figure in his arms, he kissed her forehead and whispered. "Good night, wife."

Around six in the morning, one of their cellphones began vibrating and ringing. Reaching out his arm, Jason answered the call. "Hello?" His hoarse tone sounded deeper than usual.

"Hello, I am calling from the Ren Private Hospital. Is this Miss. Selina Gu's number?" The nurse politely spoke into the phone. According to the contact information, Selina was listed as a VIP patient. Hence, the person in charge of reminding her about her appointment needs to be mindful of how he or she spoke.

"This is her husband speaking. Please update her name from Selina Gu to Selina Hui. What is the reason for calling?" Jason stared at Selina's sleeping face and lowered his voice.

"Alright, I will update the information. I am making a courtesy call to remind Mrs. Hui that her body check appointment has been set for 3 P.M. this afternoon. If everything is alright with the timing, I will confirm her appointment." The nurse scribbled on the notepad in front of her reminding herself to change Selina's surname in the system.

"No problem. She will attend the appointment. Thank you." Jason ended the call, placed the phone back on the table and studied the peaceful expression Selina had on her face. Smiling, he gently caressed her cheek and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Time passed by so quick. I still can't believe we're already married." He whispered into her ears. His breath tickled her sensitive ear, making her brows crinkle.

"Mmm..I know right. Hubby. Who knew I would be able to abduct such a handsome capable man to be my husband?" Selina opened one of her eyes and smiled before opening the other one. Like a sneaky cat trying to steal food, she took the initiative to give him a morning kiss.

Originally, Selina just wanted to give him a small peck on the lips, but the soft peck became far from enough to satisfy her desires. From a soft peck on his lip to the strong urge of deepening the kiss, she felt his hands exploring her hips. Her hand settled on his shoulder and pressed him down beneath her. Desperately parting her lips, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and kissed him all over again.

She didn't realize the strap to her night gown fell down her shoulders and the edge of the thin fabric already slid above her thighs. As his hands roamed downwards, his hands captured her firm bottoms and fondled them. The tip of his fingers glided down to her thighs where he caressed her inner thighs in a slow bobbing movement. Moans escaped between kisses as his hands naughtily teased her sensitive spots, making her breasts rub against his chest.

One button after another, his pajama top was stripped off his lean body. He held the petite figure in her arms and sat up in bed without breaking their long kiss. Once his top was off, he pinned her down in bed and showered kisses down her neck. Her body trembled from his teasing touches.

"Ahh.." She bit her lower lip as he pulled her night gown down to her waist. Seeing her smooth porcelain skin and perky nipples exposed, he licked his lips and whispered.

"You sure like playing with fire, wifey. This early and you're already this impatient to exercise with me?"

"Nnn.. hey! I only.. I only gave you a kiss!" She blinked innocently, stretching her arms around his neck.

"You seduced me first." His hoarse voice sounded deeper than usual making her gasp.

"When did I seduce you?" She pursed her lips and tilted her head slightly.

"Who was the one who got tipsy last night in the hotel room, blindfolded me with my tie and almost slept with me? Hmmmm?" He bumped his forehead lightly against hers, letting out a small chuckle.

"Eh? I wonder who it was! I don't remember anything." She rubbed her forehead against his.

He pinched her chin and devoured her sweet lips once again. As they gasped breathlessly from the long passionate kiss, he whispered into her ears. "Wifey, I've never said it was you. So, why do you have to remember anything? Hmmmm?"

"Tch. Just you wait for our wedding night! I'll have you surrender!" She let out a soft hmph before she pulled him in for another kiss. This time, she didn't dare provoke the beast inside of him. She knew her limit and broke off the kiss before he could deepen it.

After cuddling for some time, the alarm went off on Jason's cellphone. The sound of the alarm reminded Jason about the call from earlier. "Oh, right. You have an appointment at 3 P.M. for body check. Remember to be on time." He turned off the alarm and got out of bed to wash up for work.

"Ehhhh, do I have to go?" In fact, she received a reminder call two days ago, but she didn't tell him about it. She hated the scent of hospitals and pointy needles digging into her skin. Now that he found out about it, she could only hope he would allow her to skip the body examinations.

She slipped her feet into her slippers and followed him into the bathroom where Jason was brushing his teeth. He had already filled her pink cup with water and squeezed toothpaste on her toothbrush for her. Squeezing herself between him and the sink counter, she circled her arms around his waist and lifted her head to meet his gentle gaze.

"I don't want to go, hubby. I already have plans with Kyla, Jess and Celinda."

Jason continued brushing his teeth for a few minutes before rinsing his mouth to respond to his wife's request. "You can't ditch the appointment today. It's been a while since you've gone to the hospital after getting discharged. Plus, you have time before and after the hospital appointment to meet up with them."

Knowing his wife's personality, she wouldn't give up easily. Suddenly, a mischievous smile showed on his face. He trapped her between his arms and leaned forward. "Wifey, you could ditch the appointment today want to prepare yourself to stay in bed for the next three days. We haven't consummated our marriage yet. Well? You won't have to leave the house either." He chuckled.

Blushing from his suggestion, she lightly bumped her fist against his chest. " go to work or you'll be late! It's broad daylight and you want to taint an innocent housewife's mind! I'll go to the appointment after meeting the girls." She turned around, picked up her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth.

Jason wrapped his arms around her body and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "Oh? What's wrong with tainting my wife's mind when she's been having these thoughts to begin with? Plus, whether it is broad daylight or midnight, we could still do it. Or is my wife challenging my stamina?"

At this moment, Selina wondered if her life would be at stake if she provoked the devil on their upcoming first night.