
Soon our world wide assault on Wolfram and Hart began while Faith, Illyria and I Opened a portal to Wolfram and Hart's hell dimension where they ruled. Seeing us face an army of millions of demons, Illyria asked if I was going to get serious now. Faith asked what she meant and space warped as I held up both hands. Two massive portals formed and cut out, ending in millions of demons falling in half as bloody corpses rained from the sky. Half the dimension was cut in half horizontally.

Faith's eyes went wide and Illyria just looked bored. "You should've seen him when he was my General, he brought worlds to their knees and wiped out dimensions with a wave. He was an entertaining weapon of savagery and quite the beast. This is nothing."

I huffed and the Ram and Hart showed themselves. The Wolf was already dead it seems and they were more powerful than I remembered. Still, I brought the Ram down while Faith and Illyria held off the Hart until I was done sealing away the Ram's essence. The Hart tried to flee only to end up in a bloody fight to the end. When it was dead for good, sealed away and over with, I took them back as I collapsed the demon dimension behind us, killing hundreds of millions of more demons in an instant and cutting off all the other portals to earth as it was all sucked into a screaming void.

My portal closed and we joined the others in the assault, resulting in Spike getting an inter-dimensional spaceship, Wolfram and Hart's end on earth and their sealing in the deeper well. The Ten Rings put up guards at both entrances to the deeper well while we finished the long battles a week later. All the soul contracts were destroyed and the souls were released to pass on to where they were meant to go.

The Ten Rings dealt with Malivore and several more mortal bound gods were killed while I captured the Phoenix in it's reverted egg form. A few dragon eggs went with it into my ring while the rest were sent to another dimension, the factory hell dimension. The Dryads and Unicorns stayed while the evil creatures were killed off and made into rare magical ingredients. The Unicorns had to be dewormed but that wasn't my business.

With the fall of Wolfram and Hart, the rise of the slayer organization was swift. Five years Faith and I wandered the world over killing demons and vamps, wiping out the last of the Scourge and most vamps. I found a siphoner kid in San Francisco and stripped him of his not yet active power, making a ring of the siphoning ability he'd have had. He was just a regular human now while I siphoned magic into my special ring by killing vamps and demons with a touch.

Japan was wiped clean of vampires by the time Twilight started causing waves. Instead of sticking around, Faith went with me to lead an assault on the First. We opened a portal to it's dimension and with the new solar grenades, the Ten Rings helped us fight to the central part of the First's dimension, collecting Cassandra Rayne's body parts with a very reluctant Ethan Rayne.

We won and dispelled the First through all the dimensions while wiping out it's armies of bringers and Turok-Han. When we returned to earth, we barely made it before the seed of wonder was destroyed. We hadn't been gone long by our perspective but it'd been months by Buffy's perspective. I put enochian tattoos on myself with a wave of magic when I felt the seed being destroyed.

It hid my presence and without the seed in my ring which was a separate pocket dimension or the magic sealed inside me, Twilight was ejected from our reality. Even the Ten Rings sorcerers lost power rather quickly, forcing them to raise Atlantis off the cost of San Francisco. It was still cloaked and the tech allowed them to detour all boats away from them while they hid on the other side of Alcatraz prison island.

The prison was decommissioned and just a tourist sight so there wasn't a lot of trouble there. Willow found me relaxing in a penthouse with Faith. She said she'd used the magic she had left to track the largest source of magic remaining in the world. She saw the slayer scythes on the wall and thought they were what she tracked.

I scoffed. "The scythes lost their power when the seed was destroyed. They're dormant and useless beyond decorations and basic weapons now."

I poured myself a drink and lit a blunt, seeing Faith come in from the high rise pool with her ten rings on. I slid a drink to her and Willow asked. "The rings then?"

I shook my head. "Alien tech and chi."

I made my fist glow and grunted. "Chi is life-force not magic so it remains unaffected but limited in it's uses."

Faith smirked as she fixed her bikini before sitting at the bar with a towel around her waist. "She still hasn't figured it out, cute."

Willow frowned. "Giles is dead and so are a lot of slayers. Magic is all but gone and Tara-"

I raised an eyebrow, worried. "She didn't die did she?"

Willow shook her head. "Tara left me because she couldn't see that the world needs magic in it."

I nodded slowly. "So how about we make a deal then?"

She frowned. "What deal?"

I shrugged. "You stay, I give you access to the magic may or may not have and you can do magic like you used to, freely without need to share it with anyone or to worry about the world being in jeopardy. No more demons invading, no more creatures, dark witches, apocalypses, none of it."

I opened my arms in gesture. "Stay, enjoy our company, practice magic, enjoy mind blowing sex and let the world go fuck itself. We've fought and fought to preserve the world, many times over. Now our reward is nothing so we aren't interested in returning magic. Buffy made the decision to destroy magic so we're retired."

Willow frowned. "But the world needs-"

Faith interrupted. "The world don't need squat! What did it ever give us? Robin's dead, my old watcher, Oz's entire bloodline is wiped out and Buffy destroyed magic. You nearly went world destroyer because of magic to begin with and don't get me started on the First, Twilight or Wolfram and Hart!"

Willow's frown deepened before she sighed and I poured her a drink. She asked why we stayed in San Francisco and I shook my head while Faith smirked. "We have penthouses all over the world and Oz here can take us anywhere we want to go."

Willow looked at me wide eyed and I shrugged. "My Inhuman portals aren't magical, they never were. It's an inherent genetic alien ability."

Willow sighed and sipped her drink before asking where the magic was then. I shrugged while Faith told her to drink up and we'd show her after the party. She said she could try the scythes if she wanted, but she wouldn't find any answers there. Faith turned up the music and we enjoyed our fun before a three way was soon underway.

Willow was extremely tight having not had a man in almost a decade. She moaned that she missed it even going so far as to admit not even her Oz had anything on me. She and Faith lay beside me and Willow asked while clearly drunk and tired where the magic was. She frowned as I sobered her up with a spell.

She frowned asking how I did that before noticing the enochian on my chest. Faith told her of the seeds of wonder from the prison worlds and how I'd absorbed all four of them now. She told Willow that if it weren't for the enochian and all the seals I placed inside myself to prevent my body from naturally producing magic, the world would be flooded with more magic than it'd ever seen before. Willow saw my eyes change from a shady green to a neon glowing green and blue.

More sex ensued while Willow took what magic she needed to recharge herself to full power which was a drop in the ocean compared to the power I let her tap into. She was in the throws of a magical high and orgasmic release when I realized we hadn't been using my special condom. I shrugged and let it go while Willow came down before saying we should share it with the world.

I spanked her as and she moaned a bit while I growled saying no. I pulled her off of me and Faith told Willow. "We only come back to San Fransico once every month so that Dawn doesn't fade away being made of pure magic and all. No one knows it, but Oz's presence keeps her alive so we come back as needed to make sure short stuff is all glowing or whatever magical keys do."

I got up and left them there while Willow asked Faith why I didn't want to share. Faith sighed saying that Buffy decided the world didn't need magic to survive so we respected her decision and we hunt down the demons and vamps that remain today including Harmony whom we dusted last week.