The Monk and the Old Man

Chapter 75

"Are you alright?"

The sound of clothes fluttering came with a gentle voice. Spring-Autumn raised an eyebrow at the young monk.

Shen was a handsome young man. His eyebrows were thick, as if it were representing his headstrong nature and his eyes were soft, yet determined. Under his thin yellow monk robes, a body with full, streamlined muscles could be seen.

"Ho ho, young man," Spring-Autumn said the line he's been wanting to say for the longest time. As someone with an elderly appearance from his ability backlash, he naturally wanted to act like a know-it-all elder.

Rainmist stifled her laughter upon hearing what Spring-Autumn said. It was very funny for her to hear Spring-Autumn call another person of similar age, "young man".

A cold breeze passed by and the sun rays shone down only to be reflected off by Shen's bald head.

"Hello, Patrons." Shen greeted as he cupped his fists together while bowing down slightly.

[Abbot of Mt. Stupid]

His title that was only visible to other title holders hovered above his head.

It was because of this that he would notice Spring-Autumn's title as well.

[The First Awakened]

Shen's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the title. Without beating around the bush, he asked.

"Could Patrons answer a few questions from this monk?"

"Sure," Spring-Autumn nodded.

"Are Patrons familiar with this 'new world'?"

"It's only been a few months. Who could truly say that they're familiar with this world?" Spring-Autumn chuckled and told the curious monk.

Shen took a few moments to reassess the situation around him. The two people in front of him were clearly not scared and knew what they were doing. This is further reinforced by the fact that the old man held a title just like him!

Shen had just recently defeated a dungeon and did not know much about the current status of the world. However, through simple inference, he could tell that the old man was not simple at all from his title as [The First Awakened].

It sounded a lot more powerful than his silly [Abbot of Mt. Stupid]!

"I understand. Patrons must not be familiar with this area?"

Spring-Autumn and Rainmist exchanged glances.

"We are not," Spring-Autumn spoke on behalf of Rainmist.

Shen's eyes glowed. With a deep breath, he spoke:

"This poor monk has just recently descended the mountains and is unfamiliar with the makeup of this new world. However, this monk has spent all his life up the mountain and down the village. If Patrons have time to spare, this monk would like to humbly request Patrons to assist this penniless monk to check the condition of the village."

After hearing Shen's big mouthful, Spring-Autumn did not think too much and agreed to tag along. "Of course, we'll follow along."

Spring-Autumn wanted to see the conditions of the village after the great change. When he first started in Hope City, nearly everyone that remained in the city died from the great change and the only survivors were those in the military base. In Diamond City, there was more organization as ability users gathered to work together. However, there were still political undercurrents despite this as well as many other personal agendas. This could be seen in how Shadow managed to rile up a good part of ability users into sieging Spring-Autumn.

This part of The Nations is very rural so if a village was to survive the great change, what condition would it be in right now?

Shen let out a small exhale and smiled, "Very well, please follow this monk,"

Just as Shen was about to turn around.

[Attribute Cloak: Sword Form]


The unconscious bird at the side that Shen previously knocked out was decapitated.

The speed at which Spring-Autumn acted was too fast for Shen to react.

Blood spilled out like air leaving a poked balloon.

"Food," Spring-Autumn smiled and said simply.

Shen could only sigh. "Patron, you take lives too lightly,"

Spring-Autumn shook his head and said, "You still have much to learn, young man," as he stored the monster bird corpse into his cloak.

Time passed and the trio have been walking to almost dusk. Throughout this time traveling, Shen took a moment to consider the morality of Spring-Autumn's action. Was Spring-Autumn in the wrong for killing the bird for food? What about the bird that took its own initiative to attack the old man and lady pair? Was it not hunting them both for food as well?

In the end, Shen could only sigh.

"I have much to learn,"

Shen also observed the relationship between Spring-Autumn and Rainmist. It was a relationship he could not quite put a finger on.

From his interactions with them, it was always Spring-Autumn who made the majority of the decision making. Spring-Autumn and Rainmist were also very friendly with each other.

He first thought they were father and daughter, if they weren't butler and mistress from looking at their age. Spring-Autumn with his gray hair looked like he was approaching his later years while Rainmist appeared to be in her prime.

However, more observations led him to the conclusion that it was most likely not the case. Could it be they were…!? Shen's bald head turned red like a tomato before turning back to normal.

Amithaba, calm your mind, penniless monk. He told himself.

And so, they reached their destination and arrived at the entrance of the village. There was a stone path that connected the village to up the mountains where Shen's temple was.

The village was now surrounded in a wooden wall that was not present before, presumably to protect against wild beasts that were now many times stronger and bigger.

The existence of this wall was good news. The village still existed.

Shen suppressed the joy in his heart and told the old man and lady pair behind him, "We've arrived at Bamboo Village, Patrons."