Pokemon, I choose You!

- Jason and Selina's Villa -

"Ladies and gents! Are you guys all ready?!" Michael held the karaoke microphone in his hand as he directed everyone's attention to the stairs.

"We've long been ready!" Rosanna yelled enthusiastically with her arms in the air. She grabbed Eric's hand and raised it up. Due to their arm difference, she ended up standing up to fully stretch his arm up in the air.

Jason's parents followed along and cheered for them. Although they had no idea what was coming, they felt like joining the fun. After all, it was their first family halloween slumber party.

The lights dimmed at the peak of excitement. As fantasies ran wild from the various volumes of cheering screams, a ray of light targeted the top of the staircase where Selina was waiting to make her appearance.

After the twins were born, Selina and Jason moved to a new villa where the interior had enough space to build a slide that connected from the second floor to the living room. As the twins were a year and a half years old, they started walking clumsily. To make it easier and more enjoyable for them, Jason decided to add a slide for them to get downstairs at ease.

Every day, they would help the twins up the steps as walking exercise and ride the slide back down as entertainment. No matter how busy their workday was, they would spend at least an hour playing with the twins.

The moment the lights were on Selina, she started cat walking down the stairs. With a mini microphone in her hand, she brought it to her lips. A familiar tune escaped her lips, one that everyone who has watched pokemon should remember, "jigggaaaleeee puffff".

Once she reached the last step, everyone saw her in a Wigglytuff onesie with her hair rolled into two buns on her head. She smiled and pointed at Michael. "Not the time for sleeping! LET'S GET THIS HALLOWWEN PARTY STARTED WAOOOOOO!"

Suddenly a rocking opening chimed in their ears- the Pokemon theme song. Michael attached the microphone to his lips once again and jammed to the song with his soul.

"I wanna be the very best~ like no one ever has~ COME ON DOWN MY FAVORITE NIECES!"

He continued, "To catch them is my real test.. To train them is my cause.."

As he sang to the beat, he was already standing at the end of the slide waiting to swoop his baby nieces to his arms. He took Chloe, the Jigglypuff of the night in his arms and spun around twice before handing her to Selina. Then, he took Ivy, the igglybuff who was waving her arms in the air, hopping her tiny butt against the slide into his embrace. Likewise, he gave her a full spin before handing her to Rosanna.

Then, the lights changed from Michael to the stairway. Jason's voice sounded the living room as he continued the song. "I will travel across the land. Searching far and wide." He spread his arm as he sang to the tune. "Each pokemon to understand- The power that's inside!"

Then came Selina and Kyla's jam. "It's you and me. I know it's my destiny~ Oh, you're my best friend in a world we must defend~" As they sang, they walked around to entertain the audience and their babies.

Kyla's family of four dressed up as evolutions of Pikachu. Skyler and Scarlet played the roles of Plusle and Minun.

Jessica and Alfred dressed up as the evolution of Togepi while Lucas was Psyduck. The onesie was designed with paws, making Lucas more adorable to hold and tease. This was especially the case when he held his hands over his head as a habit.

Last but not least, baby Leon was dressed up as Snorlax as his favorite hobby is to sleep. With Celinda and Bryan dressed as Charmander and Squirtle, the whole crew of pokemons have gathered in one living room.

As the babies were busily being carried from one person to the next, pokeball stickers were stamped on their outfits.

"Gotcha!" The elders giggled as they captured every baby with joy. As the slumber party was Pokemon themed, everything including the foods and drinks were relevant to Pokemon.

As everyone's attention was constantly distracted from the babies, the babies spoke baby language to one another. To adults, it may seem to be gibberish. However, it was a secret language between them.

"Gaa gaaa!" Chloe slapped her palms together, making clap sounds.

Ivy let out a sily giggle while nodding mischeviously. It seemed like the twins formed an alliance plan.

Lucas patted his temple and shook his head. While looking left and right, he noticed the adults were too busy talking to notice their mini actions. He replied, "nyaaaa nyaaa noo!" He raised his arms out of habit, making him resemble psyduck looking confused.

"Kekeke," Scarlet joined her playful cousins side. She rolled herself to the twins side and abandoned her older brother in a heartbeat.

Skyler, who suddenly found himself alone crawled to Scarlet's side and hooked his finger on the back of her onesie hood. He didn't join the fun, but didn't exclude himself either.

Scarlet moved around trying to free herself from his naughty finger hook. However, she found it difficult to shake her brother off her back. After a while of struggling, she gave up on freeing herself. She submitted herself to being her brother's prisoner like always. Since she couldn't fight it, she threw herself backwards onto him.

Leon, on the other hand quietly observed his lovely family members. His eyes arched as he drank water from his bottle. After a few sips of water, he left his bottle and crawled over to his cousins. When he went past Lucas, he didn't forget to give the poor ally a tap on his back as comfort.

After all, their parents had always told them to look after the girls. Since they can't beat them, they will join them.

"Look at them play haha," Selina pointed over to the children. The boys seemed to have gathered around the girls without them noticing. "The girls must have came up with something fun. Ahh, must be nice to have brothers around you."

"Yaaaa ehehehe" Ivy, Chloe and Scarlet were the first to react to Selina's remarks. They were obviously the ones having fun. As for their brothers….well, that's for them to tell.