I fix myself up and rearrange the dress on my body so I look presentable. I wonder where we are going and why do I have a dress this fancy on when I'm a slave. Won't this raise questions wherever we go with him treating a slave like this. I don't like calling myself this but that is what I am now. Whether I like it or not, I have no freedom to go whenever and where ever I please, I cant speak to everyone freely, or even go home. Therefore I am a slave, I have no more value in this society. However I do have it good, I have food, clothes, a home, I can speak freely to master Angelo, and I am not abused like other slaves would be. I hear the bathroom door open, Master Angelo looks like he's back to his normal self... however I can't help but notice the sad look in his eyes. As if he knows what I'm thinking he quickly smiles at me, "Shall we go Alexandra?" He walks out of the room and I follow him down the stairs and towards what looks like the dining area. As we walk into a big room with a long table, all eyes are on us. I see a younger boy, Natalie, a older woman, and an older man sitting next to her. I assume this is Master Angelos family, I thought they were all nice like him however the looks I am receiving do not look inviting at all. "See that's the girl I told you about!!", Natalie says loudly as if I did something unforgivable to her. Masters parents looked at me as if to say why are you here slave. Master Angelo grabs hold of my hand and leads me to the table, "sit Alexandra" he says calmly. I follow his wishes and sit next to him as looks at the table with food laid out. He grabs a ladle to a bowl that looks to be filled with blood and fills up the cup in front of me and his own. Who's blood is this... I wait for him to nod at me to drink, as the blood reaches my mouth I grimace. In comparison to Master Angelos blood this tastes like dirt, so I put the cup down and sit quietly. I refuse to look at anyone even when I hear the older woman say, "Who is that?". Master Angelo answers, "She isn't a that, she has a name which is Alexandra. Don't bother asking questions because she's mine and that's all you need to know, Mother." I couldn't help but notice the hostility he held when he said "mother"... as well as he seems tense. I feel a stare from where Natalie is sitting an I can't help but shift in my seat uncomfortable with the amount of distaste at my existence. Master Angelo notices and with a short, "we're leaving" he grabs my hand and leads me out of the dining room to the front doors. The maid scurries up to him to put on his coat and without another word we leave and get inside the carriage. I look at him as he huffs and stares blankly out of the window. I feel the need to ask him... "Master Angelo, are you okay?" He looks at me surprised as if no one has ever asked him this before. He smirks at me, "You could make me feel okay if you come over here." My eyes widen and I look away, "In your dreams Master" I say getting used to his behavior. "Oh it is in my dreams... and you make the most beautiful sounds while I-" "Master!! Please stop" I say cutting him off as my face heats up. "Oh I'm only joking my innocent Alexandra." I look at him taking in his attire. He's in another red tux however this one matches my dress in color. "Master Angelo May I ask where we are going?" He smiles "There is an important gathering between people important to our society. Your attending as my plus one, as I couldn't leave you in the mansion alone. "Then why isn't Natalie and the others coming Master Angelo?" He tenses up at the mention of his family. "They don't attend things like this." I nod my head at him knowing he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I think back to what happened earlier.. wait. I haven't seen Master Angelo drink any blood besides the dining table and that wasn't nearly enough to quench our hunger. "Master Angelo.... why haven't you had an blood besides at breakfast?" I look at him confused. "I know how to control myself unlike you. However you are not allowed to drink anyone else's blood besides mine and what I give you, so why would I drink anyone else's besides yours?" I look at him shocked "... I've never had anyone drink my blood before Master..." before I could look at him, he is sitting beside me. We lock eyes, he takes his hand and pushes my hair to the other side away from him. He traces my cheek and jaw line, then down to my neck. As if teasing me he runs his hand across my collar bones down to when the v-lone exposes my breasts and back to my neck. Involuntary I shiver, breathing heavily I look at him anticipating what's about to happen next. He leans in far enough to kiss my neck making my heart race. "Have you never been touched like this before... Alexandra?" He's voice sounds deeper and filled with hunger. I shake my head slowly and look at the floor. He whispers in my ear, "do you want me to keep going?" I nod my head yes but the words, "I- I never said that" escape my mouth. He licks my neck as if he were about to sink his fangs into my skin. I close my eyes awaiting him to continue.. wanting him to touch me how I touched him. He sits back in his seat, sighing he as he says, "until you're sure I will not touch you again in that way." No.. I want you to touch me everywhere, I am yours master. "Yes master Angelo" I look out of the window. A few minutes later the carriage stop and pulls up to another mansion. This one however isn't nearly as big as Masters but big enough to make my mouth hang open. My family wasn't which however we weren't poor, we had to lay low. My parents never told me much but all I know is they got on the bad side of someone with extreme power. There were rewards out on my parents heads but I don't know who ordered it. It had to of been a pure blooded vampire or I don't think my parents would've been so paranoid. He steps out, waiting for me to take his hand and enter the building. I look around as we walk and see other people all in fancy elegant clothes walking towards the large open doors. As we walk into the mansion and intro he room where the gathering is occurring, many people stop to look at Master Angelo and I. Master Angelo just smiles like he is used to the attention while I am highly uncomfortable. I look around and see many women young and old death staring me. I look up at Master Angelo hoping he notices I'm uncomfortable, he puts his hand on my lower back and guides me towards the refreshment table. I look at him up at him smiling, "thank you, I don't know why people keep staring but it's making me uncomfortable." He is staring at my face and I wonder what he is looking at. He smirks and I automatically know he's going to say something gross. "You have a nice smile, you should smile more often Alexandra." I blush and take a sip of water I took from the table. I look around at the people dancing in awe, for I have never been to one of these before.. for obvious reasons. "Would you like to dance Alexandra?" I look over to see Master Angelo with his hand out, looking at me waiting for me to take him up on his offer. I look at him and say quietly, "Um Master.. I don't know how to" he laughs gently and grabs my hand. Leading me out to the floor he says "just follow my lead." We stop in the middle of the floor, he takes one of my hands and puts his other on my waist. I look around and follow what the other women do and put my open hand on his shoulder. He pulls me closer and whispers for me to hear directions as we dance. "Right foot back, left foot over, left foot forward..." he continues as he leads me in the dance. After I get the hang of it he stays quiet and looks in my eyes. "Just so you know people are looking at you because your a beautiful woman and your with me" he says with a smirk. I laugh at his comment, "yeah right Master Angelo." He lets go of my waist and spins me out just to pull me back into his arms. Just then a woman comes up to Master Angelo and I, "Can I steal you for a dance Sir Angelo?" She says batting her eyes. I look at her up and down, she's dressed like a sleazy woman looking to hook up with anyone, and she's trying so hard to seduce Master that it makes her less attractive in every way. Who is this bi*ch? I can feel myself getting jealous and tense. Master Angelo says, "cant you see I'm already dancing with someone? Or are you blind?" I look up at him.... please don't go with her.
(Angelos pov)
I slip off my sweat pants and black shirt slowly. I know I can't control myself and I'm not going to. I give up on hiding everything. I'm going to be myself with her and she can believe whatever she wants to believe. I slip on the red suit pants buttoning the buttons... She was so sexy when she lost control like that. It made me want to touch her even more, and hear her moaning my name. Slipping in my under shirt a tux I think about the way she moan in my ear. Fixing my hair I get myself under control and walk out with a blank face. She looks up and me and I can't help but look at her with sadness. She's so strong and beautiful and she doesn't even know it. I smile at her so she doesn't get suspicious of me, "Shall we go Alexandra?" I walk out of the room towards the dining room with her following me. I don't want her near my family in fear of what they might say to her but I have to stop by the dining room and tell them we're leaving. As much as I hate to I might as well introduce her to them. I don't have a strong connection with them especially after what happens around here. As soon as we walk into the dining room they all look at us. I can see Natalie about to speak and I already want to leave, she is only concerned about herself. She wants what she wants and that it, is she doesn't get her way she'll go to whatever measures to get it. "See that's the girl I told you about!!", Natalie yells. She's probably mad I won't share Alexandra with her, however she is not a toy or a thing. Alexandra is my... she's... well she's not even my woman... however she is mine. Everyone is staring at her with disgust and I hate it. I grab her hand and lead her to the table, "sit Alexandra" I say trying to keep as calm as possible. She listens to me and sits down, I get us a drink knowing that she probably won't like it. She looks at me as if asking if I was sure and I nodded at her. She took one sip and made a face at the taste putting the glass back down."Who is that?" My mother asks me with a hint of disgust in her voice. They have already managed to piss me off and make her uncomfortable. I finally snap, "She isn't a that, she has a name which is Alexandra. Don't bother asking questions because she's mine and that's all you need to know, Mother." Natalie continues to stare at her and make her uncomfortable. I don't think she understood when I said to leave her alone before. I see Alexandra shift in her chair not knowing what to do. It's time for us to leave before I do something I won't regret at all. I take her hand, "we're leaving" and I lead her to the front doors. The maid scurries up to me and puts on my coat while I cooperate with her. Without further conversation I lead her out to the carriage and we get in. I huff as I try to relax myself, they can't respect me for one day. I feel her gaze on me and know she wants to say something. "Master Angelo, are you okay?" I'm surprised because I thought she was going to ask about them, as well as the fact nobody really cares how I am... I smirk at her wanting to mess with her a bit, "You could make me feel okay if you come over here." Her eyes widen and she looks away in shock, "In your dreams Master", I don't want her calling me that but she doesn't remember... when we were younger and I would visit her she would call me jello because that was my favorite snack and it's what my name sounded like to her. I'm guessing her parents had done what they told me a long time ago. I can't believe my father did that to her family, she doesn't remember me because of him. They had to protect her and me, I understand that. However she should be regaining some of her memories back when she drinks my blood... unless.. I thought she would want to snoop into my mind to see what I was hiding but I guess she isn't nosey huh. "Oh it is in my dreams... and you make the most beautiful sounds while I-" "Master!! Please stop" she cuts me off before I can finish messing with her. "Oh I'm only joking my innocent Alexandra." She starts looking at my outfit, she is probably wondering why we're matching. "Master Angelo May I ask where we are going?" I smile at her, "There is an important gathering between people important to our society. Your attending as my plus one, as I couldn't leave you in the mansion alone." I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way. "Then why isn't Natalie and the others coming Master Angelo?" I tense up with the topic of my family, she sure is full of questions today. "They don't attend things like this." I hope she doesn't ask about them anymore until I feel comfortable. My family is messed up and she.. I'm afraid she might hate me for what they have done. If it wasn't for him.. her parents would still be alive right now. I've tried to forget her over the years but... she was supposed to be my.. "Master Angelo.... why haven't you had an blood besides at breakfast?" She interrupts my thoughts. I learned how to control myself and my powers while she probably didn't get to finish learning. "I know how to control myself unlike you. However you are not allowed to drink anyone else's blood besides mine and what I give you, so why would I drink anyone else's besides yours?" Her confusion quickly turned to shock "... I've never had anyone drink my blood before Master..." quickly I move over to her, I want her so bad. She's so innocent it makes me want to make her feel things she has never felt before. I lock eyes with her so I can see her expressions as I push her hair away from her face and neck. She is so beautiful I think as I trace the soft skin on her check and jaw. My fingers go down to her neck where I would love to drink from. I want to hear her moan in my ear while I taste the sweet red liquid flowing throughout her body. I take my head and trace down the v-line over her breast and feel her heart racing then go back up to her neck. She shivers like this hasn't happened to her before. Her breathing is heavy and shallow but she never tells me she wants me to stop. I leans down and kiss her neck, her soft warm skin against my lips. I wonder how her lips would feel on mine. The way she reacts to my touch tells me she hasn't felt this before so I ask. "Have you never been touched like this before... Alexandra?" She shakes her head slowly and looks at the floor. I whisper in her ear, "do you want me to keep going?" I'm hungry for her and I want to keep going however this is her body. She nods but says, "I- I never said that" as if her body and mind are in a disagreement. I lick her neck just to tease her a bit more and watch her close her beautiful eyes. I sit back and sigh, when she remembers everything I will let her decide if she still wants to be around me. Until then I cannot take advantage of this girl. "Until you're sure I will not touch you again in that way." She pauses for a brief second, "Yes master Angelo" she says as she looks out of the window. I know your confused right now love but in time you will remember everything. I just hope you will feel the same way I feel about you at that point. A few minutes later the carriage stop and pulls up to the place where the gathering is occurring. I step out and hold me hand out for her waiting for her to take it. As we walk towards the entrance I see her looking around at the other people, she probably isn't used to this type of gathering. As soon as we walk in everyone looks at Alexandra and I in confusion. I never bring a girl with me to these things. However she will always be the one exception I am willing to make. I plaster on a smile while I notice her uncomfortable with the looks she is getting. The men stare at her with nasty thoughts in their heads while the woman stare at her with jealousy. Many mothers of the young women here want me to Mary their daughters however I have always had my heart set in her. I put my hand in her back and guide her towards the refreshments so she can get a drink. She smiles at me for the first time I've seen since she's been with me. She has the prettiest smile I've ever seen. "Thank you, I don't know why people keep staring but it's making me uncomfortable." I can't help but stare at her, she's so clueless to her beauty. I smirk at her, "You have a nice smile, you should smile more often Alexandra." She blushes like always and gets a cup of water sipping on it slowly. She looks around the room amazed for some reason. It isn't all that, just a excuse for people to show off their wealth, find other wealthy people to marry, and brag about their "importance" to society. She looks at the dance floor, does she want to dance? "Would you like to dance Alexandra?" I hold my hand out to her waiting for her to take my hand. Quietly she says, "Um Master.. I don't know how to.." I laugh and take her hand leading her to the floor. She's going to learn tonight. "just follow my lead." We stop in the middle of the floor, I take one hand and put it on her waist and fix the one in her hand. She looks around and puts her hand on my shoulder. I pull her closer to me so I can tell her what to do while I lead her. "Right foot back, left foot over, left foot forward..." I say to her until she gets the hang of it. I stare into her eyes getting lost in the dark red color that matches mine. For some reason they look better on her than anyone else. "Just so you know people are looking at you because your a beautiful woman and your with me" I say with a smirk. She laughs at my comment like it was a joke, "yeah right Master Angelo." She doesn't believe me when I tell her but everyone else can see it. Why can't she? I let go of her waist and spin her, pulling her back in my arms I want to show her just how pretty she is. Just as I was about to speak to her a woman with clearly to much makeup on and not enough clothes on comes up. "Can I steal you for a dance Sir Angelo?" She says batting her eyes. Does she have something in her eye? Her breath wreaks of alcohol and she looks like one of the women you pay to have intercourse with. Alexandra looks at her up and down making a face and I was trying to hold back the same reaction. I feel Alexandra tense up, does she honestly think I would leave her for this bimbo. Annoyed with her presence I snap at her, "cant you see I'm already dancing with someone? Or are you blind?" Alexandra looks up at me, her eyes silently pleading me not to leave her. Why did this woman have to ruin the great time we were having.