She just stared at me in astonishment and then began to frown. " How could a kid like you ever become an adventurer?"
"How come you haven't?'' I responded. Oooh that struck a chord. She looked at me wondering what to decide. She then sighed and responded to my request. " It's not like my brother cares about what happens to me. Let me go grab my stuff. I'll be back in a minute. Wait here. And you'' she looked at her brother who was still on the floor. " don't do or say anything stupid."
I couldn't help but snicker as she left. It was just too funny! This lady who is only 19 years old is telling her older brother what to do. I looked at the man and gave a menacing grin. I had a good idea. I'll give him a reminder to never lie again.
"Old man, tell me your name."
"M-my name is R-reynolds great spirit."
" Okay then Renolds, I realized that I haven't even really punished you enough since you don't seem to care for your own sister. So what do you think of the idea where i scar your stupid face to make you remember how you lied to me."
I then conjure up my flame origin and let it ignite within my hand. Renolds quickly realized what was going to happen and began to scramble. Before he was able to get away I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him back to the center of the bedroom. I turned him around to face me and then proceeded to slam the back of his head on the floor.
I brought the crackling fire onto his face and placed my hand on his cheek. The man was now screaming really high pitched. Like you know how a monkey screeches? Yeah that's what he sounds like. Funny thing is, I didn't even turn the temp up that high. The worst thing that will happen to his face is a very light burn mark on his cheek. Ahahahahahaha!
Oops I was too loud. Alice came crashing in with a large backpack and a dagger around her waist. " What the hell did I just tell you, idiots!" she yelled at us. This happened for about 10 minutes. Her scolding us, Renolds crying and rocking back and forth like a tittle baybe, me laughing like a complete idiot, Alice scolding us even more. You know, the usual stupid thing.
"Sigh. Well I'm done with this stupidity. Brother, I've decided to leave this place and go on an adventure. I'm not sure if i should go with this child, but i don't even think i have a choice." No, she doesn't. " You need to take care of yourself and stop being such a wimp. Now you" she looked at me. "You are going to walk with me and you are going to tell me everything that is going on while we walk."
" Yes ma'am." I said sarcastically. She has no idea I'm like mentaly 22 years old does she? Oh well. We left the apartment and I began to tell her everything that happened. I left out the part that I spied on her for a bit. "Hey, do you think you could buy me some new clothes? I just recently possessed this body and she is not in great condition physically."
" You do realize that I'm not rich, right? We are going to have to go to the market. Thank god that today is market day. Let's go."
"Awesome," I responded, actually sounding sincere for once. We arrived at the market and I kept on getting weird looks around me. It turns out that slaves normally wear these kinds of raggs. It was also weird to see a commoner with a slave. I'm not a slave but whatever. I'm getting new clothes anyway.
We bought some new pants and a long cloak for me to use, since shirts were expensive, I tied the cloak so it would cover my torso completely like a coat. Stylish! We then made our way to the Northern gate to travel to another town. " Hey," I asked Alice, " why don't we just go through the forest. It's faster that way"
"You idiot, do you have any idea how dangerous that place is?! My brother nearly died there. Twice! Do you really think that im that stupid to go there myself with a child who can't even buy their own cloths?" Alice responded to my comment with furry. Damn she has a temper.
Well after a bit of arguing, Alice won and we ended up going the long route to head to the neighboring town. It's going to be about a 3 day trip. Oh boy. This is going to be fun, isn't it. You know, I'm starting to regret this idea of traveling with this short fuse.