Lay down

Ryan:So tell me something usefull for me to stay alive

Ryan's bed room*


KeKEkeKeKeKe *

YoU Are BeiNg TaRgetEd By SOmEOne VeRy ClOse...

Ryan:W-what i already have enemies...who?


i HaVe AlreaDy ToLd YoU iNfo ...mOrE tAsk...moRe inFo...

Ryan:ugh are you serious

Ryan:Tell me the task

...GO tO tHe BaCkYarD AnD lAy INfronT Of YoUr SiSters RoOm ...kekek

Ryan:w-Why are you laughing...will i die ...huff* huff* NoT YEt...

Ryan:Well never mind then i will go...wait...won't that hurt her reputation...

...I NeEd YoU To FiniSh ThE TaSk iF YoU WAnnA sUrViVe...

Ryan:hmph ...fine...*mumbles*sure father ...nlah blah do that ,do this...hmph*

Ryan:Mumble* I can Hear you dammit !

So CAn I...By tHe Way WE aRe HeRe... i did not even realize...okay so i just lay down ,right?



*Blood runs down Ryan's eyes/mouth

Ryan:Huh i feel something ,Is there something on my face?

Don'T ToUcH unLesS You wiSh tO DiE ...


Ryan:*Im not sure but i always have a bad felling about this systems all normally know how to tranform into a human...*

*falls fast asleep


Mm...To eAsy ...

WeLl TheRe I ShAlL maKe It LooK LiKe HiS SistEr KiDnApped HiM But He WaS aBle To EsCape And FaInted frOm ABusE ,Of HoW HiS DeaRest SiSter ToUrtUred A kId tHat is BeArly EvEn In HIs LaTe TweNtiEs