
Although Joseph spotted the kowtowing trio, he ignored them and carried Rosa inside.

However, he did not go through the front doors. Instead, he snuck inside after he adjusted the way he was carrying Rosa and slung her over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

In this way, it made it much easier to move as he kept his approach silent and inconspicuous.

Once he managed to avoid everyone, Joseph entered his room and placed Rosa on the bed. He then set down a box of medical supplies and took out a dozen basic acupuncture needles that contained golden tips.

These basic acupuncture needles were one of the items he had purchased earlier when he went shopping with Milly. It could also be said to be one of the simplest and best tools to treat individuals.

Because of the fact, Rosa was currently in a mindless state, and he himself was still slightly injured, he decided this method was what he needed in order to settle everything. This was his plan.

Of course, this decision did not just stream from out of nowhere.

The reason for his confidence lied in the fact of having lived two lives. In his past life, not only was he a renowned expert that was close to the peak, but he also tried his hands at various professions.

In fact, because he sought after specific resources that were known to be challenging to buy despite having money, he became a high-ranked alchemist in order to make his own. During that time period, he saved and destroyed many lives with alchemy.

Moreover, his most signature method for performing this act was not pills. Instead, it was the Twelve Sacred Acupuncture Art technique he created. As the name suggested, it consisted of 12 different complicated arrangements and numerous simple ones, using Qi manipulation.

Unsurprisingly, those who wished to learn this was countless. But to learn this, one would need to be a high-ranked Alchemist and have extensive knowledge in the field of both alchemy and the body. And this was just some of the requirements.

But naturally, this only applied to others. Thus, although this technique could be said to be complex and difficult to perform, this was not the case for Joseph. He could even perform its most basic stage with just ordinary acupuncture needles.

And it was because of this that he dared to use this method. He easily organized what was essential and what was not.

'I should make this quick. First, I will get my condition up to 100 percent before healing Rosa.'

After he decided this, he then evened out his breathing and calmed his mind. Once complete, he began using the Iron Qi he possessed to form around each needle. Next, in a lightning-quick motion, he inserted the twelve needles in a swirl formation on his torso.

Steam emitted from each needle in the color of black smoke. This technique Joseph was performing not only accelerated his healing for a short time, but it also held the ability to improve the physique slightly.

A minute later, Joseph extracted the needles and stretched. He could feel that his body was as healthy as his current cultivation base allowed him to be.

'Now it's her turn.'

Again, the needles shot out as swift as lightning. However, the arrangement of the needles' formation was altered. Five were on her head. These areas were both temples, the center of the forehead, and one on each side of the scalp—this being the right side and left side of the scalp, respectively.

He then scattered the remaining needles and inserted them into each limb, aiming at her legs and arms. Then came the throat, the middle of the chest, and the last one positioned at her navel. But unlike his own, there was no stream permeating the room.

Suddenly, Rosa released a gasp. Upon detecting this, Joseph utilized his Iron Qi once more and rested his hand on her stomach while tapping a pressure point.

"From here on out, I need you to sleep for a little while. But remember, we will meet again very soon."

Finally having everything arranged, he touched her head and invaded her mindscape.


While Joseph was restoring Rosa's mind, his First Aunt called Sheryl Clouds was furious. In fact, she was on her way to her husband to get him to persuade his father in disowning Joseph with his cultivation crippled.

After all, she just received news that Joseph sold Milly despite knowing she was the property of the Clouds Family. As such, only the Clouds Family's master and the elders were allowed this right unless told otherwise.

But the nonsense did not end there. The one who had given Milly to him in the first place was her, Sheryl Clouds. And yet, the boy still disregarded this fact and sold her anyways. This type of action was clearly a slap in the face. It obviously meant, to Joseph, her face was the same as dog wash.

This simply could not be endured.

In addition, the girl wasn't just some random old servant of Clouds Family. She was one with a rare constitution. Thus, how could Sheryl not know the meaning of this? Not only was this a once in a lifetime opportunity for her, who was the one to find the girl, but it was also a once in a lifetime opportunity for Clouds Family.

If she had been aware of this matter earlier, how could she still knowingly give such a gem to the family's trash in Joseph? This was simply wasting treasure. Not to mention, if this gem had fallen into the hands of the Wood Family, allowing them to reap their benefits, Cloud Family would be ruined.

And most of all, she would be the family's most wickedness of the sinners. Even now, at this time, she could still recall the conservation she had with her most trusted servant.


Sheryl sat in her residence, brushing her dark brown hair. Upon hearing the sound of footsteps followed by a knock, she called out to the disturbance.

"Come in."

A female servant kneeled down in front of her and reported her tale.

"Madam, Third Young Master Joseph just created an uproar outside that I think is important that you know."

Sheryl 'hmmed' lightly, but frowned a second later. The last thing she wanted to be mention in her presence was matters pertaining to a trash that ought to be rid of ages ago. However, she still thought there was meaning if it was indeed important.

"Go ahead and speak. What did he do now? Have the girl already fallen into that boy Kyle Wood's hands?"

"This... No, Madam. But this is also about his Martial Companion."

"Oh? Out with it then. What is the problem?!"

"The servant, Milly, is blessed with a rare constitution."

Upon hearing this, Sheryl jumped from her seat.

"What?! A rare constitution?! This is good news! How can you say this is a problem? Did that little trash make her discontent? Nevermind, I'll fix that small issue after I get rid of that little trash."

It was time she saw her husband. Their position in the family would only go up from here.

"Wait, Madam."

Sheryl again frowned.

'What now? She's being unusually annoying right now.'

"What is it?"

With all her being, she hoped the servant did not say the girl left to join the Wood Family. If so, their two families would have to go to war. The girl was too precious.

"She was sold by Third Young Master Joseph to a slave-trading merchant."

Sheryl was confused as her brain did not yet grasp the meaning behind her servant's words.

'Sold...? Slave-trading merchant... does she mean Mr. Barnes? ...wait! Sold?!!'

"Sold?!! He sold her?!!"

"Yes. They also said it was for a slave that is dumb."

'A rare constitution for a dumb...?'

She was beyond baffled. In fact, blood spewed out her mouth as she wobbled to keep her balance.


After Sheryl left her thoughts, she finally caught saw of her husband. This made her even angrier as it reminded her of what she wanted to talk about. As for her husband, he stood shocked and confused.

'Did I do something?'


"You must tell Father-In-Law about that little trash. He has harmed us! He harmed the entire family this time!"

Where were these accusations coming from? His wife had to know that his father would never allow for family to kill family.

"What are you talking about?"

Sheryl's face twisted into a snarl as she spat,

"That insane little trash sold our servant to Mr. Barnes!"

Her husband did not see the problem. Of course, it was against the rules, but his father would never use this as a means to kill the family members. It would be too apparent that he was mistreating Joseph and abusing his authority as the master of the family.

This would be a bad example for other members. Especially those who were not blood-related. After all, what would the servants think if they saw this? They couldn't afford to kill all of them off once they revolted. Instead, a happy slave was better than a rebellious one.

"Sheryl honey, he'll get disciplined, but Father isn't willing to do something major just because of that. Besides, how is this harming the family? There are plenty of disciples selling servants and buying new ones. In fact, our daughter also traded her Martial Companion."

Sheryl flung her arms in rage.

"This is different. That servant was only to help her grow stronger. His worth was worthless. She will soon join a martial sect with amazing talents anyways. Which one can't she pair up with?"

Sheryl's husband nodded in agreement. He also felt this way. If not for there being a Joseph Clouds, his daughter would have never had to lower her head to anyone in the younger generation.

"I know this too. So tell me, how is it harmful to us?"

For the first time since learning what Joseph did, Sheryl smiled.

"He didn't sell just a servant. He sold a rare constitution for a slave that is dumb. How is that not harming us?!"

She would never let this matter or him go.


Rosa was lost. From the time she could remember to now, only a black abyss existed. This darkness that pervaded her seized everything she hated and loved, leaving her with nothing but despair. And yet, she still found herself responding to this never-ending nightmare.


She would whisper to people that regularly faded. She couldn't distinguish how many times this occurred or how long it's been. This was her every waking moment in life.

Repeat after repeat, watching images of these people, who she couldn't differentiate if they were real or fake, vanish, and forget her.

There were also instances where she did not call out, but it remained unchanged. None ever responded.

In every present moment, she encouraged herself to accept that only she existed in this world. At the same time, everything else was an illusion because of her desperation to meet somebody and not be alone.

Unexpectedly, it changed. A silhouette appeared with the same eyes as her. In this darkness, it heartlessly cut the left side of her body.


Pain. This was the first time feeling it. But it was nothing compared to the other situation. She much rather had this one than the one where the people faded. This was a comfort.

But... a voice interrupted after the tenth strike.

"Why do you only think of the bad things? There should be good ones too."

It was a cold voice that didn't ask to comfort anybody. But Rosa still felt happy. After all, it was something she wished for since the beginning of this nightmare.

She wanted to hear somebody speak to her.


But the words of joy left her. Instead, she witnessed the eleventh strike come down. She then closed her eyes to wait for the pain again, but it didn't come.

'Why am I unharmed?'

Her eyes opened to see an arm stretched out with a rough hand extended to her. She looked further and also saw a youth with black hair, villain-like dark eyes, a cold facial expression, and average looks.

Then he spoke again.

"Since you can't find one, I will show you."



This indifferent youth did not appear friendly. But even so, once Rosa took his hand, she didn't think he was so cold anymore.