
Hi sry for the mispelled words*

Next day*

Servant:Oh No... SOMEONE HELP

SERVANT 2:YOUNG MASTER...What happened

Servant:I-I saw him unconscious here...infront of lady Rose room

Servant 2 : I will go inform Master

*2 hours later*

Merchant (Uzike)(Grandfather):What is th-WHO DARES HIT MY GRANDSON

servant:master we found young master here unconscious infront of lady Rose's room

Merchant:*My Granddaughter...-she was propably mad that her brother will be in the throne next...*

Diffrent voice (S):Has sHe GoNe Mad?WhaT an ungRaTefUl cHiLd.yOu hAVe sPoilEd Her To mUcH.THaT weNcH sHe juSt WaNts HeR PoOr InNoCent BroThEr DeAd...YOu mUst PuNisH hEr...GiVe Her 90 slAsHeS ....reMeMbeR ...sHe wOuLd HaVe kIllEd hIm if He diD Not EscApe...

Merchant:Yes ..yes...i should...she is ungrateful i shall punish her...

Merchant:TEll that wench to come out and when she does take her and punish her with 90 slashes


Random servant:gossip*i thought she was kind hearted...she even harmed her brother...what a shameless bitch...

Random servant :i know right what a fake act she put up infront of everybody...We were all fooled by that whore...


Ryan:*unconscious *

Oh My HumAn BeInGs inDeEd ArE ThE EaSiEsT To FoOl

KnoCkiNg OuT RyAN WAs InDeEd A WiSe dEcIsIoN ...kEkEke...He WoUld HavE RuiNed ThIs BeaTifUlL MoMeNt ...Kekek

Rose:*runs out* I heard everyone alright ...

Servant 5:he she can still put up the act *mumble*

Rose: *confused*

Rose*looks down*

Rose:What happened is brother alright...!?!?

Servant: Young miss please come will us...

Rose:Why , I need to look at my brother,Is he alright?!?!

Servant 1: Yes he is just unconscious...can the servants help me take the young master to his room...

Servant 3: Okay pick him up first...

Servant 5: Okay

Servant4: yes

servant 1:We shall take our leave first...

Rose:Will he be alright ?!?!

Servant:Yes,Now can the miss follow me to the Slash Whip?.

Rose:O-Wait why?

Servant:This humble servant has orders from from the master to take you there.


Servant: Yes

Rose:Why is he mad at me ?!?!

Servant:*Might as well tell her now that all of us know that how shameless she really is*

S(diffrent voice)WHy shOulD yOu? YOu should not tell her,Your master miGht gEt mAd.REmeMber yoU aRe onLy a sErVanT.YOuR pAreNts diEs beCaUse tHeY wEre infOrMed oF sOmetHinG ThERy sHouLd nOt HaVe KnoWn. IF yoU teLl heR ,peOplE WiLl blAMe yOu aNd sAy teRribLe tHiNgs of how you disobeyed orders.The MastEr dId Not tEll You To TelL heR bEcAusE He Is MaD at Her.HoW Do You thInK He wOuLd fEeL iF yOu siDed wItH hEr?

Servant:*Yes,yes,You are right *

Servant:i Am not qualified to tell you miss Rose

Rose:...Okay ...

*Walks to The slashwip*

