Great Mighty Dragon

The dragon waddled over to Spring-Autumn's side and plopped down next to him, causing the pond to shake.

Spring-Autumn: "???"

The dragon shook its tail and returned with a big fish stuck to it. The fish was gigantic like the other creatures that survived the great change but were killed by a simple stab of the dragon's tail.

Spring-Autumn felt like a little baby next to the dragon. Seeing as his future was still bright, he straightened his back and asked, "How may I help you, sir?"

The dragon took a chomp out of the fish it caught. Gazing off into the distance, it was unknown what it was thinking.

Taking a step back, the dragon had grown a noticeable amount since the first time Spring-Autumn had seen it. The black dragon now had a more lean, streamlined body. Every muscle insertion was visible, giving it a sense of unknown beauty.

The scales were pitch black that gave off a slight glow. Overall, it was an apex predator.

"Human, tell me. Why am I here?"

The dragon asked a question with its deep, manly voice.

"Life is so… boring…"

The dragon gave a deep sigh.

"At first, I simply followed my instinct. I awakened with the sun and returned to slumber with the moon. When I feel hungry, I fly out to hunt."

"It's truly a mundane and boring life. There are no others like me and the only things I could communicate to are weak little humans."

"Although, you are a little different since you didn't run away the moment you saw me."

The dragon burped and finished the fish it caught. The prestige of a dragon one would expect was nonexistent.

Spring-Autumn wiped the sweat off his forehead and hugged his egg.

"Sir, do you know what they call me?"

"What do they call you?"

"They call me the crisis man!"

"The crisis man? You must know many things then,"

"Indeed. The problem you're facing is one that many humans also face."

"Hmm, that makes sense."

"I think, hmm let me think. I think the problem is called hmm identity crisis!" said Spring-Autumn enthusiastically.

"Identity crisis? Hmm, this does not seem to be within the memory of any creatures that I've consumed."

"Identity crisis when one becomes confused about one's identity. Sir, think about it. You are a dragon. What are dragons supposed to do?"

"What are dragons supposed to do?" The dragon returned the question in a visibly confused tone.

"Well, there are many types of dragons and they all have their own duties. However, I do not know what kind of a dragon you are and that's for you to figure out."

"Is that so? I understand now!" The mighty black dragon waddled its way out of the pond. Spreading its huge, scaly wings, it said: "Thank you, human. I'll be back,"

And just like that, the dragon took off and disappeared into the clouds.

Spring-Autumn wiped the sweat off his forehead again and thought, "My bullshit skills really do come in useful sometimes. Why is it so hard to eat an egg?"

The egg was in an off-white color with several spots of black throughout the surface. The size was about up to the waist of Spring-Autumn who is at a lanky height of 6 feet tall.

After more moments of contemplation, he finally decided to just eat it raw. He was a simple man, there were no easy ways to cook the egg insight.

He grabbed a rock off the ground and proceeded to knock a little hole into the egg and as expected, there were eggs inside the egg.

Spring-Autumn tilted the egg slightly and proceeded to slurp up the raw egg white. It tasted as gross as one would expect it to be but was filling enough.

Spring-Autumn also realized that he had a much bigger appetite now after his [Vitality] increased by one. This realization was not hard to come to after only feeling full after consuming an entire egg half the size of his body.

Off into the distance, he could hear the angry screeching sound of birds. He knew that this was the signal for him to start running if he didn't want to die.

"Off I go~"

As he ran, he digested his food.

[Vitality +1]

His [Vitality] was now a grand total of 12 while the rest was 10. This made Spring-Autumn scratch his head and wonder: Why is my [Vitality] the only one going on?

It was not something to be complaining about, however. With the little increase in stats, his wounds had fully recovered, although there was a little scar remaining by his rib.

Along the way, he took out a few leaves that he washed earlier in the pond and ate them bitterly. He felt a little stupid doing this but the Spring-Autumn who likes to workout inside his head won't stop yelling, "Eat your fibers!"

Spring-Autumn only achieved his current muscular and lean physique by following a diet plan religiously.

The forest was less interesting during the day time. The night was filled with more danger, and it was more pleasant to look at.

During the day, the forest was what one would expect it to be. The strangest thing would probably be the monsters that roamed about such as the goblins, orcs, and slimes.

For some reason, Spring-Autumn thought they would only be in the city but the sights of them fixed this belief.

With the exception of the orc, these monsters were weak so it was easy to avoid them without them noticing. If they spotted him, he could just [Bullet Time] and walk around them, leaving them confused.

They were truly low intelligent creatures.

After navigating through the forest for several hours, Spring-Autumn finally made it back to the city.

The last time he left the city, the outer part of the city was still intact and mostly unharmed since the monsters surged towards the middle of the city.

Now, the outer parts of the city were ruined as well. There were many corpses lying around: both intact and mutilated.

The city was surrounded by a bloody mist and sounds of all types would come out of it. From outside the city, Spring-Autumn could already see the dangers that he would face.