One out of Twenty

"Why do you still have this? And why is it in a damn frame?!! You framed it up???" Kyla tossed the empty boxes aside and held the framed 1/20 test score she received many years ago in her hands. She pointed at the many red "x" marks and tilted her brow.

"Hahaha, it is your wedding. To congratulate you on moving to a new step in your life, I framed a piece of your past memory. This will remind you of the old times." Zach rubbed the tip of his nose while Yi Wei giggled in his arms.

Yi Wei nearly shed tears at Kyla's reaction. "Kyla, I suggested to frame it up. He was going to give you the piece of paper by itself. I told him to pretty it up and so I ordered that frame. Don't you like it though? You can show it to your future kids and teach them many lessons."

"Oh, you should take a look at the back of the beautiful frame too! There is another surprise waiting for you." Yi Wei snapped her fingers when she hinted to Kyla to flip the frame around.

"...You....You didn't..." Kyla stared blankly at the keyhole on the back of the frame. This was a customized photo frame where only a one-of-a-kind key was uniquely paired with the frame. Therefore, in order for Kyla to unlock the frame, she would need to get the key for it.

"I did. Hahahaha~ And guess what? I plan to give you the keys when your baby turns 5! This way, they can open the frame for their mommy and hear from this aunty their mommy's past. Ehehehehe. See? I prepared your gift so well! Aren't you happy?" Yi Wei wiggled the mini key in her hand.

Kyla smirked, "Extremely happy. So happy I can strangle you right before my wedding! Would you like to come here and give this bride a tight tight tight tight HUG?" She moved a few steps forward only to find herself bound by Celinda.

"Calm! Hahahaha! Don't forget your babies. You can't strangle her without hurting your babies!" Celinda held Kyla's arms while chuckling at Yi Wei's provocation laughter.

"You...You!!!" Kyla pouted while waving the frame in her hand.

"Pffft. Hahahahaaa!" Everyone in the room broke out in great laughter, making it difficult to be angry.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's face, Kyla started laughing as well. "Indeed. This gift is quite unique. So, when it comes to your wedding, I can also send you pieces of memories from our past too! Hehehe! I look forward to it~" She teased the couple continually until Selina and Jessica walked into the room.

"Oh my god! You were here all this time?! Why didn't you reply to my messages?! And our calls?" Selina crossed her arms when she found Yi Wei in the room.

"Oh. Sorry, I must have left it in the car or something. I don't have my phone with me. But I am here now, aren't I? Sorry for making you guys worried about me! Oh, let me introduce you guys to my boyfriend. This is my boyfriend, Zach. He already knows everyone's faces and your names." Yi Wei dragged Zach off the couch when she introduced him to them.

"So that's why you were on idle most of the time!!!" Jessica knew something was up with Yi Wei when she replied once every several hours. Looking for her seemed harder than scavenger hunting for gold in the ocean.

After everyone exchanged greetings with one another, Selina reminded the brides to get ready to walk down the aisle because the ceremony was starting. Every guest has already settled down at their assigned tables.

Under the witness of the minister, family members, friends, and guests, Celinda and Kyla walked down a floral-filled path to their partners. Their smiles shone brightly, overflowing with blissfulness. As the flower girls tossed petals and flowers to the side, the brides reached the end of the path where their groom awaited them.

When everyone said their speeches to one another, the minister pronounced the two pairs of newlywed couples husband and wife. Before the minister could announce the kissing part of the ceremony, both grooms already held their brides in their embrace and planted a long-lasting kiss on their wife's lips.

"Wooooooooo!!! Hahahaha!!!! Yessssss!!!!" Selina and Jessica stood up from the front row and waved their arms in the air. Meanwhile, other guests began whistling and shouting congratulatory words to the couples.

The ceremony remained rather short. After exchanging wedding rings and kisses, the couples cut their own wedding cakes and toasted everyone who was present. Of course, only the grooms were allowed to toast champagne and wine. The brides were limited to water and juice.

After slicing the cakes into smaller pieces and serving them to guests, everyone began dining in. During this entire time, the brides were forced to sit still as the grooms made several rounds to different tables to entertain guests.

"Phew. Finally, I can eat." Kyla rubbed her tummy as she looked at the various portions of food on her plate. "Ahh, your daddy knows your favorites. Shall we dine in? This meal looks so delicious!! Finally after months of vomiting, I-"

"Blergh-" Kyla and Celinda looked over at where the vomiting sound came from.

As Selina soothed Jessica's back, Jessica was holding her mouth with her hand. "Jess, are you alright? Do you want something sour? Water? Let's go to the restroom. Someone go get Alfred!" Deep inside Selina, Celinda, and Kyla's hearts, their suspicions only grew, especially when Jessica vomited from her favorite dishes.

"Celinda, does this scene look familiar?" Kyla whispered.

Nodding, Celinda whispered back. "Yep. Did you have the same thoughts as me?"


Both of them nodded in unison, only to find Selina nodding as well while pointing at Jessica. mouthing at one another, they said, "she's pregnant."

While everyone was busily chatting with each other, both brides and Selina accompanied Jessica to the restroom. At the moment, all of them had forgotten to inform Alfred about Jessica. Their entire focus was on Jessica's flat tummy.