
Leaning her back against the bed frame, Selina parted her lips slowly. The shimmering tears in her eyes wavered pitifully on the surface; none daring to fall out. She pursed her lips and obediently drank sips of her favorite vegetable soup from a spoon.

"Heh." Jason let out a small laugh as he fed another spoonful of soup to her lips.

"Hmph!" She hmphed hearing the contentment in his voice. Though it was her fault for provoking him, she couldn't believe he actually took a few days off work just to fulfill her provocation! Other than bathing, she had spent most of her time in his arms.

"You're the one who challenged my stamina." He reminded her how everything started. If she didn't seduce him with such intimating words, he wouldn't have gone out of control. Besides, he only followed her words and performed according to her desires for the past day.

"Uh huh. You can say whatever you want! You beast!" She slurped another spoonful of soup, replenishing her drained energy.

"Nuh uh ah. Wife, I only listened to your desires. I told you I would only do it once and I did it one time." Scooping the top layer of soup from the bowl, he gently blew on it before feeding it to her.

After drinking it, Selina refuted. "Then who was the one who exercised until I couldn't walk anymore?"

"Oh? But wifey, I stopped at round one. It was you who wouldn't let me go. You're the one who wanted the second, third, fourth...mmphh..." His mouth was covered by her warm palms, muffling his voice. Smiling, he kissed the soft skin touching his lips.

He placed the bowl on the table next to him and placed his hand on hers. Bending forward, he brushed her fringe away from her face and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Silly, what's there to be shy about? We're husband and wife. I'll stop teasing you, mm? Be good and drink the soup."

In the middle of drinking her soup, Selina remembered something very important. "Ah! I have to attend the meeting in a few days to greet the other shareholders. I need to see the company's progress and fix up the issues. Ahhhh, how could I forget all about that? Oh! And the company name! I still need to change it!"

"Don't worry about it and eat first. That meeting is rather simple. You just have to show up and speak a few words to them. They'll introduce their names and positions. With your capabilities, I believe everyone will be persuaded easily. Name changing could be done later too. Since you've already mentioned the new company name, we are just waiting for more paperwork to process after you sign it." He gave solutions to her concerns.

"Mm...Well then, I will rest for the next few days and get ready for the meeting!" Selina hummed a cheerful tune after getting everything off her mind.

In a blink of an eye, a few days had passed. Selina stepped out of Jason's car and blew him an air kiss before entering Sin Corps. Loud tapping sounds followed behind her as she made her way to the conference room. Ten minutes before the meeting, Selina walked into the assigned room and kindly asked the secretary to make twelve cups of coffee with specific instructions for each cup.

Minutes passed and shareholders began entering the room one after another until only one seat was left. Staring at the last empty seat, Selina crossed her legs with a faint smile on her face. She knew who this seat belonged to and that person was always guiding her in the past. Hence, she wasn't worried that he would be late to this meeting.

She followed the moving hand on her watch, waiting eagerly to see this senior again. Two seconds before the meeting started, the door to the conference room pushed open. The hopeful smile that stretched on her face was replaced by disappointment as she spotted the secretary coming in with a tray of coffee cups. Following the given instructions, the secretary distributed the coffee in the exact order of Selina's requests.

When the shareholders walked in, their faces were filled with disapproval and judgmental stares. To persuade them, Selina put up a straight face - neither kind nor malicious. She maintained her composure and continued waiting until the secretary completed the task.

"Since everyone but Mister Antonio Liam is present, I would like to ask you all to relax in your seats. Today is my first day as the CEO of Sin Corps. As many of you have already known or heard of my name, I've been working under the previous CEO, Peter Sin as his personal assistant. I believe my capabilities would be able to convince most of you about me taking over the CEO position."

"If all of you are here to expect polite or sweet words from me, then I am sorry to disappoint you. I am standing here, not to ask you about your opinions of me being the CEO. I am here to tell you the plans I have to bring our company back on the market and compete with others! I am here to revive the hard work that all of us. This includes every staff member working in this corporation who has contributed to bringing the company this far in the business field. Of course, I also believe that we have the potential in leading this company again!"

"To show you my sincerity, please take a moment and drink the cup of coffee in front of you." She smiled, extending her arm to urge the shareholders on.

The shareholders looked confused by her sudden request. Nodding, each of them raised their coffee cups to their mouth and tasted it. Their eyes widened and wandered back to Selina's direction.

Being greeted by her confident smile, a satisfied curve raised on their lips. Out of respect, the shareholders started clapping and welcoming her. After attending countless meetings in Sin Corps, shareholders knew very well that only some meetings would serve good quality coffee. Not only was the coffee freshly brewed, it was also specifically according to their liking. However, they knew Peter would not have such patience and observational skills. Just now, the cup of coffee expressed everything they needed to know - it was Selina who remembered their preferences.

As the meeting proceeded, Selina explained the plans she had already prepared for the upcoming quarter. Carefully listening to her words, the shareholders discovered how talented she was. In thirty minutes, eleven shareholders walked out of the conference room with a bright smile on their faces. They were extremely satisfied with what Selina has presented during the short meeting.

After everyone left the room, Selina's gaze fell onto the untouched coffee on the table. "Weird. Why didn't he attend today's meeting?" She wondered to herself.