Go pursue her

Antonio stepped of the shower when Master Liam called him. Picking up a clean towel, he rubbed his wet hair and placed the call on speaker. "Hello? Dad?"

"Son. Are you still interested in Selina? no. Even if you are uninterested, you must find a way to pursue her and make her fall for you." Master Liam sounded oddly cheerful from the other end of the call.

"Why?" The gap between Antonio's brow knotted and he paused his hand from wiping his hair.

"Listen to dad. Dad was wrong. I should have agreed to you pursuing the one you like. Selina is supposed to be your woman. She is supposed to be your fiancee. It should be you standing next to her right now and not that Jason Hui." Master Liam chuckled as he presented the good news to Antonio.

In his mind, Antonio would be extremely happy to find out about Selina's identity. However, his reaction was the opposite of what Master Liam had in mind.

"...Dad. What are you planning? No, what are you even saying? What fiancee? You don't mean she is...the Clover family's daughter? The fiancee you've been telling me since I was young...Don't tell me she is Selina?!" Antonio clenched the damp towel in his hand when the possibility struck him like lightning.

"Yes! She is the Clover family's princess. She was meant to be with you. You two are fated to be together. It doesn't matter if she is already married to that Jason Hui. They can divorce and you two can still be together. By all means, you must get together with her! Father feels so sorry to have stopped you long ago from chasing her." Master Liam thought sweetening his words would make his son comply with his request.

Unfortunately, Antonio rejected his suggestion. "Dad, forget it. If this was when she jumped off the bridge and I found her, then it might still be possible for her to fall in love with me. But now? They are very happy as a couple and I don't want to ruin her happiness. Even if she was meant to be my fiancee.. even though she was supposed to be my wife instead..."

Regretting greatly for his vulnerable mistakes in the past, Antonio felt his heartache as he reminisced the good times with Selina. From working alongside as partners to loving this girl, he never had the courage to tell her his feelings. He only listened to his father. Now, it is truly missed already. He missed his best timing to pursue her. Everything is too late.

"What are you talking about? Have some guts, will you? You're a man, so act like one! If she is someone's wife, then make her into your woman! You have so many ways to make her yours. She is married, but she isn't pregnant yet. As long as you are the first to get her pregnant, then she cannot do anything but break her marriage to be with you!"

Master Liam picked up a Q-tip stick and started twisting it inside his ear hole. As he cleaned his ear, he continued listing countless ways and low tricks to make Selina give up her husband. At the same time, Antonio only grew more and more furious at his father's words.

"Dad! What is the point of making her marry me because of a baby? I want her to love me as I love her. It is useless if it is not a mutual thing. You only think about your own plans! Have you ever considered my happiness and future? Have you ever thought that this is all your wants and not my desires?" Antonio finally exploded his inner thoughts to his father.

"Are you stupid? When you sleep with her, she will get more and more emotionally attached to you. She will eventually fall in love with you after carrying your baby and giving birth to the baby. Knowing her, she is too weak to even get an abortion. It is best if you follow this way or else you won't ever get the woman you love." Master Liam scoffed as he taught Antonio more methods.

In the middle of his blabbing, Antonio opened his wine cabinet and started popping bottles of alcohol. The more words his father said, the more upset he became. Hence, he began drinking one bottle after another.

By the end of the conversation, Antonio was nearly drunk. Still, he refused to stay in his room. All the memories in this room were negative ones that drained him mentally. He muttered random words as he made his way to his car. "You guys lied to me. You liars. If you didn't...hiccup...I would have ... hiccup with...Selina... All your fault...Lia!"

At this time of the night, there was barely anyone on the road, which made it much easier for Antonio to drive to Lia's place. Of all the places he could have gone to, he decided to make it clear to her. Somewhere inside of him, he felt a furious flame heating up and spreading when he thought of the possibility of Selina becoming his wife.

Many imaginary thoughts appeared in his mind, including his wedding and happiness with Selina by his side. However, to him, everything was shattered because Lia lied to him. His vehicle raced down the highway, following the direction towards Lia's apartment.

Bang Bang!

"Who is it?" Lia peeked through the door hole and recognized Antonio's drunken manner. She quickly rushed to her bed and tossed the bloody bandages she just replaced into a plastic bag. With his loud bangs from outside, she panicked and kicked the bag under her bed.

"Lia! I know you are inside your apartment! Open up! You have to give me an explanation today!!!" Antonio continuously slammed his fist against her door.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly went to open the door and let him inside.