The Sun, The Shadow

It appeared to be just a regular day. The sun rose, the clouds floated. Birds were chirping. People were going to work. Little by little, the city was repairing itself.

A huge piece of news was being circulated around.

Winter Primo, the pride of the city was people to destroy the source of the monsters!

Everyone was excited. There was a merry atmosphere in the air. Constant chattering and excitement.

If this operation was a success, life would be easier. They would be back to their former standards of living.

The major also did his part. It was a win-win situation for him. If the operation was successful, there would be a form of peace and security.

If the operation failed, he would regain some influence. Winter's party was growing to be too powerful.

Spring-Autumn was in the crowd with Rainmist.

"They are asking to die," He laughed.

"You don't think they're going to be successful?" Rainmist asked. She did not know much about how the scale of power was tipped.

"The chances are against them. Unless they're stronger than me, they don't have a chance." Spring-Autumn said frivolously.

"How arrogant," Rainmist said with a small smile.

Life was going well for them both. Spring-Autumn was constantly getting stronger by battling minotaurs and consuming them. Sometimes he took Rainmist with him. Other times, he left her to do her own thing.

There was no one to bother them. After all, that was the purpose of having a separate house next to the family mansion.

Meanwhile, Winter was meeting with his father, Sunglow.

Sunglow Primo was a legendary figure. He created the very well known Primo Corp. single-handedly and raised it to the height it was at today.

Winter was inside Sunglow's office. It was a spacious room that gave an aged vibe. Most of the interior was made out of different kinds of wood.

Sunglow had a head full of gray hair. His face was clean-shaven and there was an intense look in his eyes. It was the kind of look that one would take an entire lifetime to develop. Just with a glance, one would feel pressure from this kind of man.

He wore a loose robe. His body was skinny and there were visible wrinkles to be seen. Sunglow was beyond the years of a middle-aged man. He was an old man.

"Father," Winter said.

"You're planning on setting off tomorrow?" Sunglow asked.


"Be careful. There are a number of people who are aiming for your head,"

"I am aware,"

"When you finish this task, our Primo Corp's control over this city will be indisputable," Sunglow said. He was more than a hundred percent certain that his son would find success.

"Yes," Winter replied simply. Despite having his influence expanded to such a level, he still found it hard to talk within his father's heavy presence.

Sunglow stood up and put his hands behind his back.

"This is the only first step. This apocalypse must be heaven's way of providing an opportunity to us. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this, don't you think so?"

"Yes, father. One day, the world will be in our hands." Winter's cold eye lit up with a burning ambition. He replied with a smiling face.

In an unknown place.

A man was touching the wall that imprisoned him. He traced every detail he could touch. He was trying to find a weak link.

This man was Shadow.

In order to prevent his escape, he was always being relocated from one cell to another. There was only one flaw to this. He was becoming stronger with every experiment.

It has come to the point where it did not matter if he was constantly relocated. He had enough power to escape.

"This is it!"

Shadow has found a weak point. His hand stopped at that exact point. His shadow began to twist and walked out of the ground, no longer a shadow. The flat color on it began to tone and in a few seconds, it looked exactly like Shadow. It was his doppelganger technique.

As for himself, slowly, he began to transform into a shadow, seeping into the crack. By the time those pesky scientists noticed that the body left behind was a fake, he would be long gone!

However, escape was not so easy. Just a few minutes after Shadow's escape, the alarm began to ring. All the defensive mechanisms activated and walls began to shut down the secret laboratory.

Shadow did not panic. With his abilities, he easily slipped under the wall like a slippery eel. One by one, he passed the walls. With every wall passed, his heartbeat with anticipation. Just a little more!

At the exit, a group of scientists stood. Leading them was the chief. The man who he hated so much. The man who he wanted to skin alive and torture him in unimaginable ways.

Like usual, the chief looked at him with that slight smirk of his. The iconic green hair and eyes. The chief's hand sparkled with electricity and honed onto Shadow.

"Did you really think that we would assume one of your abilities was broken because you didn't use it for a long time?" The chief chuckled.

He increased the intensity in his power and forcefully dragged Shadow out of his shadow form.

Shadow ignored the pain and began his werewolf transformation.

"Fuck off!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that." The chief signaled to his men.

The surrounding scientists began to lift their hands and green electricity sparkled through.

Such shocking sight was of no concern to Shadow who was on a one-track mind to escape. Against their expectations, Shadow transformed into a shadow while in werewolf form!

They were unable to react in time and Shadow bolted out the exit, unable to be seen.

"That's unfortunate. We'll have to go recapture him," The chief did not mind too much. With a slight smile, he followed suit with his group.