More Drones

After I made it to the broken robot, I noticed how the movement feels very neat, even in my new body, which is black with dark red stripes in it, which I found out when I passed a broken window.

Now back to the robot. I would say it is about 2m high and otherwise looks like a normal person who wears rusty metal armor and shows cables from his wounds otherwise a normal male man.When I finally got there, I immediately started using my tools. I think I should explain how it works. I can use my tool to convert raw materials into energy that is stored in me, which I can then use to produce the desired object.

But I can only store a certain number of energy before I am full. When I'm full, I can build 3 small, 2 medium, or 1 large nano drons. The number of energy that can be stored gets smaller with the size of the drone. The small drone can build another small drone when it is full of energy.

And 2 medium drones are needed to build another large drone.

I think when I'm full I build 1 large drone to help myself and then we build 4 medium ones. So the plan is set and I'm going to start.

2 minutes later

It took longer than expected but now I'm full. To get started, I simply have to follow the plan in my head or processor on every detail or It doesn't work.

Building is similar to how a 3D printer does something, or how something is built in Planetary Annihilation and after 30 seconds it is done. When I connected to it it was a very strange feeling it was like my head was split I could control both as before only together.

But now I want to keep working, the robot still has 3/4 of its body.

3 minutes later

Now I have my small group ready:

4x medium Nano drones

2x large Nano drones

The other drone looks just like me, only smaller, the middle one is 7.5 cm long and the small 4.5 cm I'm 11 cm long.

I think it would be best to first explore the city to find information about the world and what happened. For this I make teams, in 1 team there are 2x medium drones and 1x large drone.

The first team looks for a military base or something similar and the second team goes to the center of the city and searches the houses there. I also found that at the beginning of the second group, I lost control of them and they worked more like independent robots with the mission for them.

By testing more after I got the group back through some kind of radio message, I found out that I can make a drone to the main drone that I can control and I can add more drones but if they are further away I cant control them and they are back to normal drone.

After many tests I took over the first group and sent the second one to complete the mission and then I also went to find a military base or something similar to get more raw materials and technology.