Who is at the gathering?

As the reunion continued, everyone started sharing short hilarious stories about themselves to make the elderly laugh. At first, when they first entered the reserved room, they checked all corners thoroughly for possible spy devices. Once the signs were clear, they untied the curtains to block outsiders from seeing their gathering.

However, as they started focusing more on the food and conversation, nobody noticed one of the waiters sneaking toward the window. While everyone was distracted by the served dishes, the man pulled the curtains slightly apart - just enough for the group of people opposite of the restaurant to observe from afar.

Since there were many dishes and specials tonight, even the manager failed to realize one of the staff looked rather unfamiliar. Once he completed his task, the disguised staff found his chance to blend back into the group of waiters as if nothing has happened.

Across the street, a group of mixed men and women were present with binoculars in their hands. Lia, the leader of the mission, questioned their presence while maintaining a straight posture. "You know, all of you are wasting time here. I can observe them by myself and report back to Master Liam." Lia spoke to the two pairs of men and women behind her.

"It is Master's orders. Sister Lia, we are only performing our tasks. Please understand our difficulties as well. Plus, your wound..." The woman behind Lia gently patted Lia's right shoulder, causing a hiss to escape from Lia's mouth.

"I know. Master doesn't trust me because I accidentally leaked our mission to Antonio last time. You guys are here to make sure I am telling the truth." Lia chewed her lip as she continued spying on the small gathering in the reserved room.

"Sister Lia, we all know what you've been doing. We are loyal to you. So please, next time, don't risk your life again. You know how violent Master Liam gets when he is angry. This time, there were spikes on the chains that chained your wrist and ankles. He whipped your back twice and you could barely stand. Now, you can't even bend." One of the men took a step forward when he reminded Lia that she was not alone.

"No. It is because I treat you guys like my own people that I will not allow you guys to do any of this. This is my personal business and I won't let you get hurt because of me." Lia faintly smiled. Shortly after she responded to them, she received a call from Master Liam.

Right before she accepted the call, the same man who had just spoken gave her a friendly reminder. "There is another team tracking us tonight. You can't lie to him anymore. You must tell him the truth."

"Understood." Lia picked up the call immediately.

"Master Liam." Lia greeted the middle-aged man, who was slouching on his couch while being fed grapes by two females.

"How was the first day of work? Did Selina suspect your identity? Also, are there any updates on that old Zhou Lun's whereabout? I told you to follow Selina wherever she went, didn't I?" Master Liam sucked a piece of grape into his mouth and spat out a few seeds into the air. The loud chewing sounds nearly made Lia's ears hurt.

"Work was fine. Selina was very friendly to me and didn't suspect me at all. I am following her right now. Her husband, Jason brought her to dinner at this restaurant that seemed to be entirely booked tonight. As for Zhou Lun, he is dining with her." Lia didn't intentionally list out the number of people at the gathering neither did she plan on exposing everyone at the gathering to him unless he asked.

Crossing her fingers, she secretly hoped he wouldn't ask her for specific names. Unfortunately, that was exactly what Master Liam had asked. The unbearably noisy chewing sounds echoed as he spoke to Lia's ears. "So, who is at the dinner tonight? I suppose it isn't going to just be that couple and Zhou Lun, correct?"

She held a deep breath and replied. "It seems like the entire Clover family, Hui family, Selina's non-blood-related brother, and Jason Hui's assistant are all present. They seem to be quite happy right now."

"Good. Continue observing. Take pictures when you get the chance. Hold on....Did you say the Clover family? They are normally low-key and would never attend social events because they dislike entertaining people. Unless..." As if something electrified his brain for a second, everything seemed to connect and make more sense.

"I think I found the Clover family's precious prince and princess. how could a stranger sit at the same table as them unless they are related? Obviously, the Hui family is by themselves. That's right. This makes more sense than before. I got it. I will hang up now. If there are any changes, inform me immediately." Master Liam pressed the end button before Lia could respond to him.

A bad omen suddenly arose in Lia's chest. 'Why does it feel so uncomfortable? Is something bad about to happen?' She felt her chest tighten, however her eyes never left the reserved room.

- Master Liam's room -

After hanging up the call, he waved his hand. Comprehending his orders, the two females left the room swiftly. Once he was entirely alone, Master Liam started circling his couch. A disgusting smirk appeared on his face followed by a deafening laugh. The walls of his room bounced his voice back into his ears as this continued for three minutes.

"Great! Very good! All along, my great son fell for the Clover's little princess. It is fate! Not late! Not late at all! I should have let him pursued her back then if I knew her identity. Now, I can only use such methods..." Master Liam picked up his cellphone and dialed Antonio's number.

After a few rings, Antonio answered, "Hello?"