The Beginning

It was Weekend and after Playing Space Engineers with some Friends for around 10h the Fleet was finally complete against the rest of the server.For the info we play against another team or Empire of Light, that's what they call it and we are the Empire of Darkness so that it fits, we build everything in black and dark red. and after collecting and building a lot, we now have a fleet against the others and after fighting for about 1h we lost everything.

And because of the rage of losing, i turned off my pc and went straight to bed. And before I could fall asleep I felt very hot and I only saw white, after 2 seconds I felt nothing and saw only black.

After a long time or short I didn't know it is hard to say if you only see black. I felt something it was my body but it was strange because instead of 2 arms and legs I had 6 legs and 2 arms without fingers but something else I don't know what it is.

(the Cover)

Nevertheless, I feel completely calm and tried to open my eyes. And the first thing I saw was a destroyed big city that can come from the future with all those destroyed robots laying around it seems whatever destroyed all this happend long ago because the nature has already taken most buildings back.

When I took a closer look at myself, I only realized how small I am. I have the size of a super tool 300 do not ask why I know.

Then came the knowledge that I didn't know I had. It was basically what I am and what I can do, I am a nano drone (large), apparently there are three sizes: small, medium, large. And I can use raw materials to make more of myself or any structure as long as I have a plan and the raw materials.

I thing i first build more Nano Drone to help me for the raw materials i can use one of these Robots around of me. So lets Go!