Rosa Seedle

There was nothing out of the ordinary. This is what Jim concluded. He even doubled checked, so he didn't see why Barnes was still unable to announce a verdict. Even at this moment, Barnes was frowning and rechecking, while ignoring the noise from outside his concentration.

'What is he thinking so hard upon? How many times does it take to be satisfied and declare that the brat was wrong? Geez, I will do it myself then.'

"Ahem... As I said before, you never had the qualifications to meet Mr. Barnes in the beginning. I checked, and the results are obvious. This girl does not possess a rare constitution. She is as ordinary as can possibly be. In other words, a low-quality slave."

The delight of his smirk was not lost on anyone present. Moreover, the tone he spoke in was filled with joy, resembling someone who been digging in a mine for 50 years and finally struck gold.

'Ah, I can't wait to see this brat get his legs broken.'

"Are you done?"

Joseph asked.

"In fact, no, I am not done. I can say confidently that for wasting our time and trying to scam us, you deserve to have your legs broken. Security! Didn't you say you were going to break his legs and have him kowtow 30 days and 30 nights? Go ahead."

The two guards nodded and once again made a move to apprehend Joseph. However, Barnes was finished. He gave a loud sighed before raising his hand to stop them.

"Stop! Didn't I say I would decide?"

He commanded, annoyed. Joseph also, for the first time since Barnes entered the room, turned his head to face Jim.

"Who said I asked you? I was talking to Mr. Barnes."

At this point, Joseph lost interest in Jim. Instead, he turned his focus back on Barnes.

"You should understand by now. This is the Ruby Red Blossom constitution that makes an individual exceedingly more beautiful the higher their cultivation base becomes. Although it's the lowest kind of rare constitution a person can obtain, it is still a rare constitution."

Although Joseph said this, he knew that the same thoughts could not be said for everyone. Whether it was males or females, numerous of them wished for gorgeous looks.

Thus, this kind of rare constitution might even be yearned for, far more than the ones ranked highly. Furthermore, just like the name implied, it was a condition that changed the body's constitution.

These types could range from speed, perception, healing, strength, looks, or more. As long as it was regarding the body, the different types were endless.

But Barnes was still amazed by what Joseph said. He did not know that the rare constitution Milly owned was the Ruby Red Blossom constitution.

From his inspection, all he could glimpse from it was the fact that she indeed possessed one. This made him look at Joseph in a new light.

What was also increasingly troubling was that Joseph came from Clouds Family. Barnes did not believe that just because this was Burning Sky City, a place far from the capital city, that Clouds Family was unaware of the value of this servant girl.

They would have to be insane to have had comprehended the worth of a rare constitution and still deemed it okay to get rid of her.

Even if she was a liability, they should know not to waste this type of opportunity lightly. Instead, nurturing her and creating close ties would only give them more benefits. This meant, like himself, only Joseph knew and detected her condition.

'He was able to identify her exact condition and still wishes to trade her? This boy isn't simple.'

"Yes, I agree. If you are willing to trade this girl for one of our slaves, I will not object and will let you choose whichever one meets your tastes."


Jim was shocked and horrified. He had been agonizing Joseph this whole time. If going by what was said, didn't the outcome look bad for him?

'I can't let it end like this!'

"Wait! This is im-impossible, right? I mean, the chances are five out of an entire country, right?! Maybe this brat did something. There are rare situations like that, right?! Right?!"

On his brow, buckets of sweat formed, drenching him.

"I mean... I mean..."


Barnes roared. The fact he dared to say that, wasn't he also saying that Barnes' ability to identify the abnormality in a person was lacking?

Jim realized this and panicked further.

"No! I didn't mean it like that!"

He screamed.

"It was this brat's fault! He is claiming false things and spouting lies. Him! Only this brat is at fault!"

"You still want to spew nonsense? Are you not putting me within your eyesight?"


Jim stuttered, but Joseph interjected at this point.

"I have three conditions."

This statement brought everyone to stare at him.

"One, if there is no slave worth my time, I'm not selling. Two, I want 2 million silver coins plus whatever slave I buy. And three, I want you to break their legs and send them to kowtow in front of my Clouds Family for 30 days and 30 nights."

Joseph bargained indifferently, pointing toward the two security guards and Jim.

"What you say, brat?!"

Jim shouted. Barnes also didn't take the initiative.

"If I disagree?"

"I will take my goods to sale at Jade Dragon Pavilion."

Barnes clicked his tongue, annoyed. Because of the stupidity of one of his staff members, he was going to have to discard three of his own men.


He nodded and motioned for his two bodyguards to cripple the three people in general. All three tried to fight back, but they still had their legs broken and were carried off by some staff members to deliver to Clouds Family's doorstep.

"Alright, Young Joseph. To tell the truth, there is one high-quality slave left that didn't get a good bargain. So if you are interested, I'll take you to see her first. Then we can try other options later."

Nodding to the advice, they left the crowd speechless and went to another area.


"Ah!!! No, no!!! I'm sorry, I was in the wrong!"

Jim cried. He and the two guards were thrown at Clouds Proud Estate without remorse.

"Shut up and just follow through with it. If you don't, Mr. Barnes might really decide to abandon you here in Burning Sky City."

With that harsh lecture, the staff members left.

Not wanting to be left behind when Barnes decided to leave, Jim and the two guards truly kowtowed.


"Forgive me!!!"

"I was wrong!!!"

This left the Clouds Family's members, stun and confused. Most of them wandered, which members of their family did these three people manage to offend.


Barnes directed Joseph to a high-tiered room where everything appeared rich and glamorous. It showed an entirely different atmosphere from where he kept the low-quality slaves.

After being led around momentarily, Joseph caught sight of a girl in only underwear that was around his age, being 15 to 16 years old, staring dazed with a lifeless gaze.

Her silver-colored hair was freshly washed, her complexion light, and she had features that would cause countless countries to go to war with one another.

But what made her features striking and enchanting was the ruby-like red eyes she possessed. Despite their lifelessness appearance, they were different from an ordinary human's eyes. They brought sympathy to the soul.

"This is Rosa Seedle. As you have noticed, despite her unparalleled beauty, she is dumb. She has been like this since I discovered her. I was hoping to make a reasonable deal here, but it didn't go as plan. In fact, Jade Dragon Pavilion doesn't think it's possible to recover her mind. We even paid experts to inspect her for a rare constitution, but that also ended in failure. However, she is every bit of deserving the qualification to be classified as a high-quality slave. If not for these issues, we would revalidate her as a top-quality slave."

Joseph examined her for a minute. And the further he did, the more he understood why she wasn't sold despite being a high-quality slave.

She was no different from a lifeless doll. She didn't respond, move, or listen.

In addition, there was a long thin scar that ran from above her left eye and traveled down to the left-side portion of her body. Which after going through her left-sided breast, it rested at her waist.

Joseph felt it odd for one as young as her, and with no cultivation base, to be attacked. Moreover, he was able to distinguish that this type of scarring came from the strike of a sword.

In precise, a planned act since it was a very thin blade that a woman would generally be known for, given its lightweight, which was particularly owned by attackers who favored assassination than up-front confrontation.

However, he was pleased and didn't mind the scarring she held. Even more so, since this kind of blemish that females tended to worry about, and sometimes males, could easily be fixed with high-tiered Restoration Pills.

In addition, she met the main requirement he was expecting for his future Martial Companion. And that was to be completely broken.

Without this, it made it hard to shape them into what he desired. He could do so, but he did not want to waste extra time on slowly gaining their entire trust.

But it was different when a person had already given up or entered despair. For these types of individuals, once you restored them with an appropriate indomitable will, they rarely ever entered this state again.

Furthermore rewarding, the trust in their restorer and the individual in question would be just as unshakable as their will.

This was the solution he came upon since it was impossible to cultivate without a Martial Companion. With this, he no longer needed to guard against betrayal when cultivating left one vulnerable to their partner during dual cultivation.

"What do you think? If you are unhappy, we can still look at the mid-quality slaves."

Barnes inquired.

"No need. This will suffice. I will accept this slave and 2 million silver coins in exchange for my servant."

Joseph replied. Barnes thought on it and smiled slightly.

'This deal is very good. If I go to the capital instead of selling at this small city, the servant girl should easily fetch a starting bid of 10 million silver coins. And with her good talent I detected, I'm sure they won't mind nourishing her up for one of their young masters.'

He then said outwardly,

"Yes, let's settle it. Young Joseph, I don't believe you have a VIP pass, correct? I'll help you acquire one later and finish the final transactions now. As for our trade, you can take the girl right away plus a hundred gold coins, but I must ask you to wait for the rest. Once Jade Dragon Pavilion has sold a few slaves, I'll send someone to drop off the remaining silver."

Joseph nodded once, and Barnes became delighted with this outcome. And more importantly, he became determined to establish a friendship with Joseph.

'Hopefully, with this much time, in between the time I stay and before I leave, I can make a good impression with this boy.'

Although this appeared to be a simple matter, for a slave-trading merchant like him, it was anything but simple.

One must know that by selling a top-quality slave and one that only had a chance to appear five times within a country, the rise in his prestige would skyrocket.

Besides that, his income would receive a significant boost as well. But these were just small benefits compare to the grand prize this affair held the potential to obtain him.

There was even a chance he might also be able to be treated like those lofty existences that could see the emperor whenever they wanted.

This was just how valuable a rare constitution was in the eyes of this world.

Meanwhile, Joseph did not care about these things. Instead, he left after obtaining what he wanted and brought the girl called Rosa to the Clouds Family.

In his eyes, Milly was useless to him. He much rather had total loyalty than wealth and fame. It was because of this that he felt nothing about discarding an owner of a rare constitution.

After all, there was no medicine for regret, something which betrayal tended to teach others. Therefore, Joseph focused his next step on handling Clouds Family.