It's Almost Time

Time passes by very quickly when one is emerged in daily doses of happiness. At a blink of an eye, the twins were turning five years old. 

While the family of four were always laughing and enjoying every little lesson they learn from one another every day, the heaviness of fear crept in Selina's mind. It's been over four years since the twins were born and their birthdays were around the corner. 

It was supposed to be a joyful gathering, but Selina couldn't help but let the fear in her reveal itself. After tucking the twins to bed one night, she broke down in Jason's arms. 

He comforted her, but he knew there was nothing he could do to make this better except for being there for his wife and children. He brushed the tear stains off her cheeks. "Honey, I know you're scared and worried. I am as well. But look at our babies. No matter what happens, we will always be by their side and do what we can to protect them."

"They're happily running around now and so excited for their birthday party. Let's give them the best party they want while we can. Alright?" He wasn't certain if these words were right to say at this time. However, he wishes to cherish every moment with his family before anything happens.

"I know. I know. We'll celebrate them and hold their hands no matter how hard it becomes." She blew her nose into a tissue before heading toward the bathroom. 

- Birthday Party -

It was a joyous occasion. Everyone came earlier than expected to shower the twins with gifts and blessings. From hugs, kisses to lots of piggy bank investments, the twins were thrilled to have so many people join them. 

Although there were many birthdays to celebrate recently, the twins never grew tired of it. 

"Waaaahhhhh, so pretty!" Ivy and Chloe salivated at the sight of a three tier Alice in Wonderland cake. It was a molten lava cake with intricate details of different characters from the story that the twins loved. 

"Nuh uh uh. Not yet, sweeties." Selina held their hands as soon as they poked their finger in the air. She knew they wouldn't be able to hold back once they saw the cake. 

"Awwwww, but it's chocolate cakeeee." Ivy, who was famous for her sweet tooth in the family, pouted in her Alice dress. 

"No awwwwww. Look, your cousins, aunties and uncles are all here. And family friends too. Why don't you show them your outfit? We will be setting the tables for food soon. After that, we will have some cake." Selina pinched Ivy's small nose.

"Okayyyy, let's go find them and play!" Chloe quickly forgot about the cake's existence as soon as the word "play" came to her attention. She didn't waste a second and dragged Ivy into the crowd. 

Selina chuckled as she wondered how her girls took mostly after herself. One inherited her sweet tooth and the other inherited her playfulness. Amazingly, the twins were both talented in art. For their birthday, their canvases were hung around the villa. 

"Is everything ready?" Rosanna had just finished hugging her two precious granddaughters before letting them go to Eric. She was reluctant, but she had to speak to Selina.

"Hmm? The food is ready." Ivy answered her. However, she knew this was not the question Rosanna was asking.

"Honey.." Rosanna reached out for her hand.

"I know, mom. I know. But nobody can ever be ready for such a thing. I just want to happily let them enjoy their birthdays. See? They're so healthy and happy running around." Selina looked up to the ceiling when the sensitive topic was mentioned. She quickly gathered her emotions together and told Rosanna to take a seat as food was ready to be served.

"Ivy! Chloe! Happy birthdayyyy!" Skyler and Scarlet were in the middle of a cold war, but that didn't stop them from greeting the twins. 

"Happy birthday!" Lucas and Leon walked over to meet the birthday girls. As they grew close to the girls, they gave them a hug. 

"Thank youuuu!" Ivy and Chloe giggled at them. Since it was a birthday themed party, each of them were dressed up as a character from Alice in Wonderland. 

Scarlet was the Queen of Hearts while Skyler was the Mad Hatter. Lucas was the March Hare and Leon was The Dormouse. 

Seeing all her closed friends and cousins dressed up made the two Alice's giggle. "You guys are so pretty today hehehe".

"Thanks! You two are so cute!" Scarlet was the first to hold the twins in her arms. As girls, they naturally stuck together, regardless of the occasion. 

Before coming here, the children were told by their parents to be extra attentive to the twins today. Though their parents did not explain why, they didn't need a reason to play with the twins. After all, they were all close to one another.

Skyler, Leon and Lucas stood by the girls side at all times. Unlike their usual unwillingness to play kitchen and other girl games, they actually went along this time and played the games. This made Ivy and Chloe even chirpier than usual.

After some time, everyone gathered around the dining table to eat their meal. Every dish was created to resemble the story. From reciting lines and trying various dishes, the kids were extremely satisfied with the activities. 

At last, it was time for dessert. Everyone sang to wish them a happy birthday. Ivy and Chloe held each other's hand as they closed their eyes to make a wish. Once they were finished wishing, they blew out the candles.

With Jason and Selina holding their hands, they cut the cake to slices for everyone. 

"Mmmmmmm!! It tastes so good! Mommy, can I have more cake?" Ivy asked Selina for another slice. 

"Just a tiny bit more for today okay? You can have some more tomorrow." Selina knew Ivy would want a second slice, so she was well prepared for that. 

"Yay! Mommy is the best!!" Ivy cheered as she licked her lips. After getting a green light from Selina, everyone rushed to line up for seconds. 

Soon, the party came to an end and everyone left, except for Rosanna and Eric. 

"Are the girls asleep?" Rosanna took a sip of her hot tea.

"Haha, yeah. They were talking about wanting to play more, but after washing up and going under their blankets, they fell asleep." Selina looked at the closed door upstairs. 

"That's good. They're five years old already. Time sure passed by quick. It feels like just yesterday when I held them in my arms. They were so small." Rosanna remembered it well. 

"And then now...what's going to happen?" Selina asked.