
"I'm really fine. I can continue working for the day." Lia responded to Selina after she was told to go home earlier.

"It's alright! There's nothing much for you to do here anyway. My meetings are all cleared. The contracts can be reviewed by me. I can contact those departments that need to redo their reports. Besides, I'm only asking you to get off a little earlier than usual. It's not like it is an everyday kind of thing."

Selina walked her out of the office and watched Lia gather her belongings.

"That is because you cleared out your schedule and we missed a few meetings. Everything was either postponed or shifted to being your responsibility." Lia felt helpless against Selina's eagerness in having her get off work early.

"Normal employees would be cheering and dancing out the window if their boss tells them they can leave early. There are many things you can do besides work. Think about it. You have a lifetime to do work, work and more work! When you were a student, you worked on assignments, deadlines and studying. After graduating, you are working again! So, take as many breaks when you can."

Selina nodded as if her explanation made perfect sense. However, in Lia's perspective, Selina was finding any reason to make her rest at home. Although it felt warm to have someone treat her nicely; Lia wasn't quite used to the sudden change.

"I guess you can put it that way...But if you let other employees hear your words, then you will get yourself in deep trouble. You'll have to explain to them why they can't get off work early.." Lia said, purposely hinting to her to not casually speak in the office even though she is the boss.

"Well, this is only for today between you and me. Come on, let me walk you to the elevator."

Selina walked Lia to the elevators and waited until the elevator doors closed before heading back to her office. She checked the time on her phone and realized that work ends in less than two hours.

After standing still for a few minutes, she felt as if time was going by too slow. When her eyes landed on the messily scattered files across her desk and different colored highlighters by her keyboard, she frowned. Suddenly, a smile rose on her lips.

"If I can give Lia a break, then I can also give myself a break for the day! Work more tomorrow, and enjoy the rest of today to myself. Hehe. Let's see...Jason is getting off in an hour or so....I can nap on the couch!" She hummed a cheerful tune and strode to one of her cabinets where she stored clean blankets and pillows.

After taking out what she needed, she headed towards the couch and soon, fell into deep slumber.

Meanwhile, after Lia exited the company, she walked to the nearest grocery store with a parking lot. Recognizing the familiar vehicle model and license plate, she entered on of the cars occupying a parking spot.

"Boss wants to see me?" Lia asked the man in the drivers seat whose head was covered by a black beanie and neck was wrapped with a navy blue scarf.

"Mm." He bobbed his head and let out a deep hum before driving the car out of the parking lot. Within half an hour, Lia was sent to the main headquarters. She stared at the seemingly large building, but shook her head in dismay as she entered it.

After visiting this place for the nth time, she still felt creeped out by the musty scent and bloodily stained walls. Soon, she arrived at the main room where Master Liam usually speaks to his underlings about their missions.

"You've arrived. It's been a while after you've snuck into Selina's company. How is your relationship with her?" Master Liam swirled the glass of wine between his fingers.

"Not bad. Our relationship has gotten closer due to work interactions. She complimented my capabilities in being her personal secretary." Lia reported to him, purposely leaving out certain details. She knew Master Liam only liked to hear good progress. Therefore, she only told him the minimal details necessary in order to save herself from receiving punishment.

"Good. I didn't put you in the company for nothing. Now is the chance to proceed with my next plan. See the purple jewelry box on the table? Open it." He laid his arm on the back of the couch after gesturing for Lia to open the mysterious box on the table.

Lia cautiously took the box and opened it. "This..is..?"

"This is a newly formulated pill. Put it in Selina's drink. This is extremely expensive, so there is only one and you also only have one chance to get this right. That is your next mission. I will have someone else monitor your actions as this is a very important mission. Understand?" His voice deepened when he addressed the importance of this task.

"Understood. If there is nothing else, I will excuse myself." Lia waited for a minute before turning away.

"Wait." She instantly halted her steps after hearing his voice.

"Just to make things more fair, I think you should live here until you carry out the task. I wouldn't want something to accidentally happen to the pill and blame you since I am a very fair person. When it is time for you to make a move, I will have my people go to work with you. Before that, just ask for some days off and enjoy your break." Master Liam chuckled, snapping his fingers and pointed towards Lia.

In a matter of seconds, two shadow guards were standing on either side of her body. "Miss, please." One of them whispered and showed her the way to her assigned room.

"Okay." Lia agreed and followed them obediently.