
Russia and the US made a deal and they got their own teams in exchange for letting the US rent their gate temporarily. Bra'tac was the first to gate in once it was in place and informed us a good portion of Anubis's fleet was destroyed when the planet blew and his mother ship almost escaped except the second gate exploded and took it and three other ships out. I doubled over in laughter when I heard before my suit returned and came back with a recording of it all including Anubis's body expression and yell when it blew.

Jack said I may have cracked a bit and I shrugged. "I no longer care about sanity. I either have it or I don't."

I began working in earnest with my suit controlled by my neural link. Two weeks later I stopped working and helped the team with Anubis's ship in orbit. I captured and used the Jaffa's minds hiding aboard to turn off the self destruct before finding Thor's mind in crystals. I gave the ship to Jack saying it was upgraded with Asgard and Ancient tech they can study to upgrade the Prometheus project.

The crystals went to the Asgard who put Thor back together again. The Air Force got a goa'uld hatak class ship they loaned to the free Jaffa after Sam scanned it. Bra'tac was happy to have an extra hatak with all the stores of jaffa armor and weapons I'd collected over the last long while. As for the Jaffa, they were turned over and Bra'tac had them executed when they attempted to escape.

I kept their swords which were trinium and carbon based. I finished the new upgraded stargate by the time Jack and the others were ready to head to Antarctica for a rare find by the people there. After replacing the gate, I flew the cargo ship there with my suit while modifying the cargo ship's ring transporters with a naquadah generator. I met the others and they were already infected with the ancient plague so I waited and watched as it infected me.

Aiyana as Jonas called her, picked me out instantly and I told Sam and the rest. "She's five million years old. Her name was Faora, not Aiyana and she's infected with the ancient plague which is why she was left behind when Atlantis left. She's adapting but most of her mental energy is being used to battle the plague in her own body. You all have been exposed and you're infected like I am now only it can't kill me like it can you."

I walked up to Sam and touched her forehead and heart. A jolt later I stumbled and told her to isolate herself before the tingling wears off. She left to the bunk rooms and I went one by one until only her, Jack and I were infected. I went to heal Jack and he said her first.

I touched Faora and gave it my all, cleansing her but burning myself out as black blood dripped from my nose. She ended up fine but Jack and I were put in isolation containers. I woke up in the quarantine case Fine after about a week of repeated dying every few minutes until my immune system managed to grow to fight it off and make antibodies.

I was hosed down while my clothes were incinerated with me. I walked out of the incinerator naked and irked, but George said they had to be sure. I nodded and took the clothes Sam offered before heading to shower. Fedora was fine though she didn't remember much.

I helped her grasp English and showed her the repository before telling her that she was a geneticist from what records indicated. She looked it up and somethings seemed to just click. She remembered her life before the plague and asked about Atlantis. I told her how I joined them and how they tried to become immortal like me before a few created the wraith against the council's orders, ending in a galactic ass beating on our part.

I told her how the wraith took over, their abilities, similarities and how we fled back to earth only to end the Alteran empire there. I told her she was the first non ascended full ancient I'd met in a really long time. She smiled and I told her that there has to be more somewhere out there and I'd find our people before exterminating the wraith and freeing the Pegasus galaxy of their rule.

I told her after that, the goa'uld of this galaxy will be wiped out then or before so I'd likely retire with my wife if she still loves me by then. Sam told me from the doorway. "I have it on hood authority she will always love you."

My smile softened and I pulled her into my arms before kissing her. She told me Jack was with the Tok'ra so I asked if she'd like to see the ancient outpost. She nodded and I warned. "It can't be much, but it's gotta have some part of what I remember Atlantis to be."

She called a meeting so Teal'c, Jonas, myself and Faora were going with General Hammond and another team to check it out and secure the area. When we got on the cargo ship, I brought up the satellite mapping and my suit flew us there. When we were over the ring platform, I started up the particle laser using the ring platforms and I told them it'd be about ten minutes. "There's a mile of ice to melt through so it'll take time."

When the suit indicated we were there, I pulled the plug and moved the stuff out of the way before we all stood in the ring center, ringing down. When we arrived I saw a stasis pod and moved passed it to the chair platform. "There's been some changes. This chair has a full ZPM powering it so it's likely a drone platform."

I knelt and waved a hand, taking out the potentia and passed it to General Hammond. "Potentia, aka a ZPM. It's depleted though so if we can find another earth can be defended with the most powerful diverse weapons I've ever completed."

They did a sweep of the area and found little else, but it was enough for now. I put the cover back on the power casing and stood up, touching the chair. "All that even resembles my old home is a chair, a stasis pod and some basic decorations."

I turned to General Hammond. "There was a lot of things gathered was there-"

He shook his head and I sighed. "Fair enough, but if anything has Atlantis's gate address, it's this platform. It was supposedly the spire landing plaform for Atlantis before they left earth after it was built thirty million years before."

Faora agreed. "It was. In fact the second story of the tower was destroyed no doubt in an ice flow. I was there in stasis awaiting the day the others would return to cure me so I could rejoin our people. It seems I was forgotten in time while they were putting your weapons in."

I shrugged. "Don't feel bad. If I'm right there's one other ancient on earth in a stasis pod and she's the one that invented the plague on the orders of the Doci, the head priest of the Ori. We aren't necessarily alone, but I won't be freeing her from stasis if she's at the second outpost."

General Hammond frowned. "Where is it?"

I grunted. "Greece. A small island known for volcanos and where Atlantis was built thirty million years ago. A shield no doubt protected the outpost and her but it'll have drained the potentia likely to nothing especially with her stasis there. I'd she's freed there's a chance she could set loose a second outbreak or make a new one."

I told him I'd give him the location but I wouldn't recommend freeing her under any circumstances even if they were just leaving her to die. We left and General Hammond had a military posting set up around the shaft to begin putting in an elevator. I told him it would get in the way of the drones if they're to be used and the ring platform if it's needed in a hurry. He asked if I could cut another shaft down so I did, burning just enough and stopping.

We headed back to the SGC and the potentia was studied, photographed and told to each team that we needed them to power earth's defenses. General Hammond asked if the eyes could and I shrugged saying it would be difficult like using a watch battery instead of a car battery. He asked if that wasn't impossible and I grunted. "Anything is possible so long as you know how or are willing to do anything to achieve your goals."

Sam, Jonas and Teal'c took Faora on a mission because I was busy and they brought back a near completed cargo goa'uld ship. Then Jack was declared missing from the Tok'ra so we had to do the song and dance with them and the ambassador refused to share information on the symbiote that saved Jack, Kanin or whatever. General Hammond played hard ball and the ambassador turned over the files which we went through until I told them Jack was at Ba'al's secret gravity facility.

The ambassador asked how I knew and I shrugged. "Kanin and his host slept with Ba'al's Lotar to get close to him and when he left he or the host was in love. I'm not too sure how much wit her effects the other but I do know there's an emotional connection between the symbiote and host. Anyways, Jack's not the type to leave a man behind so when Kanin was forced to judge himself by Jack's moral code, plus the loss of his previous host and the love they felt, there's no question, they went back for her."

The ambassador said Kanin was more logical than that and my reasons are based on emotions. I chuckled. "Well you may be a moron and emotionally stunted, but I know for a fact the Tok'ra are a passionate race, case and point Jolinar and Lantesh as well as their hosts. You can't love so deeply and not be moved by it when faced with a no man gets left behind type of will."

He went to argue and I held up a hand. "Kid, just trust me, you aren't going to win this argument. Love has no reason nor limits and loyalty is boundless without regard for health or life. Two of the most powerful emotions and a grieving symbiote no matter the age can be made to bend or break to a point."

He frowned and said it didn't matter because the place was a fortress, a well defended one at that. I shrugged. "It's also secret so I say we drop a dime to the other system lords. While they attack we'll sneak in cloaked and save Jack with his new Lady friend. If I get the chance I'll send a virus to their ships and the base to corrupt all their systems while we leave. Can't have them mastering antigravity technology or gravity well technology before we can kill them all after all."

General Hammond asked if I was sure and I nodded. "Enough to place the thoughts in Lord Yu's head myself."

He agreed and I went to see an old Asian man about a ball, I mean Ba'al. He didn't know where the thoughts came from, but he gave the order and gathered the system lord's fleets to move against Ba'al so I was gone. I joined the others and infiltrated the base, getting Jack back with the Lotar girl. As for Kanin, he was awol having left Jack.