HeLlo rYAn I Am...naMeD ...S...fOr ShoRt ...I TeLl YoU wHaT To dO tO heLp You StaY aLivE...lIke taSk to Be exaCt*kekeke*
R (Ryan):Wh-what happend when i finish the task that you give me do i earn something...
I ShAll GiVe YoU whAt YoU DesiRe ThE MosT In LifE ...*kekekek *
R (Ryan):*if i stay here i can be rich but if i go home i will have to see the loan sharks and be broke...**ah i got it*
R (Ryan):I want to to tell me everything that will happen or has already happened in the novel
(Kekekek) WhAt A wIse rEqUest ThIs ChIld is InDeeD IntEResTing *
Of CouRse BUt iT wiLl onLy bE for A whIle tHe efFect May WeaR oFf at AnY TimE...
uNleSs...You cOmpLete taSk OvEr And ovEr aGaIn...