We arrived in another reality alright and before us was a version of the earth that was. I cloaked the ship and River piloted us down for a landing. I knew exactly where we were and it didn't take long to hack into the nearest internet hub and find the when. We'd arrived in Smallville in 1999, two years before things were to begin for Clark Kent.
I didn't particularly care about that because I was busy looking for reality influx portal energy signatures while River made us IDs and ripped off a lot of money from some very bad people. Inara used some of said money to buy Miller'd field and a lot of land around Miller's Bend. River told Inara the areas were important having read my mind. My lack of interest didn't mean they weren't interested themselves after all.
Inara met with the Millers and got the land fairly easily once she explained we were going to build a home and not a factory or some such. By the time I'd swept the earth of the energy sensors tuned to the reality drive's signatures, they'd already gotten the land and I was officially Oz Serra. I told them the planet was clean and they weren't here.
Inara told me we'd leave in a decade after they've seen all there is to see if this world since we had time. I reluctantly agreed since I could literally be spending eternity searching for Buffy and the others and never find them. I'd left a beacon in the last reality with a message should it sense the energy signature of a reality drive and I'd set it up here as well. In the meantime I built a mansion fit for royalty with intricate carvings, gold, silver and other so called precious metals. The chandeliers were literally made of precious gems and with magic to draw from in this world I could do a hell of a lot.
Stone fences went up with a big reinforced stainless titanium gate. The fields were destroyed and a garden was planted around the mansion while an Olympic pool was installed. Bugs and wildlife were driven away with magic while the whole place was warded. A basketball court in the back hit the underground ship hanger and the driveway was paved to the main road while a four car garage was out in.
My Lamborghini Murciélago was in one, a Dodge Viper and a Porsche 911 sat beside it while three motorcycles in the last garage space. River loved the feel of riding a motorcycle and Inara wasn't apposed to going for a joy ride with us. They were all arc reactor tech so it was good clean energy fun. Our water came from a moisture gathering pump and our electricity was entirely arc reactor based so that left the sewers and trash we had magic to deal with.
River and Inara found the Kryptonian key to Clark's ship and the cave while I was putting in the garden since I'd built everything else within a few weeks by hand. The Luthors weren't in town personally anymore and Lex hadn't returned yet so the only attention we drew was from the town community itself. The land I'd built the wall around attracted attention and the fact that the mansion was bigger and better looking than the Luthor castle that was gaudy as shit, drew a lot of attention.
I visited the ocean and tossed twenty million tons of gold in a vault under the house in bricks with alongside pretty much every type of ore worth anything including meteorite types. Red, blue, green, gold, and black kryptonite sat in the vault in bars alongside platinum and all the other precious stuff. Piles of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and all other types of gems spanned the three story deep vault with the metals.
Simply put, our home was the richest place to hit and it's fancy flaunting made people wonder if we were snobs or simply using fake gold and stuff. Inara hosted a ball and invited the whole town. There we introduced ourselves to the towns people officially. River told them she was starting TR Industries which would be a clean energy business amongst other ventures including turning trash into fertilizer with a fast growing effect on crops. She told them she planned to open it small in Smallville off the beaten path and hire all locals and for those wishing to see the world they'd get first choice at any new branches that open up in the US.
She waved a hand saying she planned to bring the true genius to the twenty-first century and the honor and good hearted nature of the people of this town was something the world deserved to see. Inara spoke with Nell, Lana Lang's aunt, before announcing that she planned to buy the Talon movie theater and revive it while making it a cafe and book shop so those wanting to see movie revivals or the latest releases would get the chance.
She told them she too planned to hire local waitresses and it was my turn. I shrugged saying I wasn't exactly the business type, so I planned to open an outreach program to teach everything from musical instruments to languages and pretty much everything anyone could learn in their lifetime to become a doctorate or PHD holder. I shrugged saying that like my wife and lover, I was highly intelligent, but I lacked the interest in leading anyone.
The townsfolk were mixed in happiness and I shrugged, holding up my glass. "Those of age enjoy the wine, champagne and music. Those under age, there's plenty else to do here if you'd prefer the louder music, games and pool parties out back. Beverages and food are provided until midnight, so by all means, enjoy the day and please, mingle and get to know us, hear our plans and then judge us by whatever standards you choose. We're aware you've been burned by outsiders before, but do note that we're living here and we aren't going anywhere. We have no interest in harming the environment or hurting your wallets, quite the opposite in fact."
I nearly growled when the long ass speech Inara had me memorize was over. We mingled, meeting a lot of people including judge Ross and the Kents. The very large pool party outside didn't once interrupt the ball inside and this confused the adults until I told them the whole house was sound proofed and the music here was surround sound so River and Inara could play their music when the mood strikes them and I could meditate in the garden to seek inner peace without being affected.
Johnathan asked how our relationship worked and I shrugged before Inara told them she was Buddhist and River was agnostic while I was weird so any monogamous relationship was simply moot by religious reasons. I told Johnathan I was acutely aware God existed, I just don't believe an all powerful being that can create galaxies and a universe at will would care about a single life on a single planet in a single galaxy of billions.
I shrugged. "It would be the height of arrogance to assume such a being would look at my life and care about my choices for good or Ill so I live how I chose and if I'm wrong it can tell me where I went wrong and I can tell it to mind it's own business and get it's own life."
Johnathan frowned. "You mean he?"
I shook my head. "If God is any gender it's a female because only a woman is so strong as to birth all of existence and play mother to us all. Living with two strong women I've come to learn that calling God make is dumb until he shows me otherwise and assuming she's female is none of my business. So it is an it and not defined by gender, not that it matters to me much because it's not like I'm dating God."
Johnathan smiled a bit before saying we'd get along just fine. I shrugged. "So long as you don't mind the occasional beer and fishing."
He told me with a smile that he'd bring the beer if I bring the bait. I shook his hand telling him he was on and if he brings his son I'll teach him how to build a boat like the Native Americans did back in the day before we try out on crater lake. Johnathan agreed saying it sounded like fun before asking if I really knew all that stuff I was offering to teach.
I nodded. "I was a prodigy you could say, like my wife and lover. I know every human language there is both written and spoken. I had a lot of self studying and we made our billions a while back, but I lost interest in most things so we decided to find somewhere and start over. Smallville just seemed like the fit for us."
We moved through the crowd and met everyone of importance before moving on to the regular people.