Who Are You?

As the evening set in, nothing seemed to be amiss, leaving the two individuals on the tree branch bored.

"Ahhh! I am so bored!!!!" Number 2 stretched her arms above her head and plucked a few leaves to play with between her fingers.

"Number 2, you're being too loud. It's nearly midnight and everyone else living around this area could easily be awakened by the slightest noise. Do you want to be discovered and fail our mission? Don't forget, our mission is to protect fish from getting harmed by other groups of people." Number 1 reminded her about their task.

To him, Number 2 was a reckless chatterbox, who shockingly is one of the best martial arts fighters in their team. She could be described as a laughing clown in the midst of a dark dungeon. However, the laughs she emits were just distractions to make enemies lower their guards.

"I know. But I really cant take this quiet neighborhood anymore! I'm so close to blasting fireworks in the air just to hear some screams! There is-" A cool breeze brushed against one of the leaves she pinched between her fingers. The sudden pause hooked Number 1's attention. After seconds of quietness, he decided to open his mouth and ask her why she had stopped speaking.

Before he could mutter a word, his mouth was covered by a rough palm. Number 1 quickly caught on with her actions and followed her line of sight towards a hidden van nearby. The van had just arrived, but nobody stepped out of it.

Number 2 grinned as she swayed the pointed end of the leaf in front of her face. She whispered, "They have guns."

"How did you.." Number 1 raised his brows in shock when she mentioned the weapons the enemies had.

"Gun powder scent and..I heard it." She tapped her ear lobe with the edge of the leaf she held in her hands.

"Remember. Boss said to keep it low key." Number 1 took out his knuckle brass with sharp fountain pen tips sticking out.

"Let's go." Number 2 reached into her pocket and pulled out her black owl mask. After securing the mask in place, she signaled number 1 to move to the position they both agreed upon earlier.

Once he was set in his place, he sent her a nod and observed the van from a close range. As he observed his surrounding, he found the window to the driver's seat rolled down halfway. Counting the heads in the van, he raised three fingers towards Number 2, indicating the number of people they had to fight.

'Seems like there will be quite a bit of sparks like she jinxed.' Number 1 sighed internally as he followed Number 2's signal. He covered his face with a wolf mask and secured it in place before proceeding with their original plan.

In a matter of minutes, Number 2 made her way to the van without startling anyone inside the dark colored van. She hooked her finger, pointing towards the direction where Number 1 could ambush the enemies from. Swiftly, she dashed to the driver's side after noticing the empty spot on the passenger seat in the front.

When she appeared next to the rolled down window, the driver in front grunted in dismay as if his patience had reached its limit. "Are you shrimps done yet? We need to bring that Selina woman to Master Liam! Hurry the heck-"

"Sorry, but none of you will be able to make it back." Number 2 scoffed, grabbing a hold of the man's wrist and twisted it at an odd angle. A clear crisp crack could be heard followed by the man's shriek. Due to the sudden attack, the man left his mouth agape.

"Shhhh, people are sleeping." Number 2 smiled behind her mask and stuffed a pair of dirty socks that were dangling on the steering wheel into his mouth. She gagged him in seconds and disassembled the gun in his hand smoothly. Her movements were quick and accurate.

Once she was done dealing with the man in her hands, she turned her attention to the back of the vehicle. "Pffft." She covered her mouth and nearly applauded on the spot. "Never knew you would be this quick. Number 1."

In the backseat, two men were knocked out with their limbs tangled around one another. Their joints were dislocated to the point one could feel their pain from just a look at them. Number 1 tossed the weapons at Number 2. Right on the spot, she took out all bullets from the guns and shoved them in her bag.

After a quick inspection, she smiled. "This is a stolen bag of goods. Nice. Time to move some salted sharks to our prepared van and have our men get rid of this van." When she looked up, she found Number 1 already instructing their teammates to come clean up their mess. She sighed, "beating me to it again."

Once everything was set, Number 1 stood next to her silently while waiting for their teammates to arrive. Number 2 stole a glance at him and made a victory fist pose to his face. "Wooo!!! We've completed boss's mission! Let's see! We need a cool name for our duo! Let's call it..."

Number 1 pressed his thumb in circular motion against his furrowed brows. "Here we go...."

"I got it! Let's call it the Super Mahjong Boss Kiss Assing Duo 2.0!" She spoke with such enthusiasm that she forgot to blink.

"Again..." Number 1 mumbled, looking away from her as if he had no relations to her.

"You don't like this name? Then what about The Sushi Feet Scrubbing Kiss Assing Boss Duo?" She poked the edge of his lips attempting to make him smile.

"I don't know you." Number 1 covered his face while dialing their boss's number.

Within the first ring, the other party picked up the call. "Number 1." Lia spoke at a low volume as if she was afraid she would wake someone up.

"Boss. We've ambushed the sharks. Should we stay here or follow the team and leave to our base?" He questioned while Number 2 pouted and mouthed different group names to him. His palm was keeping her at a certain distance away from him. As he spoke on the phone, Number 2 was flapping her arms sideways like a penguin's attempt to fly.

"For now, just retreat with the team. I'll give you instructions later. Bring those sharks and lock all of them up in the cell. Don't forget to take all devices and potential weapons, including needles up their sleeves. Remove their socks and burn them as well. There is a tracker in them. Don't bring their socks back to the base." Lia reminded them.

"Boss...Another thing...Uh Number 2 keeps wanting to name our group...You see..Don't you think.." Number 1 felt awkward to bring this topic up. He didn't want to sound like he was complaining.

"What about it? I think the Spicy Chicken Feet Mala Soup Duo sounds pretty nice. You two make a great duo." Lia grinned when she heard his complaining tone.

"I-" Before Number 1 could refute her statement, Number 2 spoke into the phone.

"Boss! What about the Clown Cuckadoodle Doo Duo? You told us not to alarm the rest of the people in this neighborhood. We didn't wake anyone up like the roosters do." She asked Lia sweetly as if she had chugged a jar of honey.

"Sure." Lia chuckled on the other end of the call before hanging up the call.

"I like neither." Number 1 banned Number 2's ideas.

"What's wrong? Did you get dumped by your girlfriend? You seem kind of upset! Do you need sister, me to comfort you? Hmmm?" Number 2 smiled at him provocatively as if she had won a prize.

"You are the one who got dumped! You're the single one! You're the Cuckadoodle Doo!" Number 1 couldn't believe he was partnered with her. Of all people, he couldn't believe he lost his cool in front of her!

"Well, too bad. You're stuck with me. Come on, our team is here. Time to get back to work!" Number 2 smiled at him, crossing her arms on her back and stretched her neck as she made her way to the team members who just arrived.

Meanwhile, at a luxurious president suite of a certain hotel, Grandpa Lun let out a dry cough. His eyes were blindfolded. With his hands tied behind the chair, he asked, "Who are you?"

Lia turned around after ending her call. Earlier, she sensed the difference in Grandpa Lun's breathing. Hence, she knew he had awakened. She looked at the familiar looking elderly and sat across from him. "You don't need to know. You just have to stay here for a while."