
She watches as his footsteps trace throughout her room. She tries to keep her heartbeat calm and hold in her sobs. She can't believe this day came so soon, she thought they had more time... her whole family is gone and she's the only one of her kind left. She looks around from underneath the bed in order to find a weapon, for if she was found she would need to defend herself. She finds nothing she can use as there was only old forgotten clothes under there. She hasn't fed in two days and was weekend then ever. 'If he finds me I don't know if I could fend him off myself' she thought. She watches as he slowly turns and walks towards the bed... the vivid pictures of her family being murdered flashes in her mind as she prepares to meet the same fate as them. As she see's his feet stop in front of the bed frame she uses her remaining strength, her nails turn sharp like her mother had taught her. She stabs into his leg and watches as he falls onto the ground holding his leg in pain. She quickly comes out from underneath her bed and slices his throat open. As he gasps for air she drinks his blood in order to regain her strength. She grimaces at the tase of his blood, he wasn't a supernatural being like the others so his blood tasted bland In comparison. 'Stupid humans, in the face of money nothing can compare not even love'. As she goes to finish she smells something she's never smelled and falls dizzy. Just as she warily looks around she sees a long bulky figure standing over her, just as she realizes whats happening she gets knocked unconscious. She was drugged with a special mix that no supernatural being can resist, however things like that were hard to find. The figure chains her arms and legs then picks her up throwing her over his shoulder. He then continues to walk outside to the carriage awaiting him. "You know where to go" he says to the coachman. He gets in and throws her down on the seat and sits on the other side facing her. His eyes slowly wander over her unconscious body, 'she'll go for a lot of gold coins, however she might be a pain to get her to submit'. As they approach the broken down rusty building he picks her up, the carriage opens and he gets out walking into the building taking her in. He walks underneath to the basement floor past the cells with young girls and boys. They all look at him with the same expressions on their face 'not another one' they think to themselves. He opens one cell and throws her in with another young girl, he leaves without a second thought. The young girl crawled over to the new person and looked at her. She saw the blood all over her mouth and dress and knew she wasn't human, she quickly scurried to the corner and went to sleep.