
My head hurts.. why am I on this cold floor in a dark room? She looks around there's bars in front of her, no windows, and the place is dimly lit by few lanterns. She gets up and looks out of the bars to see many other cells with people in them. Slowly she remembered what happen the night before and her eyes widen in terror. Just as she realizes where she is a bunch of guards go through and unlock the cells and she watches as everyone else as they walk out, she stands there scared and not knowing what to do. The guard looks at her angrily, then grabs her arm dragging her to where the rest went. The guard takes off her chains knowing she is a new addition to the slave establishment. She looks around and see's everyone else, they were now all stripped bare taking showers in an open room with no privacy. When the guard releases her arm she refuses to move especially refusing to take off her clothes. Infuriated The guard slaps her hard on the face and yells "Strip you useless slave!" She then brings her nails out and tries to attack the guard in hopes of somehow getting out. Just as she was about to stab into his chest a large hand grabbed her wrist. Across the corridor the warden looks at the scene in front of him with worry. "Sir Angelo" said the warden, "we're sorry for the commotion, we found her last night and she has yet to be taught how to behave". "Silence" he says, Angelo slowly rakes her body and face with his eyes as she stares back at him scared. Sir Angelo came to find a slave to help around his mansion but instead he found something worth his attention. He makes eye contact with her and smirks, "what's your name?" She answers with anger laced in her voice, "Alexandra" she can't believe he dares to smirk at her. He looks at the guard and then at her suddenly angered and said "did he hurt you" looking at the redness on her arm and face. She nodded her head slowly and before she could even blink she heard the guards body dropped on the ground. Without looking away from her he says "I'm taking her, I'll give you 6000 gold coins for her". The wardens mouth hangs agape as he looks at him crazy, "she hasn't been trained yet, she just got here... Sir Angelo". Annoyed with the man he says "did you not hear what I have said, have you gone deaf? Or should I just kill you right now?" ..."No sir Angelo" the warden refuses to get on his bad side knowing he is not only powerful but an important man that could have him killed in less then a second. "I will have the coins here around in an hour but I'm leaving with her now. Come Alexandra" She looks at him not knowing what to do as he turns to walk away. When he senses her not following he says "come or I will punish you" she knew he was serious even though she has just gotten there. She had heard about slaves and was sheltered her whole life, clearly it didn't work. She followed him from a distance to which he was annoyed with. He abruptly stopped, looking back at her he said "I won't hurt you unless you make me, come next to me. Now." She walked cautiously next to him as he led them out of that horrid place. He walked up to the carriage and got in after his butler mavice opened the door. She got on and sat there, not knowing what to do she looks at the man before her and studies his features. He's a tall man, he has hair that looks disheveled but handsome on him. His face is defined and his deep red eyes stare out of the window. His suit made from a nice silk red, meaning he was very important. He looks at her sensing her gaze and says "stop looking at me like that before I punish you". She looks down at her feet as her face turns red with embarrassment. "You are a pure blood vampire correct?" She heard him say. "How did you know?" She looks up at him in shock. "The deep red eyes, your long brown hair, your beautiful features, and your little attack at the establishment led me to believe that." He then did the same with his nails as she did earlier easily turning them into a weapon. She was shocked as she realized he was the same as her, "you're a .. but I thought I was the only one left." He suddenly laughs at this silly remark, "of course not my whole family is as well." He looks at her, studying her slowly 'she should know my rules I don't intend on her leaving', "you are mine now, don't think about trying to escape or I will punish you, you follow my orders and only mine." Suddenly scared she answers quietly "yes." Just then her stomach growled and he looked at her sadly. "Are you hungry Alexandra?" She looks at him and nods softly not wanting to anger him. He then moves towards her and tilts his head to the side exposing his neck. She looks at him for reassurance and see's him nod at her. She wraps her arms around him and sinks her fangs into his neck starting to drink. He wraps his arms around her and closed his eyes 'I will protect her no matter what. I will never let her go' he thinks to himself. He feels a strong pull towards her and he doesn't know why. But he knows he will never let anyone hurt her.