Master Angelo

He asks me if I'm hungry and does something you never thought anyone would do. His neck is in front of my face and I hear his the blood rushing through his veins, and his calm heart beat. 'He isn't scared at all' She looks at him unsure this is what he really wanted and sees him nod. Unable to control her hunger she licks his neck and then sinks her fangs deep into his skin. 'His blood is delicious, I don't want to stop' she thinks as she wraps her arms around him. After drinking enough to satisfy her she removes her fangs and licks the wound causing it to heal. "Thank you.. Master Angelo" she whispers quietly as her cheeks blaze with embarrassment. He leans back and smiles at her. "Anytime your hungry tell me, your only allowed to feed off of my blood." "Yes Master Angelo" she says. 'I don't think this is how your supposed to treat a slave.. but he's so handsome' She looks away thinking she can't think these things for he will never return a feeling such as that. Angelo see's her look away and goes back to his seat continuing to look outside. 'Why am I so intrigued by her. It wasn't like this last time' Angelo had already met Alexandra when she was smaller. He was 50 years older than her, and used to know her family. 'She doesn't seem to remember me at all... but she's grown into a beautiful young woman', he looks at her. She's still looking down unaware of his watchful eyes resting upon her face. 'I don't want anyone else to have her but I don't know why. She cannot stay with the other slaves, she's staying in my room'. The carriage suddenly stops and the door opens, Angelo gets out without a word. Alexandra follows him staying by his side closely scared of what might happen next. The door opens and a maid comes up to take off Master Angelos coat, she bows and then goes back to cleaning. "Did you bring home a new toy for us", someone says from the top of the stairwell. With a bit of anger Angelo says "No Natalie she is mine and mine only do not touch her." Apparently his older sister Natalie was the one calling from the stairwell. Alexandra looks up at her and her eyes widen in awe, 'she is really pretty, I guess it runs in the family'. Angelo annoyed with his sisters words looks at Alexandra, "follow me" and then proceeds to his room. As they walk up the stairs past Natalie they hear her say, 'she's a pretty one'. Alexandra blushes at the comment and Angelo turns around and threatens her "don't say anything else or I'll gouge your eyes out so you can't look at her". Taken back by the ridiculous comment Natalie huffs and walks away. Once they reach his room Alexandra is still in shock, "was that really necessary Master Angelo?". He looks at her with a hint of lust in his eyes and says "I told you, you are mine only mine nobody else can look, touch, or even think of you." Angrily she says "I am not anyone's property" she snaps. Before she knew it he was in front of her with his hands on her waist holding her in place. He whispers in her ear, "you were mine the second I paid 6000 for you, you are mine." She looks up at him in shock, her face was red and her heart was racing. 'Why is he so close, what do I do.' She looks him in the eyes and she nods her head slowly. "Good", he says with a sigh as he backs away from her walking over to the bed. He starts to unbutton his suit and then gets up to hang it up in the closet. 'She is going to drive me crazy.' Angelo looks over at her, "Come", he watches her body as she makes her way over to him. She stands about a few feet away from him, he looks at her body up and down slowly watching as she blushes, "here" he points right in front of his spread legs. When she's in front of him he closes his eyes, "unbutton my undershirt and fold it". She looks at him eyes wide open, she has never spoken to any males or even touched one in a way she was about to touch him or as she did in the carriage. 'What do I do??'. He opens one eye and smirks at the expression on her face, 'It's fun to tease her like this, she acts like she's never done something like this before. With looks like that she cannot be innocent.... can she?' He looks at her seriously and says something that made her back away. "Alexandra have you never been with a man?" She steps back very embarrassed and looks anywhere but him. 'Great did he think I was sleazy or something'. " never", Angelos eyebrows raised as he studied her, 'she has to be lying... no she is telling the truth but.. how'. "Good because your mine now go take a shower in the bathroom and clean up I'll put clothes out for you." He lays down on the bed wondering everything about the girl that was just in front of him. 'I hope her innocence stays forever she's cute when she gets flustered like that'.