
A crowd was gathered in front of the wall. These people were the best of Diamond City, reaching around a hundred in number.

There were still people left behind to protect the city.

The energy of these people was through the roof. Leading them was Winter. He was not standing any higher than them but he exuded a presence that announced his ambition to the world.

The weather was gloomy. There was no wind.

It was a fitting atmosphere.

This organization of people took many days. This was because of one certain element. Winter wore a lightweight armor and held a sheathed sword in hand.

All the front-liners had armor on. It took many days of hard work for their blacksmith. This blacksmith was standing near Winter.

He did not have a special appearance. In fact, he looked very average. He was scrawny and had a head full of unkempt black hair. His eyes were dead like a fish and he wore old-fashioned glasses. The first impression that he gave others was that of a coward. However, his ability was so special it completely changed people's impression of him.

It was an ability that no others had, [Artifact Creation].

Everyone in this crowd was someone that had made a name for themself. They were all battle-hardened warriors. Many were leaders of their own little groups that brought their own men along.

Winter's ambition could be seen through this gathering. His influence and power were growing too wide. Everyone present knew what the implications were that they followed Winter's call. It would give others the impression that they were following Winter, even if they already had a group of their own.

However, the temptations of a dungeon were too much. There was bound to be treasures inside. They were able to reach their current position because of their thirst for power. They were willing to take risks. If they weren't risk-takers in the first place, would they be in the position they were in as of now?

Loti looked at his brother in arms deeply. He was a young man with blue hair like the color of the ocean. Just like other front line [Users], he was very fit and muscular. He held a red spear in hand. Loti also had a very special entity: He was the only idiot to join sides with the mayor.

It was unknown what method the mayor used to get Loti over to his side. If Loti was just a weak [User], no one would care very much. However, Loti was among one of the strongest. He was a bright shining star.

It was because of this fact that many random people would come up to him and say, "That old man has you by the balls, doesn't he?"

To a message like that, there was nothing he could say…

Right now, he was cleaning his precious red spear that he begged the blacksmith for many weeks to make. He was also going over general logistics with his men.

"We got everything?"

"Yes sir,"

"Food? Clothes? Oil? First-aid kit?"

"Everything is ready, sir,"

"Good," Loti finished cleaning his spear and stood up with a smile. "Men!"

"We'll return alive and stronger! We���ll live to see this world become ours again!"

"Yeah!!" Loti's men's morales were through the roof.

The energy in the entire group was through the roof. Everyone was ready and they were excited. With almost a hundred of the best, what could possibly go wrong?

Over at Winter's side, it was a similar scene.

Every leader of their own little group was raising the morales of their men.

Rocklet raised a high platform for Winter to jump on. This action attracted all eyes on him. Winter was calm. He scanned his eyes through the crowd.

Everyone was ready. He raised up the hand he was using to hold his sword.

"Let's go!"

At the top of the wall.

Spring-Autumn was sitting on the edge, Rainmist in his lap. He had his arms wrapped around her waist. Her body was very soft and slim, and it felt like hugging a pillow.

Rainmist tilted her head back. "I thought you would be the type of person to go?"

"Why would I want to run into danger for no reason?" Spring-Autumn laughed. "I do what I find interesting or enjoyable. I'm having more fun staying here,"

"I'm flattered," Rainmist smiled cheekily.

"Maybe I should focus my mind on other things…"

"You wouldn't do that…" Rainmist said while lifting her chest up. One could catch the smallest glimpse of her ravine deep cleavage.


If one were to ask what the relationship between these two was, one would receive a complicated answer.

Spring-Autumn was a man who lived for his dreams and aspirations.

A father once asked his son, "What are your dreams and aspirations?"

The son answered without hesitation, "Wealth and beauties!"

The father slapped his son and asked again.

The son rethought his answer and said, "Success and power!"

The father smiled and looked at his son proudly.

Wealth and beauties were things that came with bigger goals. Rainmist was someone who he came to value while pursuing his aspirations. She was beautiful, knowledgeable, and intelligent. He came at the right time when she was heartbroken. It made her willingly accept him. How could he turn down such a gift?

As for Rainmist, Spring-Autumn was someone special to her. When she was in the darkest pit of despair, Spring-Autumn was there for her. This does not mean that she did not know that Spring-Autumn had ulterior motives for her. In fact, she knew very well. It was human nature. With the traits that she had, many would be after her. She was an intelligent woman. Just because one had ulterior motives did not mean one had bad intentions. Who could fault Spring-Autumn for the situation she ended up in? In the end, it was Spring-Autumn's "ulterior motive" that saved her. It was something she could appreciate. He was someone she could use to fill her empty heart.