Power !?!?

Ryans room*

Erase memory *

Ryan:Wakes up*


Ryan:What happened ...

YOuR SiStEr WaS GoIng tO kILL YoU


Ryan:Ugh i knew it she just hated me*Novel ,Sister hates lil Ryan and would abuse him**Was never caught**Memory replacement*


SYsTeM CaN bE mADe InTo HeLpiNg OthErs Or KiLLinG TheM

WiCh Do YoU WisH Me To Be



Ryan:Being kind to someone would be like asking for power ,The more you give the less you get


*Keke this child is to my taste KeKEkeK*

Ryan:Well i see you like a blood brother *Smile*


I neVeR hAd FaMily...AnD i nEvEr wiLl...

Ryan:Ha stop trying to be tough i know your so touched

sigh* FoOl

Ryan:Oh then my sister was the one that was going to kill me ?


Ryan:sigh *

Ryan:What's my next task...

KiLl YoUr nAnNy ...ThE oNe WhO tOoK cAre Of ThE oRigInal SpIriT oF ThE BoDy WheN tHey WeRe BorN

Ryan:...Okay ...if it will help me survive...

i have to.. .

hE Is FiTtinG mY EXpeCtatiOnS *

Ryan:Wait like right now...

YeS yOu HavE thReE dAys

Ryan:Ah why so little time...

OkAy ThEn...TOdAy..KiLl ...HeR

AnD i ShaLl ReWarD yOu WiTh PoWer Of YoUr deSire...For 3 dAyS...and information...

Ryan:Wh-What rEALLY ...I knew you loved me as your brother *BIG SMILE*

YOu LoOk IdIoTic

RYAN:Ah so mean...boo hoo...

Ryan:*Kniw that i get to know him he feels nice to be around with... it's like a warm feeling* *SATAN (S)* *HE LIVES IN HELL*

Ryan:Du duu du duu da da da dadan*

Do YoU reMembEr ThE nAme YoU HaD bEforE cOmInG hErE

Ryan:hmm...i remember ...blex

Ryan(Blex):i think...

Oh OkAy blex...blehh

Ryan (blex):HEy don't make fun oF ME i just remember the name blex ...and my girlfriend cheating on me...losing my job...and suicide...


Ryan (blex):What your going to laugh at my useless life know!!!

No We Are HerE ...PeOplE in tHe HuMan ReAlm ArE iNdeEd WoRsE TheN MoNsTerS


BuT MoNstErs HavE ThE PoWeR To KiLl ...

Ryan (Blex):Hey ...if you can transform why are u still a black floating box that i can only see,If you transform i won't look like im crazy


*crackle *

Ryan:Ah a WOLF...Why out of all things it had to be a wolf...



Ryan:Anyway were is she

ShE Is In ThE tReAsUry StEaLiNg GoLd


RYAN:Atleast give me a gun or knife

That will be 500 fest

Ryan:What i don't have money

YeS YoU HaVe 700 fest aS a GiFt FrOm mE


IF...You leT mE pOssEs YoUr bOdy FrOm tImE To tIme

Ryan:Ehhh...Fine...Hurry before she leaves,

Choose death cly *small**Fire blazing *made out of Satan's hand flesh**SATAN CAN Recover lost skin over and over again *Can cause alot of damage**500 fest

Or light Strike *Control the weather**Reverse time**800**

By ThE WAy THe Only proBleM is I WiLl HavE to PosSesS YoUr boDy aNd put thE WeaPeonS wiTh YoUr SoUL sO tHay cAn'T BE StOLen

Ryan:Okay but can you do this faster we really have to hurry before she sees us and runs away with the stolen treasure ...

I StOppEd ThE TiMe LiNe ...


Oh OkAy I WiLl KnoCk YoU oUt KnoW OkaY

RyAn:Wha-passes out*

5 hours later ...:[

HeY WaKe Up

Ryan:Im awake Lets continue the mission

I AlrEady DiD You WhiLe yOu WeRe ouT COld

Ryan:Ah...you kinda make it sound like i did nothing...boo hoo

yEs bEcAuSe YoU DId NoThiNg...

Ryan:Ah...still as cold as ice

Ryan:Oh by the way hiw did it go...Do i know have power...pow pow shoom...

like that

YeS It weNt As PlaNnEd