Hatching my partners 1/2

It was later the next day and I had just finished writing the list of Pokemon I would have to get from Prof. Elm, currently there were several sets of Pokemon that I wanted.

I wanted to get some Miltank so I can get ahold of some moomoo milk for the Pokemon from the eggs in my bag, and it would be also be useful if I could sell them to people and make some money.

Next, I wanted to get an assortment of land-based water-types, Goomy and Slowpoke would be useful, but I knew a Goomy would be hard to get in Johto, so I didn't hold my breath.

I also needed a few Piggys to keep bug-types away from the farm, and if I could get them to evolve, I could make a sort of delivery service.

And lastly I wanted a small team of Digglet to help with tilling the soil and to keep any borrowing bug-types from eating the roots of my plants.

Apart from these ones, I didn't really have any other ideas, so as I left the list on the table in the corner of the room, I grabbed the eggs out of the bag and took them to Prof. Oak to help with hatching them, so wanted to get them hatched before I started the farm.

If I could get them hatched I'd have some reliable help to help keep the Pokemon in order, and if I trained them, They could be the main protection for the farm.

As I exited my room an entered the lab area I found Prof. Oak doing son stuff on a console near the back of the room "Hey Prof. Oak do you have any Pokemon egg incubators?" I asked as I came up near him and looked at the screen, it had a bunch of pictures of Pokemon and a screen that was running of facts about them 'it must be the Pokedex data' I said to my self.

"Ah, yes August, I believe I do have some laying around here some where, I think they're in the storage closet over on he other side I the lab" he said as he pointed to his right.

I nodded and headed off to the storage closet to find those Pokemon egg incubators.

Yep closet was packed full of stuff, but luckily I didn't have to dig too far in to find the incubators, the incubators where just as shown in the anime, large fish tank-like containers with metal bases and buttons around the edges of the metal base, after finding them I headed back to my room to set up the incubators.

After placing the eggs in and turning them on I placed them on the window sill so they can get extra sun, with the sun light hitting the glass, it might hopefully get a little more heat.

Once that was all done, all that was left, was to wait.

*Rattling noise*

It was about an hour before midnight when I was woken up by a strange rattling noise, I looked around the room, not seeing anything that could have been making the noise, but then it happened again

*Rattling noise*

I looked towards the eggs, to see a sight that I had thought would take days.

They were hatching.

(A/N: As I already know what the first of his partners should be, comment on what you think his second partner should be, the pokemon with the highest count wins a spot on the roster )