Time Will Tell

"Mom, is there a chance that our babies didn't inherit the birthmarks?" Selina grabbed Rosanna's hands tightly as if her life depended on it. 

Rosanna studied her expression before letting out a soft sigh and shook her head. "No, my dear. The birthmarks are not showing right now because they are still young. I am not sure who has the clover birthmark yet. We can only wait and see as they grow. Usually, there are signs on who is weaker as they grow older."

"Then...the one who is more prone to illness is likely the one who has the clover birthmark?" Selina loosened her strength on her mother's hand. This answer was one of the expected ones she had in mind, but she really hoped for even the slimmest chance that a miracle could happen.

"Selina, listen to me. Don't think the worst yet. You just gave birth to them. No matter what happens, you'll always have us to support you. You're not alone. You'll spend your time with them and watch them grow up healthily. Although I don't have a cure for my grandchild's pain, the medicine formula will reduce the pain tremendously." Rosanna attempted to comfort her. 

As a mother, how could she not worry for her children's future? They are so small and should enjoy life like any children should. However, one of them had to go through such a rough path at a young age. While the other child has to be trained to become the next successor. 

Even though the successor position responsibility could be pushed back, Selina was not at all happy that her daughters have no choice. Their lives were somehow determined before they were even born to this world. It was unfair. It was cruel, but she can only do her best to give her children the best in the future. 

As for the Clover family, their enemies would have to destroy her first before they could lay a finger on her children. With her brothers, parents and husband around, she would love to see if any of these enemies dared to target her children.

"So then, we have to wait until they turn five, right? You said every five years she will suffer pain through her meridians. Then, she will have at least five years to be carefree and happy before the torment begins?" Tears flushed her eyes, tainting it crimson, but none fell out. 

"Yes, but this also depends on her foundation. There's a chance that her health will deteriorate slowly starting at the age of four or even three years old. So, we have to monitor Ivy and Chloe to see whose health is weaker." While she comforted Selina, her heart ached for her grandchildren. 

For someone who'd gone through this before, she knew how difficult it was. However, compared to her experience, her grandchildren at least had them to care for them. In the past, she was seen as a child who shouldn't have been born because to them, her foundation was equal to useless. 

Therefore, when she managed to gain power in her hands and suppressed everyone else in the Clover Family, the elders were shocked. They never thought she would meet her husband who happened to be the miracle person to save her life. 

"Only time will tell." Rosanna sighed. 

Not long after, Celinda also gave birth to a healthy baby boy. 

During the long months of confinement, everyone was busy with their babies. Gradually, months passed. After much planning, everyone found a day to gather together to celebrate their babies all at once. 

Celinda and Bryan were the first to arrive with their son, Leon. When they got out of their car, Leon excited waved for Celinda's attention. While she held Leon, Bryan took all the gifts out from their trunk. 

Then, Jessica and Alfred showed up with their son, Lucas. When the two couple saw each other, they introduced the two boys to each other. Their chubby little arms raised in the air as if they were greeting each other. 

Finally, Kyla and Isaac were the last to arrive. Kyla held her son, Skyler while Isaac held his little princess, Scarlet. Seeing the twins rubbing their eyes and yawning made everyone release a soft "awww".

"What are you guys doing outside? Ahhhh, I've seen enough pictures. I can finally hug all your babies!!!" Selina knew it wasn't her ears playing tricks on her when she heard chatters outside the door. At that time, she was busy changing Ivy and Chloe's diapers. Right after she was done, she left the twins with Jason and ran out to greet them. 

"You're one to say that! Your twin girls are so adorable, you make me want to have another baby!" Celinda rubbed her nose against Leon's tiny nose when she said that. Leon giggled and hid his face in her neck as if he was shy. He sneakily peeked a glance at all the aunties and uncles around him with full curiosity.

"Haha, if you want another baby, you can do that any time you'd like. Big bro, you hear that right? Better work hard!" Selina teasingly gave the couple an arm wrestling cheer. 

"Hahaha, one is enough. One is already a handful. I can't take care of two. If we have another boy, I think all the vinegar jars will be chugged by someone. Pffft." Celinda gave Bryan a side glance when she said these words. It was a provocative stare. 

"Alright, where should we leave these gifts? It's getting quite heavy carrying them." Though there is plenty of space in the villa, Alfred didn't want to leave the gifts everywhere. At the same time, he didn't want Jessica to carry Lucas for too long, or it would tire her arms out. 

"Oh right! Come in. Come in. See how forgetful I've become after giving birth? I came to get you guys to settle down and I totally forgot about it already. Hahaha," Selina pushed the door wide open for everyone to enter. 

After helping everyone settle, they formed a mini circle where they introduced the babies to everyone present. It was their own family gathering - a very sweet, joyful reunion after a while.