This Japanese Slice-of-Life Isn't Lame

This Japanese Slice-of-Life Isn't Lame

Urban60 Chapters521.4K Views
Author: Peaceful Wind Meets Moon
Table of Contents

Bai Fan was a Chinese medical university student who woke up as a Japanese high school student named Kitagawa Tera about half a month ago. It was just like a typical starting point in a novel. He re-experienced life as a high school student in his twenties. Youthful, energetic girls, and colorful love comedies…That should have been the original plot…

However, heaven was obviously playing a joke on Bai Fan as he had not inherited any memories of the original Kitagawa Tera.

Follow the level-headed and cold Kitagawa Teru as he navigated around his new world with the ‘System’ that constantly gave him supernatural quests to clear.

68 Reviews
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The book is as the title states, not 'lame'. I am noticing a trend of "horror"/supernatural novels being translated and it is refreshing to read some of them. The things I like about this novel: 1. The Mc is cool headed and not some degenerate happy pervert. He was apparently some medic student, the cn kind, before becoming a jap boy. Mc does seem robotic the first few chapters but he gets better. Now that I think about it, he reminds of the Mc from plague doctor but slightly inferior. 2. The setting or world seems to be interesting. It is set in supernatural Japan so no nationalism bs. Also all the other guys who mess with mc are jap betas so they learn their lesson quickly and don't keep constantly bothering mc. Then some other things I guess.... Things I didn't enjoy: 1. A girl called Mirai? who is just there for making more dialogues. She doesn't seem to serve any purpose and is annoying. The mc is of the silent type so she is probably there to expand dialogues only. 2. The mc does feel a bit too calm but I would take this any day rather than the dumb, pervert scum ones. Overall, this novel seems to be better than the other vrmmo bs and cringe bs with no plot so I would like this to be picked. P.S :Support this novel but first I want the I am the Mc, but why I do I suck at cultivation to be picked first.

4 years ago

I obviously haven't read all 60 chapters yet. However, from what I've read so far the novel is extremely interesting. It has a good setting with no crazy nationalism/racism (the MC acknowledges the customs of Japan and does not disrespect them). He is also very cool-headed, this however does make the MC seem somewhat robotic at first, but it gets better in a few chapters. Overall none of the characters (imo) are that annoying and seem to serve a purpose (for at least the short term). All in all the best part about this novel is the fact that it isn't a trash generic cultivation/videogame novel with no originality. While the topic has been done before (Sword Deity in Tokyo) this novel seems to have a better execution and a better progression system that seems like it will actually progress at a decent pace instead of stagnating. I personally like this novel so far and really hope that it will be picked instead of the countless generic novels in the trial read.

4 years ago

For the love of all things holy or perhaps in this case unholy, please choose this book. The supernatural is a lot of fun in this, although the beginning might make some people think twice, there’s a reasonable explanation for it. Honestly, there just isn’t enough ghost novels on this platform, so seeing this getting picked up would be a welcome change of pace. I’d like to see that.

4 years ago

--------------------excellent read.----------------------------------- -------------someone would be so kind to pass the RAW--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 years ago

Tbh, I haven't read a single word of this book however for some reason whenever I think of a Chinese person writing about a Chinese man reincarnating into a Japanese man it feels weird considering all the Chinese nationality that can be found in pretty much every other CN web novel that has a modern day setting.

4 years ago

This book is fascinating......*Grin*😬 find out for yourself★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡♡★♡★♡♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★

4 years ago

Its okay, though needs more chapters as 60 really aren't enough to fully immerse in the story though sadly it might've dropped from the trial read which is very regrettable

4 years ago

It's a shame that it wasn't chosen. 😩 It's a shame that it wasn't chosen. 😩 It's a shame that it wasn't chosen. 😩 It's a shame that it wasn't chosen. 😩

4 years ago

A reincarnated MC, who does not have the memories of the host, and as such in a refreshing twist is not bogged down by stereotypical revenge. A cold mC who is equal to all. There is some Japanese stereotypes but more making of it.

4 years ago

This book preview was so great. It honestly still makes me sad that it wasn’t picked and its been 7 months. Like damn I can’t remember yesterday’s breakfast but I still miss this book. 😢

4 years ago

🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡I've read it till chapter 60 and what I wanna say is: AWESOME 👍👍👍👍👍👍 ★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡★♡🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️

4 years ago

If you think story is a random slice of life as stated in the title then you can't be any more wrong . After reading all the same time type of novel ,it can be considered as good change . Author does a great job in describing the overall look of the story and maintain a good pace .

4 years ago

It's just one of the best novels with modern supernatural genre ever. (Horror) Not gonna write a long review about thus here's a small dialogue (Not from novel) Normal MCs: Let's talk Villains: No - (Escapes) - This mc: *Kacha* Smashes leg, ''now we can talk'' Villain: Sh*t (Cold sweat)

4 years ago

Awesome story with Awesome MC 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago