Chapter 20 - Asia meet Issei

Kuoh Gakuen during the lunch break right inside Issei class.

"Hey, Issei, Matsuda! Did you know that there is a new cute girl in the next class!" said Motohama, Issei pervert friend who was wearing a glasses. "That new cute student are in Emiya Shirou class! That damn ikemen!"

"What!" said Issei and Matsuda who were shocked at the information that Motohama brought.

"What she look like and how about her face ?" asked Matsuda.

"Does she have big oppai?" Issei asked.

"The new student in the next class has fairly long blonde hair and a slender body," said Motohama. "Her face is quite cute and the size of her oppai is practically normal."

"Her body is slender and less plump, plus only have a regular-sized oppai?" said Matsuda. "That's quite disappointing, but you said earlier that her face is pretty cute. That's enough for me!"

"Haaah too bad her oppai are in normal size and not big!" Issei said. "Well, as long as she has a decent face I guess it can make up for the flaws in her oppai size."

"That's right! My two comrades in arms!" Motohama said. "Oppai is everything! A girls who have a big oppai are the best! "

"That's right my friend!" Said Matsuda. "Oppai is a beauty that is second to none!"

"Oppai are the most beautiful things in the world!" Issei said. "A thing that can't be compared to anything in this world!"

"Long live Oppai!" The three shouted.

The three of their classmates felt very disgusted by their conversation. Especially the girls who really don't like hearing their body parts being talked about by the perverted trio.

What the perverted trio didn't realize was that Shirou heard all the talk that the perverted trio had. And Shirou didn't like it at all, Asia, who he considered as part of the Emiya family, was made the subject of perverted talk by Issei and his two friends. and Shirou felt that he should have teach the trio a lesson later.


Old school building, on the way home from school.

Asia walked together with Shirou in the front of the old school building. Asia felt a little nervous because she was holding Shirou's shirt to calm herself down. Rias who saw Shirou and Asia walking close together from the window of the ORC room, felt her heart feel very hot when Asia held Shirou's clothes. Rias knows the closeness between Asia and Shirou, because Asia lives under one roof with Shirou. And somehow she feel really annoyed at the closeness of Asia and Shirou.

"Asia are you still feeling nervous?" Shirou asked.

"I-it's not, Shirou-san," replied Asia. "With you around me I feel a little less nervous."

"Good then," said Shirou. "But I hope you will learn to get rid of your nervousness and try to be more have courageous, since I can't always be by your side Asia-san, you have to learn to be brave without my help. "

Asia felt quite sad at Shirou's words. But after thinking a little, she knew that Shirou's words were true. There was no way Shirou could continue to be with her if she needed courage and support, she had to try to be bolder with her own strength.

"I-I understand Shirou-san," Asia said in a sad tone. "I should try to be brave without your help."

"Asia you might feel bad about what I said earlier," said Shirou. "But it's for your own good, and if you can't get courage from yourself, why don't you ask God to give you a courage. You are one of the most prayerful people I have ever seen. But have you ever asked God for help when you needed help? "

"You maybe have been seen me praying so often Shirou-san," said Asia. "But it's nothing more than a habit I've done since childhood. Lately I feel there is no point asking Him for help, because I think even though we pray to Him for help our prayers will not be answered. Because He doesn't care about mankind anymore! "

"You're wrong Asia-san!" Shirou said. "God still have a cares and love for mankind, and God will feel happy if we pray to Him whether we are in trouble or not, especially if we are in trouble and ask Him for help, He will definitely want to help solve the problem we are experiencing. "

"I've asked God for help," said Asia. "I pray that so I will not be expelled from the Vatican, but my prayers are not heard and I am still being kicked out of the Vatican and cannot serve people who have a wound anymore."

Shirou could feel the disappointment from Asia's words. It was clear that Asia felt angry and disappointed with God because her prayers were not answered.

"Asia, I know you are disappointed in God because your prayers were not heard, but not all the answers to prayer from God can be according to our wishes, and isn't it because your expelled from Vatican that you meet me and can get happiness that you've never experienced? "Said Shirou "Never blame God if your prayers are not heard by Him Asia, because God always wants the best for every human being who prays to Him."

Asia was touched by Shirou's words, she was angry with God because her prayer to not expelled from the Vatican was not heard. But after she thought about it again, thanks to being expelled from the Vatican she was able to stay at the Emiya residence and live the normal life that had been her dream. God really knows what is best for her.

"Your words are very correct Shirou-san," said Asia while crying. "I really have sinned deeply by blaming God, even though He has given the second best thing that ever happened to my life besides knowing God and believing in Him. That thing is meeting you!"

Asia kissed Shirou's lips suddenly and clearly it made Shirou shocked and blushed.

"That's a gift for you Shirou-san," said Asia. "Because it you made me aware of my mistake."

Rias who saw the kiss between Asia and Shirou became even more angry. She didn't think Asia who looks so shy could do such a daring thing! She felt that she had to take a more drastic step to approach Shirou. Otherwise she would lose the chance to win Shirou's heart.


"Hyoohoho! There is a cute girl sitting next to Akeno-san! " Said Issei who just entered the ORC room. " Rias-buchou who is that girl! Is she a new member? "

"Issei calm down a little!" Rias said while holding her forehead. "She's our new member who was brought in by Emiya-kun, her name is Asia Argento."

Issei immediately dashed towards Asia then moved his hand forward to maks shake hands and introduce himself to Asia.

"Hello, my name is Hyoudou Issei," said Issei while trying to make his face as cool as possible, which was clearly a failure and instead looked lecherous. "Nice to meet you!"

Looking at Asia's cute face, Issei really felt so happy that his breath was panting and his tongue was sticking out even his nostrils were flared up. Because there is one more beautiful girl who beautifies the atmosphere at ORC.

Asia felt very disgusted when she saw Issei who looked at herself in a lecherous way. Asia used to be said to be an innocent teenage girl and didn't understand anything about sex and so on. but after staying at the Emiya residence for more than a week, Sella the maid from the Emiya residence who felt most helped by Asia's existence, taught Asia about various things. Including the matter of the relationship between men and women and also things about perverted men that must be avoided.

"Gyaaaa pervert!" Asia shouted who immediately kicked Issei's groin when Issei tried to shake hands with her.

Sella taught Asia that if a man with a perverted look tries to get close to her, Asia should kick the perverted guy's genitals right away, so that Asia can stay out of danger.

"# @ $$ %% !!!!% !!!" Issei screamed in pain because his ball was kicked. His face turned pale and Issei rolled on the floor in pain.

"Ara ara Issei-kun must be in a lot of pain," said Akeno while smiling.

"The most appropriate punishment for a pervert!" Koneko said.

"I was trying to get Issei to reduce his lecherousness but he didn't notice either," said Rias while touching her forehead once again.

"Uuuh I don't have a comment," said Kiba.

"Wow, the teachings from Sella are really effective," said Shirou. "The pervert got the karma."

The activities at ORC were slightly delayed because Issei was still rolling on the floor.

Author Note: Next Raizer have a humiliated moment. Support me on