The City Shrouded in Blood Mist

In a city covered in a red mist, a young man navigated through. He held an umbrella that was dripping with blood in one hand.

One could say that there were four realms for direction idiots.

The first realm was those who did not know north, south, east, and west, but was still capable of navigating themselves with the use of their brain.

The second realm was those who did not know north, south, east, and west, did not know how to read maps, but could still follow directional guides.

The third realm was those who did not know north, south, east, and west, did not know how to read maps, or GPS, and did not know how to use travel signs.

The fourth realm was a mythical realm. It was a realm of a total idiot that would be gone the moment the person went unsupervised.

It was unknown what realm Spring-Autumn was in. However, a certain thing was that he was very lost.

Following the logic that monsters swarmed to the middle of the city, he merely navigated towards places with a lot of monsters.

The problem was that these monsters were everywhere now. On top of that, the city was pretty much destroyed. There were no signs at all to be seen. As such, Spring-Autumn was completely lost.


A ghoul jumped out of a hole to Spring-Autumn. With a wave of his arm, he smacked it dead with his umbrella.

"It's already dead since it's a ghoul so myself killing it a second time makes it twice dead?" Spring-Autumn said in a braindead manner.

He thought that coming to the city would be fun because he saw a huge beacon of light coming from the middle of it when the world finished initializing. It was also a bonus that a plane was left somewhere in the city that he could use to run away.

Looking at the corpse of the ghoul, he considered the option of eating it but his heart told him no. He was not in such a desperate situation that he would resort to cannibalism.

Previously, he encountered a few slimes that he considered the option of eating as well. Spring-Autumn thought they would at the very least taste like jelly. However, it was unexpected that all the slime would dissipate after smashing the slime core.

After walking for a while more, Spring-Autumn encountered his next group of enemies.


A scrawny shadow stepped out of a large piece of debris. It was a goblin. Green skin, small stature, long nose, big eyes.

It was very ugly. A single piece of cloth wrapped to cover its little private.

"Are you edible?"


After that, it was smacked dead. Unfortunately, life was not so simple. When one died, the rest would show up.

It was not a difficult fight for Spring-Autumn at all. With his [Chrono Vision] and [Bullet Time], killing them was as easy as cutting grass. He noticed that despite not being stronger, he had a lot easier time doing many things.

It was the effect of +2 points from [Vitality]. As the name implied, it had very much to do with recovery. This allowed Spring-Autumn to output his max strength every time without feeling tired.

He felt like as long as he supplied his body with food, he could constantly keep going.

In the blink of an eye, Spring-Autumn was surrounded by a couple of dozen goblin corpses. All of them died with their head blown open from a single blow.

Spring-Autumn was overcome by a profound sense of enlightenment at this moment.

"If the goblins keep spawning, I can just farm them for cloth!"

This line of thinking was not easily achieved. It came from Spring-Autumn's desire to compare penis sizes with them which led to the little piece of cloth around their waist.

Unfortunately, life was not so easy. He untied a cloth off of a random goblin.

"Monster cock!" exclaimed Spring-Autumn before his nose was assaulted by a smell that should not be described.

He puked on the spot, amplifying the smell of what is most likely a severe case of dick cheese even further.

"These clothes are unusable… I'm not so desperate for a shirt yet. What's the harm in being half-naked all the time?"

After discovering the incredibly unappealing smell of goblins and their dicks, Spring-Autumn completely dismissed the idea of eating them for dinner. He could always find flowers to eat if there was nothing better.

Suddenly, there was silence. It was as of Spring-Autumn stepped into a barrier that brought him into another place. The geography around him was still the same. It was a city. A ruined city. The blood mist was still present, but the various sounds of monsters had disappeared.

This did not relax the guard of Spring-Autumn. On the contrary, it made him more alert. This type of environment caused a more… dangerous feeling.

He tightened his grip on his umbrella that was dyed red from blood and observed. His [Chrono Vision] was essentially a passive ability, so he became ready to activate [Bullet Time].

After a minute of circling, he came to a realization.

"This is… The middle of the city?" muttered Spring-Autumn.

There was a sound behind him. Behind Spring-Autumn was a collapsed building. There was a particularly large chunk of a wall that had fallen off. Under the wall was a hand. A moving hand.

Spring-Autumn approached the hand curiously. It was the first time he had seen a person that was not dead in this city. Others he had seen were dead with an incomplete corpse or ones that showed severe signs of mutilation.

He cautiously lifted up the wall and the scene underneath was revealed. It was a man. Not young or old. His upper and lower body were disconnected and his bloody spine could be seen.

His eyes were lifeless and filled with other unknown emotions. It was amazing that a man of such conditions was still alive. The man's lips trembled when the wall was lifted off him.


He was trying to tell Spring-Autumn something. Spring-Autumn leaned down to listen to him.

"K… Kill me… Please… End my… S… Sufferings…"

It was a sentence that would take anyone a second to possess. Spring-Autumn finally figured out what the emotion behind the lifeless eye of the man was. It wasn't despair. It was desperation.

"P… Please…"

Faced with such a sincere and heartfelt request, Spring-Autumn couldn't move a muscle.

"I… I don't… want… to become… one… of… them…"

The desperation inside the man's eye grew. It was also that same sentence that broke Spring-Autumn's last straw.

He gripped his umbrella, and in a single swing, he ended the man's misery. It was a simple action that should not have any meaning behind it.

Spring-Autumn remained kneeling on the ground, before the man's headless torso that was bisected from his lower sections.

For some reason, he felt… empty.

"I'm a murderer."