Next day...Ryans room*
Rose:Ryan !!!
Rose:Go Pick Up The Dress For The Wedding...the number is 118
ThIs SeEms As A GoOd cHanCe To CoMmiT a Sin...kekeke*
Ryan:So what is my 1st task today ?
KeKEkeKeKeKe *
ThE syStem ShalL TaKe MorE TiMe To DoNloAd ThE pROpEr FiLe'S
Ryan:mm okay...
Ryan:*Sigh**my sister is being taken as a concubine to the emperor's 2th son ,i heard he was a dumbo,maybe i should ask the system*
We ArE HerE
*goes in*
Ryan:hello i came to pick up 118
Worker:Yes ,*checks*
the wedding dress,right???
Worker:okay here Please come again...
KeKEkeKeKeKe *
Closes eyes **blood runs down*
Ryan:huh someone's in trouble...Sorry sis i can't take the chances of ruining your dress i will be right back...
Runs to the alley*
KeKe FoOL*
Ryan:Runs back quickly*
Ah...WhaT a ShaMe His SiSteR wilL eMbarRasS hErSelf InfRonT oF MaNy PeOple
kekekek *the dress will give a bad stench when it touches her skin *
KeKEkeKeKeKe tHis shAll be tHe loWesT trIckS i haVe Ever CAuSed But tHiS sHall enteRtain Me FoR ThE TiME
After wedding day*
Emperor:i give my blessing to my 2nd son and rose
(Merchants daughter)
Landon (2nd son):*sigh*
Landon (2nd son):walks around the flower garden*
Ryan:in a daze*
*Why was a transmigrated here*
*What is my purpose of being *