Chapter 42 Anesthesia

Li Ang, merged with Chai Cuiqiao into a form with eight arms, was particularly suitable for clearing the field; with the Cat's Eye Illusion Technique unleashed, and a jab of the Fierce Ghost's arm, he would turn any monster spirit with inadequate cultivation into a kebab within minutes.

The temple courtyard was emptied, and Li Ang, now with his hands free, looked back only to find the situation on the battlefield far from optimistic.

The Mountain Demon, with a body strength comparable to the Dutch Woltman PDS 3000 super heavy-duty piling machine, seemed cumbersome with its massive frame, yet its limbs moved with extraordinary agility and speed,

Moreover, holding a Demon-Subduing Pestle as strong as the temple's beams and pillars, each smash had the effect of blasting a mountainside,

The powerful and heavy attacks of Xing Hechou and Monk Hui Bin forced them to flee in disarray, struggling to find a chance to fight back.

What was worse, the Mountain Demon wore a Purple-gold Kasaya that was impervious to swords and spears, greatly weakening long-range attacks—after discovering Liu Wu Dai's arrows were quite lethal, the demon ungracefully stripped off its kasaya and messily wrapped it around its head and left chest, leaving only its relative thick-skinned limbs exposed.

In terms of shamelessness and cherishing life, no demon would dare claim to be first if the Mountain King claimed second among the mountain spirits.

"Die, die, die! Just die for me!"

The Mountain Demon, its mouth muffled by the kasaya, roared indistinctly and, like playing whack-a-mole, aimed at the team members with the Vajra Devil Subduing Pestle, smashing the ground without any finesse over and over again.

With brute force overcoming all, the stone tablets cracked and stones the size of millstones were ground into dust, as the ground of the Daxiong Bao Hall caved in stubbornly by a layer.

Xing Hechou and Monk Hui Bin fled out of the Daxiong Bao Hall, leading the Mountain Demon to various mine-trapped areas within the temple,

However, the thick-skinned Mountain Demon, bolstered by demonic power, did not care about the mere anti-infantry broadsword mines; with a stomp of its foot, it left impressions on the ground, and even though the mines exploded with a roar, they could only slightly scratch off a layer from the sole of the Mountain Demon's foot.

Breathe in, breathe out.

The black demonic aura billowing from the Mountain Demon's nostrils would swirl slightly at its feet, healing the blast wounds on its footpads completely, showing no sign of injury.

One, two, three.

Xing Hechou continued to flee, narrowly escaping life-threatening situations under the pursuit of the Demon-Subduing Pestle, all the while silently counting the number of mines detonated.

The giant ape stepped on another mine and, with an explosive blast, blood gushed and the flesh on its foot turned black and charred.

"You, you cannot harm me."

The Mountain Demon lifted its foot slightly, looking at the iron shards slowly being squeezed out of the mashed flesh, and although its ugly face was hidden by the kasaya, the malice brimming with cruelty and brutality from its eyes nearly drowned everyone, "Better die sooner to be reborn quicker!"

Xing Hechou rolled away from the crashing Demon-Subduing Pestle and shouted to Monk Hui Bin from a distance, "Don't panic, it's running out of demonic power, or else it would've used demonic qi to heal by now. We keep dragging it on."

The Mountain Demon bared its teeth, revealing a grim expression; indeed, its demonic qi was nearly depleted. Under normal circumstances, it could draw moonlight using a monk's alms bowl and condense the moonlight in the bowl, drinking it to restore demonic power.

But clearly, these enemies would not give it the chance to leisurely recover.

Damn it, if only Chi Duzi were here...

As the giant ape's assault paused momentarily, Wanli Fengdao seized the opportunity, holding the three-foot Dragon-Slaying Sword and, after a two or three-step running start, leaped like thunder racing the clouds and hacked wildly at the base of the Mountain Demon's thigh.

Ever seen a roadside stall frying a sausage? Wanli Fengdao's movements were like slicing a sausage...

Curled black hair fell like strands from a barber's shop, with blood spurting out, flesh splattering everywhere, and even the thick-skinned Mountain Demon couldn't help but reveal a look of utter exhaustion under such inhumane attacks, crying out loud.

"Ao ao ao ao—"

Xing Hechou and Monk Hui Bin took advantage of the rare opportunity, hammering the Mountain Demon's toes like foot-caring masters, while Liu Wu Dai aimed at the Demon's egg-sized head, drawing his bow and firing a barrage.

These people don't follow the rules of the Jianghu at all, their moves are both vicious and ruthless....

Wanli Fengdao, who was wildly hacking with his sword, turned to look at Li Ang and shouted, "Have you seen enough? Can you come and help?"

"I'm on my way."

[Glandular Activation Technique—Adrenaline]instantly kicked in,

Li Ang felt his blood pressure surge violently, his eyes turning a deep red in an instant, his heart pounding almost to the point of bursting, and his blood vessels contracting and dilating in extreme irregularity.

Time seemed to slow down.

All he could hear was his own breathing.

Despite having experimented with the Adrenaline Activation Technique countless times, the intense discomfort it caused in his body, along with his relentlessly shaking brain, still evoked a physiological urge to vomit in Li Ang.

Fortunately, after adrenaline had filled his entire body, his seemingly depleted strength was recharged, and his spiritual power began to circulate once more.

Even Chai Cuiqiao, who was dwelling within Li Ang, felt a shock to her spiritual body and launched herself towards the Mountain Demon with her Spider Claws.

From a distance, Li Ang aimed his homemade AK47 assault rifle at the Mountain Demon's lumbar spine area and fired precise shots—the world after the activation of adrenaline seemed like a strange slow-motion scene, and his normally steady hands were now operating with the precision and stability of mechanical drive.

A 7.62mm bullet naturally couldn't penetrate the Mountain Demon's fur, which was enhanced by demonic power, but the pinpoint shooting was continuous, each bullet chasing the next, slowly but resolutely piercing through the outer layer of fur and into the flesh.

After discovering that regular assault rifle 7.62mm bullets had little effect on non-human monsters, Li Ang had specially prepared a batch of dum-dum bullets in his living room—essentially just by shaving the bullet tips into a cross shape, exposing some of the lead core, which would split on impact, increasing the wound channel.

In addition, Li Ang had cast some mineral toxins onto the surface of the bullets to maximize their lethality.

"Ahhhh! You all deserve to die!"

The severely tormented Mountain Demon's eyes were splitting with rage and anguish. Its arms, muscular as coiled dragons, grasped the Vajra Devil Subduing Pestle and swung a heavy blow to fend off Xing Hechou and Monk Hui Bin. Its tail, like a long whip, lashed violently, striking Wanli Fengdao in the abdomen and causing him to spit out blood and fall backward, crashing into a pile of rubble.

"Die now!"

The Mountain Demon's eyes narrowed in wrath as it grasped the Demon-Subduing Pestle with both hands and hurled it like a javelin at Liu Wu Dai in the distance.

The throw was as quick as lightning, and Liu Wu Dai hurriedly dodged, moving as nimbly as a sparrow leaping out of the way, avoiding the tip of the pestle, only to be hit on the shoulder by the stones it stirred up, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.


The Mountain Demon let out a hideous howl of laughter and reached down to grab one of the massive timber beams of Daxiong Bao Hall. It seemed to have eyes on its back as it spun and swept the beam towards Li Ang.


With the sound of the wind howling, Li Ang remained unfazed, directing eight Spider Claws to suddenly drop down, nearly bending in a straight line, like a taut spring stretched to its limit, dodging the sweeping beam.


Li Ang called out forcefully, and the eight Spider Legs shot up abruptly, carrying him high into the air.

Under the moonlight, the human-shaped spider elegantly glided over the Mountain Demon's head and upon landing, the eight Spider Legs deftly and nimbly descended slightly, absorbing the shock of impact.

Positioned once again behind the Mountain Demon, Li Ang continued firing with one hand, while his other hand took out a homemade tranquilizer gun and several tranquilizer darts from his backpack slot.