Chapter 42 - Heroic Spirit

"Heroic Spirit?" Sona says. "Emiya-kun, do you mean a hero who has great achievements in his or her life who is still known and adored by many people even though they are all dead? From what I read, the heroes who became Heroic Spirits are freed from the wheel of reincarnation and went to a place called the Throne of Heroes which lies beyond space and time. Why did you mention and asking about an obscure legend like that? "

Shirou smiled, after he heard Sona's explanation. He was not too surprised if Sona know about Heroic Spirit, because she did have an extensive knowledge.

"Unfortunately Sona-kaichou, the legends about the Heroic Spirit is real," said Shirou. "And a moment ago, all of you were just knock out by one of the Heroic Spirits."

"We all are knoct out by a Heroic Spirit !?" Said Rias who felt really shocked. "What do you mean Emiya-kun !?"

"Emiya-kun, Arturia Von Einzbern is the Heroic Spirit isn't it?" said Sona who could immediately guess what is the meaning of Shirou word.

"You are really smart Sona-kaichou," said Shirou. "Your guess is correct. Arturia Von Einzbern is a Heroic Spirit, or rather a Heroic Spirit who has just revived."

"A revived Heroic Spirit !?"

Sona, Rias, Akeno and Tsubaki, Kiba, Koneko and also Griselda were completely shocked by what Shirou said. How could the Heroic Spirit, a spirit of a dead Hero can be revived.

"Emiya-kun, are what are you saying is real?" asked Rias.

"I'm telling all of you the truth," replied Shirou. "And I'm not lying, Arturia is a revived Heroic Spirit."

"Emiya-kun, that's impossible," said Sona while adjusting the position of her glasses. "We devils can revive someone using the evil pieces as long as that person hasn't been dead for too long and the body is still intact, but a Heroic Spirit is the spirit of hero that already died a long time ago and the Hero body already gone how could you possibly bring her back to life? Even if it is true that Arturia Von Einzbern is a Heroic Spirit, it requires a special ritual that need a Second Magic Kaleidoscope and the only Kaleidoscope user in this world is..aaah. "

Sona realizes something from the words she just said, precisely when she said Kaleidoscope, Sona immediately remembered about Rin and Luvia's mission in Kuoh along with their superiors at the Clock Tower, the only Second Magic user in this world, Wizard Marshall Zelretch.

"Emiya-kun, don't tell me that the one who summoned the spirit was Arturia was the Wizard Marshall Zelretch," said Sona. "One of the strongest vampires in the world and the user of Kaleidoscope. Even the 4 four Mao have a fear to him! And maybe the appearance of Arturia has something to do with Tohsaka Rin and Luvia Edelfelt mission in Kuoh."

"Hmm, how should I explain it to you all," said Shirou. "Zelretch indeed have the ability to summon Arturia, but her spirit was not summoned by him but by someone else. And yeah Arturia's sudden appearance in here is somehow related to Rin and Luvia secret mission, but I can't say anything about what is their mission to you all, because that was the Clock Tower secret. And if all of you want to know what their mission really is, it better if you ask Rin or Luvia about it, because it's not my right to tell what is their mission. "

"I feel something familiar about her name," said Kiba. "Who she really is?"

"Kiba don't you realize who Arturia Von Einzbern really is after you heard her name," said Rias. "I and Akeno immediately realized Arturia's true identity, after Emiya-kun said that Arturia is a Heroic Spirit."

"That's right Kiba-kun," said Akeno. "Haven't you noticed it yet?"

"No, I don't know who Arturia really is," said Kiba. "Who is she?"

"Arthur Pendragon, ah no, she is a woman that means her real name is Arturia Pendragon it more fit," said Griselda. "The king of Camelot and the original owner of Excalibur."

"W-what !!!!?" Shouted Kiba. "A-Arturia is Arthur Pendragon! The original holder of the legendary Excalibur!"

"Yeah, she was the king Arthur on the legend," Shirou said. "And you're all must be confused, why the king Arthur in legend is a girl."

"That was a shocking thing to me," Sona said. "I really didn't expect that the king Arthur from the legend real gender is a girl."

"Too much surprise if I must say," Tsubaki said.

"Same for me," Rias said.

"Me too," Akeno said.

"I don't believe the real user of the sword that I really hate is a girl," Kiba said with a confusion in his head.

"Well I was like that too, when I know that the king Arthur on the legend is a girl," Shirou said.

"Now what I want to know Emiya-kun, how the hell Arturia can be alive once more," Rias said. "You didn't tell us the reason."

"That was my secret," Shirou said. "And I don't want to tell you how she got back to life."

"Well, you have the right to not telling us Emiya-kun," said Sona. "Although I'm very curious to know."

"I will tell you went the time is right," Shirou said.

"Aaargh! Since we are all to busy talking about King Arthur, I forgot about Irina!" Griselda who felt attracted to Arturia story finally remember something more important than talking about the Heroic Spirit who came back to life. "What the hell happened to Irina!"

"Aah that's right because of Emiya-kun talking about Heroic Spirit we are all forgot about Irina-san who just disappeared!" Rias said.

"Irina? Isn't that was the name that mentioned by the Exorcist whom I fought before," said Shirou. "She even asked me where Irina was which unfortunately I don't know where, and don't know who she is."

"Irina Shidou is one of my subordinates and Xenovia's partner in duty," said Griselda. "She disappeared when were all passed out."

"There is a possibility that she was kidnapped by the enemy when you are all passed out," said Shirou. "And on behalf of Arturia I apologize to miss nun and also to all of you, because of Arturia is going berserk and spread her aura of anger that cause by she heard about her Excalibur has split into 7 pieces, maybe miss nun and all of you wouldn't be passed out and Irina-san will not kidnapped."

"It's okay Shirou-san," said Kiba. "I'm not angry at all, in fact thanks to that pass out I just I realized that I'm still not strong enough, and need a lot more practice!"

"I agree with Kiba-senpai," said Koneko who didn' t look angry at all but the content of her mind is:

'I'm very angry Emiya-Senpai! Very angry but once the problems we are facing are gone, I will ask you to cook a lots of delicious dishes to get rid of my irritation! '

"I and Akeno aren't angry Emiya-kun, so don't worry," said Rias. "Because Arturia-san also didn't do it on purpose."

Rias real tought is:

'After the problem with Excalibur is resolved, I will take Emiya-kun to an amusement park! As a compensation for making me angry! '

And in Akeno tought is:

'Ara ara I will go all out to tease Emiya-kun once the problem with Excibur is resolved! I really want to see Tohsaka-san and Rias 'reaction when I tease Emiya-kun!'

"I and Tsubaki is fine with it, so you don't have to apologize Emiya-kun," said Sona. Sona tought is: 'I'm not angry just a little pissed off! If the problem with Excalibur is over I will punish Emiya-kun, by asking him for a date to make Rias pissed off! '

"I'm not angry to you or Arturia, Emiya-san," said Griselda. "Because I will have a same reaction like Arturia if I hear my beloved sword split into 7 pieces. And Emiya-san don't call me miss nun but call me Sister Griselda!"

"Very well Sister Griselda," said Shirou. "I already know about the stolen Excalibur and the identity of the thief from Tohsaka and Luvia, There is a possibility that Valper Galilei the Excalibur thief was the one who also kidnapped Irina whem you are all pass out."

"That possibility is exists," said Griselda. "The only problem now is his hiding location."

"If I'm not mistaken Valper's aim is to unite the Excalibur right?" said Sona. "And to do that he has to perform a special ritual that require a lot of magical energy. Kuoh Gakuen is a place with the highest magical energy vein in this city, and that means sooner or later Valper Galiliei will come to this place Gakuen to perform the special ritual because of the magical energy that he need are only exist in here. We don't have to do anything to find Valper Galilei, All we need to do is to wait for him in this school!"

Author Note: Cliffhanger, Next Chapter will be the final chapter of Excalibur Arc part 1. (The Next Chapter already post on my Pa.treon if you want to read it of course.

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