I Want a Wedding!

- A typical day in the Hui Residence -

"Mommy! Daddy!" Ivy and Chloe shouted in unison. After coming home from school, they snacked and enjoyed their play time as usual. Today, they were learning new vocabularies where a classmate asked an interesting question that piqued their interest. 

At three years old, they came up with their own definition in their own head after hearing the teacher's response. 

"Hmm?" Jason, who was reviewing some documents, gave them his full attention. 

Selina was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for tonight. However, after hearing their sweet voices calling for her, she also walked over to see what they wanted to tell her. 

"We want something!" They giggled mischievously in their tiny palms.

"What would that be? Is it a new toy?" Jason thought about the possible toys they might want. Although they had money to buy gifts for them, they don't normally buy everything the twins request for.

Instead of purchasing whatever the twins wanted, Jason and Selina would ask them why they want certain items and have them distinguish between wants and needs. If it is an item that they truly wanted, then they would be assigned simple tasks to slowly earn piggy bank money. This way, they would be taught at a young age to not take things for granted.

Besides, the twins don't normally ask for much - candies at most. So they never had much of a problem with them wanting for more stuff. This was one of the rare times.

"We want to get married!" Ivy and Chloe burst out what they wanted with their arms up in the air as if they were riding a rollercoaster.

"Oh! you want to get mar-" For a second, both Selina and Jason thought they wanted some toy they saw on an advertisement or magazine. However, their response just now clearly stunned the couple. They froze on the spot while the twins twirled around like ballerinas.

"Uh... Uhm honey, sweetie... Sweethearts!" Selina made a signal for them to timeout. 

"Sweetie, you two can't get married at this age. You need to wait until you're older to get married." Selina didn't know where to start. She knew this kind of topic would come sooner or later, but not this soon.

Jason, on the other hand, was anxious about who taught them this term. "Baby, tell daddy, where did you learn about marriage?"

"In school! A boy asked the teacher and teacher explained. And we want to get married." Ivy answered him.

Chloe looked at Selina and asked, "then how much older? Will we be old enough tomorrow?"

Selina was greatly amused by her daughters questions and confused expressions. "See, you need to be at least eighteen years old before you can have a boyfriend, okay? And you need to meet someone who loves you while you also love him just like daddy and mommy in order to get married."

"Then how long is that?" Chloe tilted her head to the side as if she was questioning about life. Life had never been this complicated to them before.

"You're three years old, so another fifteen years. But don't grow up so fast, alright? We still want to spend more time with you two." Jason hugged them in his embrace, feeling slightly sad at the thought that they would marry someone so quick. When he was young, he thought it was a long road to being eighteen. 

But now that he already has two kids of his own, he wished they wouldn't grow up too fast. 

"Mm.. Okay, daddy! We will be by your side, hehe! Muah!" Chloe and Ivy sent a flying smooch kiss and slapped it on his cheeks. Since they couldn't get married, they lost interest in the topic almost instantly.

"Alright, then I will go back to making dinner and you continue watching them play while doing work." Selina walked a few steps away from the living room when she heard her daughters talk to Jason.

"Then, daddy..do you love mommy?" Chloe was the one who asked this question.

"Of course, I love your mommy so much. That's why we have you and Ivy." He chuckled, bending forward to pick up his naughty child onto his lap.

Ivy followed her sister and reached up for Jason to pull her up. "Then, does daddy love us too?"

"Of course I do. Daddy loves you two very much." Jason patiently answered their questions one after another.

"We love daddy too! Then then..why do we have to find someone to marry? We love daddy. Daddy loves us! We can marry daddy!" Chloe remembered what she was told just now. Why look for someone if they already have someone they loved right by their side?

Selina nearly choked on her saliva when she heard this question. She looked at her husband who was at a loss on how to explain it to his daughters. 

Seeing that he didn't know how to reject his daughters, Selina couldn't hold in her laugh anymore. She walked over to them and swooped her darlings into her arms. She explained, "you can't marry daddy because daddy is mommy's husband. You two need to find your Mr.Right first before you can get married. Understand?"

"But we want to have a wedding!" Ivy and Chloe pouted, puffing their cheeks out. 

"Oh? What is a wedding?" Selina continued the conversation, trying to get to the bottom of their unanswered questions.

"Weddings are pajama parties, but fancier!" Chloe chirped the answer out. 

Ivy raised her hand to answer the question. "So, it is an onesie party!!"

"Pffft, ahhahahaa. So you two just want an onesie party? Is that it?" Selina stroked their chubby cheeks excitedly.

"Yes!! That's a wedding!" They both cheered.

"Sweetie, that's not a wedding. It's a party. Weddings will have to wait until you two are all grown up. But as for onesie parties, we can still do a family gathering. Alright?" Selina held them to her chest and squeezed them for a tight hug. 

Jason felt so relieved after hearing their answers that he joined in the fun. He wiggled his fingers and tickled his two munchkins.

"Gyaaa eheheh ahahah daddy stoppp ahahaha heheh" Ivy and Chloe took turns being tickled by Jason until they were tired from laughing nonstop. 

After a while, the four of them lied on the soft rug. Selina held Jason's hand while the twins napped between them. She looked at the twins and then her husband. She mouthed, "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled. 

"Ah! dinner!" Selina sat right up and hopped quietly to the kitchen to finish preparing the meal. Meanwhile, Jason took the blanket from the couch and carefully covered them up.

"Muah, sleep tight babies." He rubbed their tiny, little palms before continuing his work.