Chapter 17 - Spirit Frecuency Ring

Along the way to the old school building which is at the back of Kuoh Gakuen, there was no conversation between Shirou, Asia, Kiba and Koneko. Asia was afraid of Kiba and Koneko after finding out that both of them were part of a demon race so she didn't dare to ask the two of them.

Meanwhile, Koneko was still scared because of Shirou who was right behind her. Kiba didn't speak because he felt awkward and a little confused about what to say. Shirou didn't want to say anything because he was to lazy to have to talk in the awkward circumstances.


"Rias why have you been pacing like that in front of your table?" asked Akeno. "Are you worried about Koneko-chan, Kiba-kun and Emiya-san?"

"I'm not just worried about the three of them Akeno," replied Rias. "I have a feeling that something even more shocking will happen to all of us!"

"A shocking thing?" Akeno said. "What kind of shocking thing that will happen to us Rias, did you have some idea?"

"I don't know Akeno," said Rias. "But I hope whatever happens next isn't something bad."


"Buchou we back," said Kiba whose shirt was still being held by Koneko.

"Kiba, Koneko, you two are finally back," said Rias. "How about Emiya-kun, did you two find out what he was trying to do?"

"How about Buchou ask the person himself?" Kiba said. "He is exactly behind me."

Shirou walked into the club room, together with Asia who is holding his left hand. Asia looked at Rias and Akeno with anxiety and fear. because she didn't know them. That's why Asia immediately turned her face away when she finished looking at Akeno and Rias.

"Emiya-kun who is that girl?" Rias asked. "And why she looking afraid to me and Akeno?"

"She just felt a little nervous seeing a stranger in front of her," replied Shirou. "Asia is a little shy."

"Is that so, but you haven't answered my first question," said Rias. "And also I want to know what you were doing after school."

"How about we all sit down quietly first," said Shirou. "Because what I'm going to tell you might shock you a little."


"I went to an abandoned church to save Asia, from fallen angels

who want to take the healing Sacred Gear inside her body, " said Shirou. " Fighting those ugly crows is not a difficult thing, that's why I can help Asia easily. "

"You went to the abandoned church to save that girl?" Rias said. "Plus you are fighting with the fallen angels! Emiya-kun don't you know that it is very dangerous! Going arbitrarily to enemy headquarters like that is tantamount to violating my orders!"

"I'm sorry Rias buchou," said Shirou. "But Asia is an important person to me, there is no way I would let her be in danger."

"But you're still part of my peerage!" Rias said. "Do you think I don't feel worried, when I heard you say that you went to that old church and fought the fallen angels!"

Shirou could see that Rias was really worried about him. 'Apparently Rias Gremory does not consider her peerage to be a slave, this is quite a shock for me. Unfortunately right now I'm not a part of his peerage, although she might still be able to feel I am still part of her peerage through the evil pieces, but unfortunately Rias Gremory's evil pieces are no longer in my body. Because I have transferred it into a special ring that stores the frequency of my spirit to trick her into thinking that I am still part of her peerage. '

"I'm sorry I made you worry Rias-buchou," said Shirou. "But now you don't have to worry about me anymore, because I'm not part of your peerage anymore."

"W-what do you mean Emiya-kun?" Rias asked who was shocked at Shirou's words.

Akeno, Kiba and Koneko also felt shocked at Shirou's words. They all didn't understand what Shirou was saying. Even Koneko forgot her fear of Shirou because she was surprised by Shirou's words.

"I mean this is Rias-buchou," said Shirou as he took off the spirit frequency ring he made with Zelretch.

At that instant Rias could feel that the connection between herself and Shirou had been cut. And Rias finally understood what Shirou said earlier.

"E-Emiya-kun what happened!" Rias said. "Why I can feel that you are no longer part of my peerage?"

"That's because I'm not a part of your peerage Rias-buchou," said Shirou. "When I took off the spirit frequency ring I wore to make you think that I was still part of your peerage that instantaneously make the power of the spirit frequency ring was deactivated."

"Spirit frequency ring?" Rias said. "Is that the thing that allows you to release the evil pieces I planted inside your body."

"No, but I used one of Gilgamesh's magic tools to allow me to pull out your evil pieces that are in my body," Shirou said. "The spirit frequency ring is a noble phantasm or Sacred Gear that can mimic the frequency of a person's spirit, because the evil-pieces stored in my body can't be used by others because they have imprinted the frequency data from my spirit. So I used a spirit frequency ring to mimic the waves and frequencies of my own spirit and then put the evil pieces that were inside my body into this spirit frequency ring which will only activate if someone is wearing it. "


The information from Shirou clearly made Rias and almost everyone in the club room except Asia startled.

"The information you gave me really shocked Emiya-kun," said Rias. "But can you tell me why you pulled out my evil pieces from your body that way, is there anything I did that annoyed you? That make you do that! And did you know that your doing of taking out evil pieces carelessly is something that could endanger your life!"

"You never made me angry or annoyed Rias-buchou," said Shirou. "And I know that recklessly pulling out the evil pieces is life threatening but Gilgamesh was constantly complaining inside my head that he didn't like it when I who was the user of his Gate of Babylon became a slave to the demon race! Because I can't stand his voices in my head! So I asked for his help so that I can remove the evil pieces from my body and stop being a part of your peerage. But to make Rias-buchou wouldn't be suspicious of me that's why Gilgamesh gave me the idea to use a spirit frequency ring to trick you, which I didn't expect actually worked. "

'Blaming Gilgamesh for everything,' said Zelretch. "You do seem to really hate the king of heroes."

'I don't really hate him Zelretch,' said Shirou. 'But right now that's all I can think of to trick Rias about the spirit frequency ring we made.'

'Whew, poor Gilgamesh!' Zelretch said.

"Gilgamesh who is in your body really pissed me off Emiya-kun!" said Rias. "At random he told you to remove my evil pieces from your body!"

"He is a king with high self-esteem," said Shirou. "He doesn't want to submit to anyone, I'm sorry Rias-buchou. I did whatever he wanted to pull out your evil pieces, because I really can't stand hearing the protests he made in my head!"

"It's not your fault Emiya-kun," said Rias. "It's all Gilgamesh's fault in your body!"

" Ara ara Rias this is really a big problem," said Akeno. "Shirou-kun is no longer a part of us, if Sirzech-sama finds out about this problem, serious things will happen."

"Uuh, you are right Akeno, this is a huge problem," said Rias. "If Onii-sama finds out, I don't know what he will do."

"Eh, buchou, if Emiya-san wore his spirit frequency ring which contained your evil pieces, Emiya-san would be a part of your peerage again," said Kiba.

"Aaaah! You're right Kiba!" Rias said. "Why didn't I think about it! Emiya-kun, I will no longer bother about you fighting those fallen angels! But please will you be part of my peerage again!"

"Haaaah, alright Rias-buchou, if that can make you happy and avoid trouble, "said Shirou as he sighed and put back the spirit frequency ring on his middle finger.

Rias could feel that when Shirou wore the spirit frequency ring, the bond between herself and Shirou had returned. And Shirou once again became part of the peerage.

Rias immediately hugged Shirou tightly then tucked Shirou's face between her chest while saying:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Rias's embrace made Shirou feel both happy and miserable. happy because his face was between the super big breasts of a super beautiful woman, Shirou was a normal man there was no way he could not feel happy with what he was currently experiencing. Suffered because he had difficulty breathing because Rias hugged him tightly. when in a situation like this Shirou could only say: "Damn! My E rank luck!"

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