The Russians backed off, took their dead and left for now while the old goa'uld crap was gone through. Soon enough the Tollans agreed to share their ion cannons technology with earth in exchange for trinium. I asked how many cannons they'd be willing to give for exactly how much trinium which the council woman was hesitant to say. When we were in closed council session, I slid her a hard drive that had Asgard weapon upgrades and such as well as shields before telling her telepathically how to make a cloaked satellite shield network fast with nanites within a day and get the cannons retrofitted.
She thanked me and I shrugged before I repeated my question for her and she said that as many as earth could afford. I told her we'd take fifty-eight cannons over the next month for a hundred thousand tons of trinium delivered today. Jack was stumped as much as Daniel, but Daniel asked where we'd get a hundred thousand tons of trinium. I told him my dealings with the Asgard were not entirely on behalf of earth and they weren't all charity cases.
The chancellor agreed immediately so we went outside and I took out a massive pallet full of chests, taking one chest off of it before shrinking the pallet. I set the chest at her feet and told her. "When you're ready just press the button, tip the cooler and open the lid. A hundred thousand tons of the finest refined trinium will pour out in replicator blocks. They can easily be refined to however you like from there using your own processes."
She nodded and had it carried to the refinement plant where we watched it all pour out like a never ending waterfall of trinium replicator blocks. Jack asked if it was safe and I smirked. "All the blocks have been fried. They can't be reactivated unless the replicators eat them and make new ones by recycling them."
The chancellor asked. "Replicators?"
I sighed and explained them to her before she looked alarmed. I told her the Asgard are busy fighting them, but they'll no doubt win that war soon enough. I gestured to the trinium. "All the chests have a hundred thousand tons of each ore from trinium to naquadah and neutronium which is scarce with only two chests for me. At one point the Asgard got my help and nearly wiped them all out in one go, but a few remained and like a virus, they've become more virulent. I took half the blocks as raw materials as payment for my help and that was that."
Jack asked. "And you didn't think to share?"
I shook my head. "No, not really. Earth isn't a cohesive whole and if I give to one I'd have to give to the rest or be accused of favoring one country over the other. Besides, the SGC has plenty of resources I've contributed to. Tens of thousands of tons of refined weapons grade naquadah, tons of trinium and since you aren't telepathic or advanced enough yet to need it neutronium is of no use to you. Even the Asgard are barely just now discovering it's uses."
Jack was stumped and I just watched the Tollans dump it all into the refinery before starting that up. The chancellor said the cannons would begin shipment soon enough. I stayed overnight to help the Tollans make the satellites while I was invisible and once they were ready, I flew them up into orbit myself, cloaking each of them with supremely sophisticated cloaking emitters as I went.
By morning I was nearly finished with killing the hidden goa'uld on the ground and upgrading all the cannons. An all out war broke out between the Tollans and the goa'uld Tanith near the planet. His weapons proved ineffective against the satellite shields while the cannons single handedly brought down his shields and nearly destroyed the ship within a single volley. Tanith fled and the Tollans thanked me before I told them I meant it about the ion cannons.
I told them I could do it but I'm that lazy and it's a lot of work for one person besides the fact that I'd already paid them. The chancellor agreed of course and said they'd keep their end of the bargain after all, it was made with an ancient and not the people of earth so what I do with them is my business. I told her she was clever before we left and headed back to earth.
I stopped and warned her that her bombs wouldn't penetrate the new forcefield I'd be putting around the gate so if she was thinking of that she might as well set them around her own solar system to keep the goa'uld out. We left and General Hammond was happy I was willing to spring for ion cannons enough to cover the globe. I told him I'd upgrade them, but their systems would only temporarily be under my control until a coalition between the governments of earth are formed because after that I wanted nothing to do with them.
He said it was fair enough and thanked me before hearing about the resources I had and the points I made to Jack. He couldn't argue with that either considering I'm not actually a member of the US government and only married to Sam with a son, besides that my ties were work or friend related with no affiliations or loyalties to anyone. Sure I followed orders, but I'm a civilian contractor at best.
A few weeks later Sam and Jacob were abducted and I killed several assholes nearly losing my mind. Sam was fine but Jacob was dead and worse so much worse. I tortured and killed everyone involved, mutilating them beyond recognition for days before I let them die. From the psychotic scientists that did it to Adrian Conrad and the guy that shot Jack trying to escape with Adrian, Colonel Simmons.
I'd lost my mind in my grief and a massive storm brewed over the planet. The Others struck me down and Janus kept me down while Sam was the one that snapped me out of it. Almost two months after the cremation Sam pulled me out of my stupor because Teal'c needed my help. I went to the SGC after a shower and shave, telling her that I'd understand if she wanted a divorce because I hadn't been there for her.
She slammed on the breaks and slapped me before crying into my chest. I held her and told her that if it wasn't for the others I'd have killed everyone on earth because I'd been about to ascend and wipe it clean. I told her I hated myself for even thinking of doing such a thing let alone coming so close to doing it. I told her that if not for them, Janus and her there would be no one left on earth.
When I released her I told her I wasn't sure where to go from here and I didn't know how to recover or pick up the pieces of our lives, but I knew I must've done it before yet even now I didn't understand how I haven't lost my mind or if I have, what was normal. She pulled my head to hers and we shared a look before I let my soul feel hers and understood she was just as lost and in pain as I was. The Sam bot was destroyed by them in the scuffle so it hadn't been much use while she'd been captured because they put a gun to Jacob's head.
I simply hadn't been fast enough. I hadn't been there for her or Jacob which only made it worse when General Hammond said the taped evidence was enough for me not to be charged. When we got to the base, I told Jack Simmons was the one who shot him because he was rogue and wanted to use Adrian's goa'uld for his own purposes. He said Maybourne was involved to an extent, but he didn't have a clue about Sam or Jacob, just the goa'uld the Russians procured in a Jaffa they captured.
I squeezed my hand and blood dripped from them before Sam grabbed my hand and told me to let it go. I shook visibly and it took all my strength not to scream and roar at the heavens. Eventually I unclenched my fist and told her it was fine because I was here for Teal'c.
They told me the problem and I winced, telling General Hammond. "There's only one way to get him out and you're not going to like it. You need an older model DHD and the only one working on earth is the Russian's. The first is broken and the second ran out of power which I don't have the stuff to fix. What's more, it'll fry the older DHD and destroy it so it's a one off."
Rodney McKay asked how and I told him before he called me crazy. I shrugged. "Doesn't change the fact that it's the only way to save him. The crystal's imprints are only active until the person is let out or a new incoming wormhole wipes the gate's internal memory crystal. Either we pack up the gate and wait to do it later or we use the Russian's DHD to do it now."
Rodney snorted and told me I ran the risk of blowing up the gate with a feedback loop and I shook my head. "The gate's are built to withstand up to forty billion kilojoules of power before they'll overload. Barring some very powerful explosive that would wipe out this planet with ease, the gate's not going anywhere if strictly power is introduced. Your feedback loop would take days of all the world's electrical outputs combined to blow it up, maybe more. This will only last a few seconds, but it'll blow the main power circuits to the DHD and fry it all except the gate itself."
Rodney was stumped before saying he wouldn't have said anything if he knew I was a gate expert. Sam told him who and what I was which he hadn't known either. He had a lot of questions and I told him to leave me alone. Jack got him to do so thinking I'd snap while General Hammond made the arrangements for Major Davis and Daniel to meet with the Russians and negotiate for their place in the program as well as the technology they'd been promised before.
In the end they caved and gave us the DHD which I hooked up and saved Teal'c. The DHD blew up and I unhooked it before setting it on a pallet and lifting the pieces with telekinesis, setting them there as well. The pallet was taken by some Airmen while Teal'c said Tanith was dead now. Daniel was soon off on a Tok'ra mission to kill the system lords and I was pulled back into work, watching rookies learn about the Tok'ra.