Forced To A Corner

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Selina groaned in her sleep, shifting her head deeper into the pillow.

A low chuckle escaped Jason's mouth as he bent down next to the couch and brushed Selina's fringe aside. Perhaps the tips of her fringe tickled against her eyelids, she raised her hand to her eye area and rubbed it.

"If you don't wake up, we'll miss our reservation for dinner." He whispered softly, afraid he would startle her awake. Recently, she's been sleeping longer than usual. He also realized that she would have sudden mood swings from the littlest things.

"Mm... Dinner..." Selina's ears twitched when she processed her husband's words. The reservation tonight was booked months ago. If she missed it, she will have to wait all over again. Therefore, she forced herself to wake up from her nap.

Yawning, Selina rubbed her eyes and sat up on the couch. In her half-awakened state, she looked around her office as if she was trying to confirm her location. "Oh.....Right, this isn't home. I took a nap in my office." She mumbled, realizing Jason was holding his laugh.

"What's so funny?" She arched her brow and leaned against the back of the couch. Obviously, she was not amused by her husband's expression.

"Ahem. Sorry, wifey. You looked too cute just now. You fell asleep and forgot where you were. Forget about work and relax. Let's go. Dinner is waiting for you. Rest earlier tonight since you feel tired." Jason stroked her slightly disheveled hair and fixed it for her.

"Mmm. I want lobster!" Selina raised her arms and stretched her waist. After making sure she had all her belongings and organized her desk, she held Jason's hand and leaned onto his arm.

"Time to go eat! Hubby, treat me to dinner." She acted coquettishly.

"Yes, yes. I'll treat you to as many lobsters and kinds of seafood you want. Since you haven't had much appetite lately, it's hard to find something you would eat. Eat more tonight." Jason wrapped his arm around her petite figure. He couldn't help but frown when he felt her recent weight loss.

As soon as the couple settled in Jason's vehicle, Selina's phone rang. Seeing the caller ID made Selina's eyes curve up. "Hello? Lia?"

Jason glanced at her reaction with a hint of curiosity. It was rare to hear her speaking so softly and caring to someone who isn't her family. While Selina continued talking to Lia over the phone, Jason started driving to the restaurant.

"What? You want to take two weeks off? Eh? Can you give me a reason? I'll approve it as long as it is reasonable." Selina subconsciously tightened her fist as if she was afraid of Lia getting an abortion. Although it was still Lia's choice, Selina couldn't help but interfere.

Lia replied in an unhurried tone. "Nothing much. I just want a rest after working consecutive weeks. I went to the doctor and they suggest I take some rest for the time being. Therefore, I want to request two weeks off work. I will come back afterward."

As she replied to Selina, she eyed the two shadow guards behind her. Each of them held a knife in their hands as if one wrong word will lead to her death. She cleverly avoided mentioning her pregnancy throughout this phone call.

When she first walked into the tidy guest room, the two guards took her belongings and went through them. Since Lia was Selina's personal secretary, she had a habit of marking down upcoming meetings and events. With the information in her hands, the guards quickly reported to Master Liam about Selina's upcoming schedule.

In the end, Master Liam voiced his command. He decided to have Lia make a move in two weeks because Selina will be meeting her girls at her office in two weeks. In Master Liam's opinion, that gathering between Selina and her friends will be the best timing for Lia to drug her.

Hence, under the pressuring watch of the two guards, she dialed Selina's number and asked to take leave for two weeks. Upon hearing Selina's hesitant tone, Lia couldn't help but smile and feel warmth in her heart. Before their call ended, Selina lightly hinted for her to take better care of herself.

After the call ended, Lia sighed and turned around to face the guards behind her. She rotated the hand that held her phone a few times, successfully capturing the attention of the guards. "I did what I was told to do. If there isn't anything else, please leave. There are no windows here, only this door. I won't be able to go anywhere."

She gestured at the door before yawning lazily and took a seat on the couch. Her acting skills convinced the guards to leave the room. The moment she was left alone in the small space, she cursed nervously. Holding her forehead with her wrists, her hair fell on either side of her face.

'Think...Think...What can I do now? I can't leave and I can't tell anyone anything using my devices. They're tracking me everywhere I go...Unless...' Lia's eyelids trembled.

Back in Jason's car, Selina hummed lightly after the call ended.

"You seem in a good mood. Did something good happen?" He has long noticed how she spoke in a gentler voice than usual when she was on the phone earlier. Since it was a red light, he used the opportunity to ask about the source of her happiness.

"Mm? Nothing. My secretary is taking off work for the next two weeks. I feel like I should take a vacation too." Since she promised to not disclose Lia's pregnancy news to anyone, she didn't tell Jason about it either.