Chapter 43: The Cannon Barrel

Each anesthetic syringe was filled with different animal tranquilizers,

ethyl carbamate, etorphine methoxyflurane compound, ketamine compound, dihydroetorphine...

Some of these anesthetics were purchased by Li Ang under the guise of a small pet clinic; others were prepared by Li Ang himself, utilizing his knowledge of chemistry. Each syringe contained enough to paralyze the muscles and induce sleep in creatures as large as elephants or even blue whales in a matter of minutes or seconds.

Little Gorō, the mountain demon in a deep slumber—that would be you!

The cat's eyes in Li Ang's eye sockets suddenly released a dazzling brilliance.

The furiously enraged mountain demon suddenly saw hundreds of thousands of... chickens wearing clothes?

These chickens surrounded the mountain demon and uniformly started dancing and hopping around.

The dance of the flock wasn't exactly graceful or attractive; in fact, it was a bit ugly and unpleasant to look at.

But it was as if some strange magic power compelled the mountain demon to watch intently without looking away.

One second, two seconds—the illusion of the flock of chickens suddenly vanished, and the mountain demon's eyes cleared.

The instant he realized he had been fooled, the mountain demon felt both shock and anger. He ferociously turned his head, only to see Li Ang with a pale face white as snow, looking at him with an extremely provocative smile and holding an anesthetic gun with an empty magazine.

Li Ang, who had combined most of Chai Cuiqiao's spiritual power, could only confuse the mountain demon with his Illusion Technique for a mere two or three seconds,

but those two or three seconds were enough for him to inject all the anesthetics into the blood and flesh wounds opened by the AK47 bullets.

The mountain demon, incensed, was just about to throw a punch when it was terrified to discover a numb sensation spreading across its back; quickly followed by its shoulders, abdomen, legs, and arms...

The tranquilizers contained quite a bit of a muscle relaxant known as the N2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist.

As long as it was a creature of flesh and cells, reliant on nerves for movement, escaping the clutches of muscle relaxants would be impossible.

The mountain demon felt all its muscles trembling and growing numb, its blood pressure plummeting, its heart beating too slow, rhythm disordered. It staggered forward a step and nearly collapsed to the ground.

Its gaping maw opened instinctively, its red tongue hanging out, viscous saliva dripping continuously from its sharp teeth, forming a long thread. Those brown eyes filled with violence and arrogance also gradually became cloudy and unclear.

The mountain demon, eyes wide open, fell to its knees.

The members of the mission squad looked at each other in bewilderment. Wanli Feng Dao, who had barely climbed out from the pile of rocks, casually wiped the blood from his lips and asked indistinctly, "Is it over?"

Li Ang shook his head, "Not yet, it's just been numbed for now."

"Then what are we waiting for?!"

Wanli Feng Dao, like uprooting a radish, pushed himself out of the pile of stones. He flicked his longsword and shouted with his tongue lolling out, "Finish it off!"

"Don't rush! There might be changes, it's best to try a few ranged attacks first."

Xing Hechou grabbed hold of Wanli Feng Dao, who was about to charge in, and said in an ominously uncertain tone, "Miss Liu, can you still shoot arrows?"

The expressionless Liu Wu Dai released her left hand that was pressing on her right shoulder, allowing everyone to see her shoulder tendons nearly completely torn apart.

"I'll do it."

Li Ang exhaled a turbid breath and took up the assault rifle.

His mental energy was drained by ninety percent, and his mind felt as though it was being hammered continuously, a relentless throbbing pain swelling at his temples.

Inhale, exhale—Li Ang adjusted his breathing and swept fire at the wide-open lips of the mountain demon.

Rat-a-tat-tat-tat—the bullets ruthlessly penetrated the mountain demon's soft tongue hanging out of its mouth, causing blood to gush and splatter.

He slightly raised the muzzle, aiming at the eyelid not covered by the Purple-gold Kasaya, and continued to shoot.

The bullet was slightly hindered by the eyelid, only indenting the eyeball a bit; the Mountain Demon remained utterly still.

"Is it truly stunned?"

Li Ang muttered to himself, furrowing his brows as he examined it for a while, then put away his assault rifle and took out a landmine he had stealthily pocketed a few days before.

The broadsword landmine arced through the air, finally dropping into the mouth of the Mountain Demon.


The mine exploded instantly, shrapnel flying, steel balls scattering in all directions, and the Mountain Demon's mouth was so mangled it no longer held any recognizable shape, its lips swollen like two sausages.

Xing Hechou, Monk Hui Bin, and Wanli Fengdao all gasped in shock. They clearly saw the Mountain Demon, whose mouth had just been blasted by the mine, move its eyelid slightly.

It was on the verge of collapsing, its body paralyzed, but not completely stunned. It was only pretending to be knocked out, waiting for someone to come close to it before suddenly jumping up and using its last bit of strength to take someone with it!

Even in death, it wanted to perish together with its enemy!

Xing Hechou was about to warn everyone, but then saw Li Ang stroking his chin, squinting his eyes, and saying very insincerely, "Is the anesthetic really that effective?"

While speaking, Li Ang took out a crude grey-blue steel drum from his backpack slot.

The drum was hollow, with a bottom but no lid, and at the bottom lay a dull, flat, disk-shaped bundle.

"We'd better try probing from a distance again."

As the others watched with frustrated and anxious expressions, Li Ang methodically dug a medium-sized pit with his Battle Axe and placed the steel drum inside it.

As a former professional soldier, Xing Hechou certainly knew what this steel drum was.

The Conscienceless Cannon, or the Flying Thunder Cannon. Calling it a cannon was a bit of a misnomer as it was really just a projectile barrel for explosives. After filling it with propellant, the disk-shaped explosive bundle would be placed inside, and igniting the propellant would launch the ten-kilogram explosive package 150-200 meters away.

This weapon, crude as it may be, was just a stopgap when better equipment was lacking, yet its power was not to be underestimated. Flesh and blood, steel tanks, and even sturdy fortresses had to yield in front of the Conscienceless Cannon's thick barrel—if not blasted to death, they could be shaken dead by the blast wave.

The caliber was as wide as the drum. The empty drum Li Ang acquired had a heartlessly huge caliber of 400 millimeters, and the disk-shaped bundles it contained were homemade explosives of terrifying power.

Watching Li Ang skillfully digging the cannon pit and installing the drum,

Xing Hechou couldn't help but stiffen his expression, his eyes twitching uncontrollably as he resolved deep down to make sure to ask the Special Affairs Bureau to notify the police to check the residential records after this mission was over.

This kid... was just too dangerous... Goddamn capable of making a Conscienceless Cannon...

The Mountain Demon, unknowing of what Li Ang was fiddling with, still feigned unconsciousness. Hearing the sounds, it couldn't help but slightly open its eyelids, revealing a slit.

The last thing it saw was a disk-shaped explosive package flying straight towards it.


The explosive package detonated instantly, wrapping around the Mountain Demon's head, the supposedly indestructible Purple-gold Kasaya shattered in an instant into strips of cloth, and a visible shockwave spread out from the center of the Mountain Demon's forehead, rippling outward.

The full moon climbed high in the sky, and the Mountain Demon collapsed with a thunderous crash.

[Stayed within the Lonely Cold Temple for 7 days]

[Scripted task "Lonely Mountain Cold Temple" has been completed, 5 minutes remaining until teleportation, you may choose to teleport immediately]

[Reward settlement in progress]