
A few hours later, Selina, Jessica and Celinda stood outside Kyla's condo. After ringing the bell three times and messaging her, Kyla opened the door looking slightly pale.

Kyla smiled, "You're all here!"

Selina's smile turned into a frown when she noticed Kyla's expression. "Are you feeling ill? It took you a while to open the door for us. If you're not feeling well, we can go out another time. Oh, right. What favor did you want us to help you with?"

Jessica and Celinda wanted to ask the same question, so they nodded in agreement. Kyla waved her hand to welcome them into the condo. "I think I'm running down with a cold. Don't worry, I've already taken long naps these days and I feel better. We can go out later. I've been craving for desserts these days. Um, you see, my condo is a little messy right now and I have to redecorate. Haha.." Her voice trailed off after the three girls stepped into the living room.

Jessica pointed to the corner of the hallway where a stack of large garbage bags was blocking the hallway. "You call this a little mess? What happened here? The last time I came over, I remember everything looked neat. You're tossing away all the good stuff? You could donate it or something instead."

Before Kyla could say another word, the girls looked into the garbage bags. Stunned by the items inside the bag, they turned around, looking extremely concerned.

Jessica walked over to Kyla and pulled her over to the couch. "Honey, I know my brother is a great man in front of us. As his wife, you obviously would protect his image well, but some things shouldn't be tolerated. You understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

"Uh, I guess so?" Kyla felt Jessica's palm tightening its grip on her hand.

Taking a deep breath, Celinda and Selina also walked over. Celinda questioned about the broken items inside the bags. "How did all these items end up broken? I mean, if it was just a few items then it seems fine. It kind of looks like your entire house is quite empty right now. Is everything alright between the two of you? Is Isaac home right now?"

Kyla's eyes reddened when she heard her fiancé's name. "No, he is on a business trip. He left after Selina and Jason's party. He had to deal with something last second and booked the earliest flight. He promised to eat dessert with me, but left me alone for work. I got mad when I came home and ended up flicking my poker cards around the house. Before I knew it, everything was broken. I wanted to ask you guys to help me carry the garbage downstairs because it was too heavy for me to lift. Also, I reordered everything, so I need to redecorate my place. The packages are all delivered already. They're downstairs."

The girls didn't know what to say when they heard her confession. Instead of placing the blame on her or asking her why she threw such a huge temper, the girls stretched their limbs and smiled. "Alright! Then let's start with the garbage!" Jessica was the first to drag two bags of garbage out the door.

Kyla smiled and worked with the girls to clear out the garbage. Soon, the condo was cleared out and the girls went downstairs to help carry the delivery packages. Before touching the cardboard boxes, Kyla handed each of them a pair of latex gloves. "The boxes are dirty." Kyla said as she slipped her hand into the gloves.

A minute later, Selina stared at the latex gloves she was wearing with a complicated expression. She shook her head and ignored the tingling irritation on her skin. In half an hour, the girls carried all the boxes to the condo, unboxed and scraped off Kyla's information on the boxes.

Once everything was taken out of the boxes and the cardboards were neatly stacked, Selina quickly pulled the gloves off her hands. She hissed slightly when she realized her skin was covered in hives.

"Selina, what happened to your hands?" Celinda saw her slightly swollen hand and ran to the kitchen to look for some ice.

"I'm not sure. It felt weird when I wore the latex gloves. It's fine. I have a hospital appointment at 3 P.M. for body check. I'll ask the doctor for medication later." Selina felt relieved when the cold compress touched her hands. Quick suspicions rose in Celinda, Kyla and Jessica's mind, but they didn't say it out loud. Instead, they decided to accompany Selina to her appointment to confirm their thoughts.

After putting every item back to its original position, the girls accompanied Selina to her appointment. Although Selina rejected their offer, she couldn't beat three mouths against her own. Their words were enough to drown her in a pond. She didn't think much about where their excitement was coming from. "It's just a hospital. Why are you three looking so excited? Do you want to do the body exams for me?"

"Eh? We are looking forward to dragging you to dessert later. That's why we look so excited. What's there to be excited about at the hospital?" Jessica used the first excuse she could think of in her mind. Of course, they can't tell her what they really came for - at least, not now.

Ten minutes before 3 P.M., a nurse approached the girls and brought Selina to the examination room. Right after Selina disappeared from their sight, Jessica smiled. "You two know it too, huh?"

"Yep. Just waiting the doctors to confirm our thoughts." Celinda and Kyla nodded in unison. The three of them giggled and discussed how they should tease Selina later.

An hour later, Selina walked out of the examination room and carried an ointment cream for allergies in her hands.

Celinda stood up from her seat and walked over to help Selina carry the bag in her hands. "How was it? Did you ask about your hand?"

Selina nodded. "The doctor said I was allergic to the latex material. I still have to wait a few days before my examination results will be out. I should be fine after applying the ointment for a few days."

"Hehehehe. Selina, dear~ Do you know what it means by that?" Jessica snickered, sounding amused.

"Hmm? What does that mean? That I can't wear latex material gloves from now on?" Selina looked back and forth between Kyla and Jessica.

Kyla let out a dry cough, cleared her throat and walked over to her side. She whispered some words into Selina's ears. A few seconds later, Selina's eyes widened.

"No condoms?!" She gasped out loud, making nurses and patients look in her direction.

"Pfffft hahaha." Kyla and Jessica wrapped their arms around Selina. Selina felt her cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Minutes later, the girls walked out of the hospital and continued discussing this topic on their way to the dessert spot they wanted to visit.