Interlude 2

Tohsaka Rin Pov

4 years ago, it was the first time I met Emiya Shirou. By the time everyone else was home from school, Emiya Shirou continued to train to jump over the pole. Jump over the pole of such a height, even I wouldn't be able to do it. Moreover, an ordinary man like him who did not have the physique to do it, still tried to jump over the pole at all costs.

Why does he keep trying to jump over the pole?

Even though he knew that with his height there was no way he could cross the pole!

He now that his effort was useless.

But he kept jumping over the bars without any sign of giving up.

Strangely the useless thing he did right now. Gave me, a feeling of satisfaction and delight and admiration.

Apart from myself there were 2 other people who saw Emiya-kun jumping over the barrier that afternoon.

Two people who feel the same way as me, my little sister Sakura, who came to look for me. and one more person who is strangely had to come to Japan that afternoon.

The girl with the golden drill, Luvia.


In the Backside of the new school building.

"Emiya-Kun is one of those people which you can call 'Lucky Sukebe'," Rin said. "I means why he drag us with him when he randomly trips? Are he is some Eroge character? He said that he didn't do it on purpose, but I have a doubt about that."

"He's just a super blockhead guy," Luvia said. "He even doesn't try to move on us, even tough both you, your little sister and me are prepared for it."

"Senpai is stupid boy!" Sakura said. "He even doesn't know my feeling even after I being so obvious to him!"

"Sigh!" Rin, Sakura and Luvia sighing.

Rin Pov

Since when me, Sakura and Luvia became like this? it has been 2 years since that dramatic encounter, since that nothing has happened between me and Emiya-kun. Because after I graduated from middle school, I move to London continuing my study in Clocktower and my sister Sakura stay at Kuoh with my mother. And when I'm back to Kuoh to do some mission for the Wizard Marshall. I crossed path with him by accident in one of Kuoh Gakuen hall.

I know that it is impossible for him to remember me, but outside of my expectation he remember about me and talk to me: "Hey Tohsaka, long time no see!"

I'm feel really happy in my heart! But there is another fact that made me feel so annoys!

My little sister Sakura and my rival Luvia made a move on him!

And Emiya-kun the blockhead even doesn't feel annoyed or blushing when Sakura and Luvia touch him.

That's what make me feel so angry!

that's why sometimes I, Sakura and Luvia fighting for Shirou. Outside our disguises persona as honor student.


"We really can't keep ourselves under our control," Rin said.

"Yeah, our fight really too much this time," Luvia said.

"And all of that only came into this," Sakura said pointed her hand to Shirou who has fainted on crater in the ground with a bruised body.

"How we end up doing this," Luvia said. "I really don't think we were conscious of ourselves."

"I think it happened when we got in an argument over who he made lunch for," Rin said.

"Nee-san was right," Sakura said. "We made Senpai fainted because our argument over the lunch that Senpai made."

"What a pain," Rin sighing.

I made a decision about what should I done, If I, Sakura and Luvia thought about this rationally, we only have a problem when Emiya-kun is around us.

I have made up my mind! That I will not give up about my feeling! Luvia, Sakura, I hope both of you are prepared! because I will not give Emiya-kun to anyone!

"Let's put an end to this," Rin said. "If three of us keep fighting like this, Emiya-kun will not realized our feelings! And someday he will end up with someone else."

"Nee-san was right," Sakura said. "We better make a healthy competition to win Senpai heart."

"I agree with you two," Luvia said. "If we keep fighting like this Shero is the one who will become our scapegoat."

"Emiya-kun where are you!" Rias shouted. "Is time for our Occult Research Club activity!"

Hearing Rias shouted Rin, Sakura, and Luvia hidden reflectly.

"Hmm I heard from his classmate that Emiya-kun is having his lunch behind the new school building," Rias said and when she seeing Shirou has fainted with a lot of bruises on the ground. "Eh ah no way Emiya-kun!"

Rias pulls up Shirou body from the ground and shaking Shirou body while shouted:

"Emiya-kun are you allright !? Please wake up Emiya-kun !!"

"I need some sanbaizu!" Shirou said when he wake up. "Uggh aah Rias-buchou? Why are we in a place like this?"

"You didn't remember anything at all Emiya-kun?" Asked Rias.

"No, I don't remember anything," Shirou answered.

"Anyway we must treat your injuries to Emiya-kun," Rias said while helping Shirou stand up. "Can you stand up?"

"Ouch," Shirou said. "Yeah I think I can."

"Mikado-Sensei is absent today," Rias said. "But I will take care of your injuries in the club room, I stay by your side until you feel better."

"Sorry for trouble you Rias-buchou," Shirou said.

"Not at all," Rias said while blushing. "Ehehehehe."

"That bimbo!" Luvia said. "How dare she stole our Shero."

"Rias Gremory, that devil really is our biggest competitor for Emiya-kun's heart," Rin said.

"How dare she!" Sakura said. "How dare she made a romantic vibe with Shirou-Senpai! I will kill her!"

Rin Pov

It seem like, Emiya-kun is a natural playboy, because there is so many girl who that has an eyes out for him. there is too much competitor for his heart, ah somehow my emotion is uproaring and my chest is throbbing and burning. I really want to kill Rias Gremory!

Emiya-kun is mine! I will not give him to anyone!


'You're very lucky Archer,' said Zelretch. 'Just now the three girls fought over you and now you are being taken care of by Rias Gremory who has super big breasts! In fact she let your head be on her lap! If that pervert Issei saw your current state, he would have died from shock! '

"Shut up, Zelretch!" said Shirou with a flushed face. 'I'm not lucky at all! Because of Sakura, Rin and Luvia fighting over the bento that I made for Rin! I'm so battered you know! '

'Why didn't you run away earlier,' said Zelretch. 'If you want you can run away, right?'

'I'm feel panick you know! because the three of them were fighting! ' Shirou said. "I forgot to run away!"

"Emiya-kun, are you feeling better?" Rias asked.

"Y-Yes Rias-buchou," said Shirou. "I feel better already!"

"Thankfully!" Rias said. "I was really worried because I found you battered earlier!"

Finally Shirou was forced to pretend he was still a little weak and sick in front of Rias until the evening. Because he can't bear to make Rias who is sincere about taking care of him feel bad.

author Note: Short story next time will be Excalibur arc this short story is based on Fate kaleid manga short story 'The girl reason' Archer is more relaxed and tamed in this fic because he is affected by his new memory from his new body . Support me on