Eventually we sold the motorcycle for enough money to get bus tickets to Sunnydale and some food. We stayed at another flea bag hotel and dusted a few vamps before we headed to the local camp hot spot, the Bronze. Faith played bait when I sensed a vamp and I went outside to wait and watch. I smirked while Faith beat down the vamp, raising an eyebrow when the scoobies came out.
Faith beat the vamp back when he mouthed off and she swatted my ass. "Tag you're in."
I huffed and the vamp punched me before Faith winced. "You're gonna regret that one. My Beau don't like to be touched vamp."
I dodged another punch and caught the vamp by the neck, lifting him up and shoving my hand into his chest, breaking bone and ripping out it's heart, crushing it to dust with him as it just poof'd away. The slayer brigade looked sick while I wiped off my hand and washed it in the water of the back alley nozzle. Xander said he thinks he's going to be sick while Cordelia seconded it.
Their Oz said I get points for effective gratuitous violence at least. We went inside after Faith introduced us both to Buffy and the rest. They were surprised to hear there was a such thing as a male slayer, but beyond that, there were three slayers in town.
Xander asked how that worked while Faith shrugged telling them. "Oz here was a bit of a surprise to our watcher as well. Something about time magic or something and miracles. Anyways, she said he was sent here from the past as a baby or something and he's the only one. He even has magic bling to go with a wicked magic weapon that makes me feel all tingly when I grip it. The sharp pointy weapon's cool too."
She winked at me and I rolled my eyes while she passed me the fries and onion rings before sitting across my lap, eating with me. Anyways, she told them a bit about our trip here and commented on slaying making her hungry and horny. Cordelia said she gets it and I raised an eyebrow with the rest before she explained the Faith being a slayer thing.
I tapped Faith and she got up before I went and ordered nachos and burgers. When I returned, Willow asked about our take on werewolves, cause her Oz was one. I looked to him and asked if he hunted or locked himself up. He said he used a cage in the school library.
I nodded. "We're cool so long as you don't go humping our legs or biting us then."
He smiled lightly. "Fair enough."
I gave Faith her drink and she went into details about her killing a bunch of vamps naked and going to jail for it. I grunted. "Yeah, can't go back there again. I had to break you out since the padre couldn't spare the cash."
She shrugged. "Screw Boston."
I nodded and told them about the alligator story including my belt being made of the one that bit me in the ass. Faith asked Buffy about her cool stories and Xander asked if he could hear about the alligator story asking if Faith was also naked there. I groaned and asked him not to get her started because it's hard enough to get her to keep her clothes on.
Faith shrugged. "Only when it's hot out and I wasn't the one skinny dipping by the public fountain in Chicago. I'd be breaking you out of jail but you knocked the cops out."
I shrugged. "I got demon acid all over me. Besides, no one wants to fight a naked man, not even the demon we fought. It ran the moment my clothes burned off."
She wriggled her eyebrows. "I'd fight you naked…if it means I can be on top again."
I groaned and facepalmed before Faith shrugged. "Don't let his big scary frame scare you, Oz here's a beef cake and a sweetheart most days unless someone touches him that isn't me."
The message was clear, keep their hands off. Cordelia asked about our watcher and Faith flinched so I pulled her closer and told them. "Misses H was killed a few months back by a nasty vamp called Kakistos in retaliation for us attacking his nest. We hadn't expected him to be that strong or have that many vamps with him. Long story short, he's dust and we chased his remaining crew here. We were hoping to get lucky here but there was only one unknown vamp here and none we were looking for."
Buffy asked. "How many?"
I shrugged. "Six that we know of. There were twenty odd vamps before but we picked them off on the way and about fifty when this whole mess started. Kakistos had a big operation in Boston it seems and we stumbled into it fresh out of training and newly called."
Buffy grimaced and asked if we needed help. I shrugged. "I know a spell that gives us their general direction which is how we followed and got most of them, but if your watcher knows a better spell or can use more magic than a basic locator spell then we'd appreciate the assist, but we'd like to finish the hunt ourselves, I hope you understand."
She nodded and said to stop by the high school tomorrow. We got our food and Xander said we weren't kidding about being hungry. I shrugged. "Slaying doesn't pay and I can only rob so many ATMs before the cops find me alive and I'd sooner be dead than that."
I didn't explain, but Faith did. "Oz's step parents were scum of the earth, but well connected with the Irish Mob. Needless to say they got a firebomb to their house while no one was there and Misses H faked his death. If they find out he's alive they'll come for him and it won't end well so legit jobs to pay the bills are out and low key is all we got to pay the bills since I may or may not be wanted by the cops in Boston as well. Shits been hard since-"
I set my nachos down and held her as she recovered and Buffy said Giles would help. I nodded sadly and asked where the high school was so we could find it in the morning. Willow told us before Cordelia asked where we were staying. I grunted. "A motel at the edge of town. It's the only one we could find that doesn't ask for any IDs."
Oz asked. "The Sunnydale Inn?"
I nodded and he grimaced, actually showing a more than mild facial expression. "A buddy of mine disappeared from it after staying there one night a couple years ago."
I shrugged. "I'm not afraid of vamps. We can fight them even naked. If it was something else we'll find out eventually. No biggie."
They stopped talking about it and I got to finish my nachos before Faith could take more than half. She'd finished her burgers while they were talking about the where's and started on my nachos. We headed out and Oz offered to give us a ride there and in the morning at least since he had a van. Faith grunted asking if he had any candy cause she'd seen this plot before.
He raised an eyebrow and I snorted lightly before accepting the ride. The next day Giles apologized for our loss and said the council would likely assign us another watcher or watchers, but for now he'd pick up our training. Faith snorted and said whatever because we'd finished training and I'd finished my studies for us both.
He asked if there was any difference between male and female slayers since Helena's books hadn't been shared yet. I shrugged. "I'm stronger, she's slightly faster and more flexible. I heal fast, faster than we'd expected or the books described. My healing seems to be speeding up over time."
Giles took notes and asked for an example so Faith handed me her knife and I cut my hand. He watched it bleed, but I wiped it away and the wound was nearly closed. I grunted. "Wounds leave no scars and the scars I've had for years remain still for whatever reason."
Xander said he didn't see any scars and Faith snorted. "You just have to look deeper or see him with his clothes off."
Xander grimaced. "Can I vote for not."
I rolled my eyes while Buffy brought up the fugitives and theft issues. Giles told her delicately. "There are many schools of thought when it comes to training slayers. Essentially those found early are taught to do whatever is necessary to continue their destiny and hunt vampires and demons."
She looked confused so I grunted. "Human laws don't apply to us. We are the judge, jury and executioners of the supernatural world. To that end silly human laws about money and shite take a backseat to whatever it is we have to do to catch and kill our targets, whatever hell spawn they are, wherever they may be. We are death given form to carry out a mission, protect this world from demons at all costs, even our lives and the lives of those around us."
Giles nodded slowly. "I wouldn't have put it quite so bluntly, but essentially, you aren't wrong. It is a bleak interpretation on it though."
Faith smirked. "Cheer up, Oz here's just a bit of a morbid sort on account of life kicking him in the teeth enough to need dental surgery and a rectal retrieval."
I scowled and pulled her off the table into my lap, tickling her neck and sides.