Chapter 49 - Shirou vs Kokabiel

Kokabiel floated back into the air, his face grinning widely and Kokabiel mouth opened revealing his terrifying sharp teeth. He looked at the two Cerberus that he summoned.

Kokabiel already know that the two Cerberus he summoned would be defeated. So he didn't feel surprised or shocked when he saw his two pet has died.

Because the role of the two Cerberus is only to make Rias, Akeno, Luvia and Rin busy, so they will not disturb the fight between him againts Shirou and Arturia.

He felt happy when he found out his two pets had succeeded making Rias have a serious injury.

Kokabiel then looked at Asia who was treating Rias and Koneko who was guarding Rias and Asia. Even if Rias was healed by Asia, it won't have any effect on the plan he made to start a new war. Because after he defeated Shirou and Arturia who was the biggest obstacle to his plan. He could easily beat Rias, Sona and the others, because they were all just ants in front of Kokabiel eyes.


Siegfried is still not serious in fight againts Kiba, Xenovia and Griselda. He didn't even move from the place where he was standing because he could handle Kiba, Xenovia and Griselda at the same time. Kiba felt that even though his Holy-Demonic Sword was indeed strong, he still couldn't use it properly. That's why Kiba decided to deactivate his Balance-Breaker and use the strongest sword he could made using Sword Birth, the Speed ​​Booster: a speed-multiplying sword that could increase his speed 4 times of his maximum speed.

Xenovia knows, the wild aura that coming out of Durandal is not easy to tame or control. That's why right now she can't use Durandal full power, right now all Xenovia can do is swing Durandal randomly towards Siegfried hoping that one of the slashes she swung might hit Siegfried. Because using a complicated and precise sword techniques isn't something Xenovia can do.

Griselda used her standard light sword plus Black Key, to fight Siegfried. But it all proved useless, because Siegfried was able to destroy all the Black Keys that were directed at him. Her body was throw several meters from Siegfried, when her light sword collided with Siegfried's light sword. Right now Griselda mind can't think straightly, all she had in her mind was a good way to defeating Siegfried. She even forgot about her mission from Vatican to take the Excalibur back. Because at this time Griselda decided to detonate her magical core and then bring Siegfried death along with her.


"From now on I will get serious in our fight and stop playing around," said Kokabiel. "So you two! Please stop holding back and fight me seriously!"

"It's a shame Arturia can't fight seriously because she only came back to life for a short time, so she hasn't gotten used to her new body yet and her strength hasn't returned to its peak state so right now she is already in a tired state," said Shirou. " So the only one who will fight seriously with you is me."

After knowing Arturia couldn't fight seriously, Kokabiel looked disappointed. But he thought at least Shirou as the user of the Gate of Babylon can made him have some fun.

"It's a shame I can't fight seriously with you Arturia, but because I respect you, I won't kill you. Emiya Shirou take her to a safe place to rest, I don't want her to interfere our fight! "Kokabiel said.

"I'm sorry Shirou, I'm so useless," said Arturia with a sad tone.

"Don't feel sad Arturia," said Shirou. "Your just only came back to life, so it's only natural that right now your stamina in your new bosy is not the same like you have before."

Shirou carried Arturia's body and took her to where Rin, Rias, Akeno, and Luvia were being treated.

"You can still respect someone even though you are a fallen angel, that's a new thing to me. The other fallen angels that I met were all to arrogant and prideful," said Shirou.

"Don't equate me with the lowly fallen angels who think themselves higher than any other creature," said Kokabiel. "I still have dignity and honor, because I know arrogancy will only bring disaster in a battle!"

'It look like he became a fallen angel because of his fighting madness, even though he is not an arrogant fallen angel.'

"Then let's start the fight! Trace On!" Shirou traced Kanshou and Bakuya as usual and opened a large number of Divine Gates.

kokabiel smiled, finally he and Shirou would fight seriously. What kind of fun that he will get in this fight?

"With pleasure!" kokabiel gathered a lot of magical energy outside of his body and formed it into a large number of the light spears to match Shirou attacks that use the Gate of Babylon.


The level C noble Phantasm that Shirou fired at Kokabiel, was held back by Kokabiel using the bunch of light spears that he had created earlier.

And then Shirou and Kokabiel were fighting at close range. Shirou attacks Kokabiel using Kanshou and Bakuya, while Kokabiel uses a spear of light which he reduced in size to match Shirou's falchion. The two of them collided and fought evenly, and because the fight was quite intense. Shirou, couldn't open the Divine Gate in that battle. Because opening Divine Gate requires high concentration.

and in the intense battle against Kokabiel, concentrating on doing two things at once is tough.

"Trace On!"

"Spirit and technique, Flawless and Firm!"

Shirou started the aria to use the special technique of Kanshou and Bakuya.

Shirou throws the Kanshou and Bakuya in his hand to Kokabiel and traces a new Kanshou and Bakuya.

Kokabiel easily dodged Kanshou and Bakuya that flew at him and countered Shirou's attack by throwing a light spears to Shirou.

Shirou cleaved the light spear of light using kanshou, then he chanted his aria again.

"Our strength rips the mountain."

"Our swords split the water."

Shirou once again threw Kanshou and Bakuya into the air and tracing a new Kanshou and Bakuya while darting towards Kokabiel and attacking him directly from the front. Shirou's attacks were faster than before, making Kokabiel barely able to defence Shirou's attack.

In a very short time, Kokabiel still had a time to move his body backwards a little bit to avoid Shirou's slash. But when he retreated backwards, suddenlyKanshou and Bakuya that Shirou had thrown earlier suddenly change their orbit and stuck right into Kokabiel's shoulder.

"Arrrrrrkh!" Kokabiel screamed in pain, he didn't understand why the two swords that Shirou had thrown to the other direction could change it orbit and stuck deep into his shoulder.

After saw Kokabiel had an opening because he in pain. Shirou then said the next aria.

"Our name reaches the imperial villa."

"Trace Overedge!"

Shirou inject a magical energy into Kanshou and Bakuya, making Kanshou and Bakuya longer and heavier, and changing their shape resemble a pair of wings.

By taking advantage of Kokabiel's condition, who was still off guard because of his wounds. Shirou made a cross slash with the aim to killing Kokabiel. At the same time Kokabiel, that snapped out of his pain. Seeing Shirou attacking him and realized how dangerous Shirou's attack was, he move quickly and managed to avoid Shirou's attack even though not completely because Shirou's attack was ripped trough his body and left the x mark in wound im Kokabiel body.

"The two of us can't hold the sky together."

Shirou uttered his final aria and began the final attack using Kanshou and Bakuya.

"Crane wings three realms!"

Three pairs of Kanshou and Bakuya who had been traced by Shirou floated and circled around Kokabiel. The three pairs of falchions then began to fly towards Kokabiel's body at high speed. Kokabiel, who was still seriously injured, of course couldn't avoid the attack. And the three pairs of falchions stuck right in the vital part of Kokabiel's body making the wounds on his body worse.

"Arrrkh!" Kokabiel shouted once more, he feel a pain something that he didn't feel for such a long time. Kokabiel can feel his adrenaline pumped, his stood once more. He didn't care about his pain or wound, what he care about is the enjoyment that he will feel troughout the battle. "Ahahahahaha it has been a long time since I has been wounded like this! Thank you Emiya Shirou! For making me feel alive again!"

Using his jetblack wing to floated he darted toward Shirou with unbeliviable speed. He shooted his light spear towards Shirou rapidly, making Shirou in a defense situation. Shirou use the divine gate to transfer Kokabiel attack right back to himself, at first Shirou want to use Rho Aias to defense Kokabiel light spear attack. But if he using Rho Aias that was only wasting his magical energy. A lot of divine gate appear and circling Kokabiel and from inside the divine gate, Kokabiel light spear appear and shot toward Kokabiel.

Kokabiel who didn't expect Shirou can reverse his attack using Gate of Babylon, feel really surprised. He didn't know that The Gate Of Babylon can be used like that.

Feeling a little fear, he wrap up his whole body with enormous amount of magical energy. To protect himself from his own attack.

Kokabiel defense tehnique is working, his own attack can't hurt him. But when he feel safe, suddenly Shirou already appear in front of him and kicking him right in the chest. The magical energy that wrap his body protecting him from Shirou kick, but the after effect of the kick is still had impact on his body.

He throw out a lot of blood from his mouth and almost all his ribcage has broken.

"You are stronger than I expect Emiya Shirou," Kokabiel smiling, Shirou power really beyond expectation, Shirou physical strength even beyond his own. That really making him feel spirited in their fighting. "But did you think you can defeat me with only a little kick like that! Come on! Fight more seriously! Make me enjoy our battle!"

Shirou already made Kokabiel body bleeding and bumpy everywhere. But his edurance is really strong, Shirou use 100% of his physical strength in the kick plus reinforcement. But Kokabiel still can stand up even after have inner bledding because of Shirou kick. Shirou feel very piss off right now, Kokabiel endurance on the level of Herakles that he fought in the past. The Fallen Angel is really a tough enemy, to defeat him without using upper class Noble Phantasm, Shirou need to use Ultimate Reinforcement that he never had a chance to use before.

Shirou activated his new skill but only up to 10% power, Zelretch said to him before if he use the power more than that, his body will collapse. Because his body isn't strong enough, to compensate that Shirou decided to use Boosted Gear that he copy from Issei.

"Boosted Gear!"

'Partner finally you will use me in the fight, huh?'

"Yeah Ddraig, the enemy endurance is quite tough. I have a lot of ways to kill him, but I didn't want to show all my cards yet," Shirou said.

'Yeah, you are insanely strong human even if you don't use all the skill you have and copied,' Ddraig said. 'But why choose to use me in this fight?'

"Because there someone who watching our fight, and I can feel a draconic aura at the same level of you. From someone who watching us," Shirou said.

'That must be Albion my old enemies and his partner,' Ddraig said. 'He must be try to find the me in this dimension.'

"Well, Issei already going home with his girlfriend so he will not faced the holder of your enemies," Shirou said. "But me, the user of 'fake' Boosted Gear."

'The Boosted Gear you made are far from fake partner,' Ddraig said. 'It the same level of the real Boosted Gear, and you as it's user are the strongest user of all.'

'Ddraig is right Archer, with you're strong body and special skill. You even can use Boosted Gear final form, Juggernaut Drive!' Zelterch said.

"But I didn't want to use it yet," Shirou said. "I want a full mastery of Boosted Gear first form and then the Balance Breaker, Juggernaut Drive will be the last. I Don't want to die because of the backlash using Juggernaut Drive. "

"You have a Boosted Gear!" Kokabiel said. "Aren't you are a user of Gate of Babylon! How did you have a Boosted Gear too! Don't tell me you using the Gate of Babylon to copying the original!"

"Well you can say it like that," Shirou said.

"Ehehehehe this is interesting! Very interesting!" Kokabiel said. "Entertain me! Emiya Shirou!"

Kokabiel making a lot of light spear appear from behind Kokabiel body once again.

Shirou, using Boosted Gear ten time. Because that was his limit for now when using the Boosted Gear, but that was enough for Shirou right now. Because doubling his power ten times plus Ultimate Reinforcement enough for him to make his physical body have a power at the level of Mao.

Shirou slashing all the light spear that aiming at him, and then he try to punch Kokabiel faces with his superior speed and power. But Kokabiel who already ready to faces Shirou attack trying to defense Shirou punch with his hand, but what Kokabiel didn't expect is the power behind Shirou punch is really big. Making the bones in his hand turn into a powder with only a punch. Shirou didn't try to slashing Kokabiel because he didn't want to kill Kokabiel yet, and his punch before didn't focus on the destruction outside Kokabiel body but the inside of it. That's why Kokabiel the bones inside Kokabiel hand turn into a powder.

In the next clash, Shirou makin Kokabiel body into a punching bag, making all the the bones in his body turn into a powder or cracking.

After that Kokabiel collapsed right away, due to the severe injuries and bleeding he experienced.

"Gosh," said Shirou as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Mission accomplished!"

What Shirou didn't notice was that Kokabiel's right finger was still moving, and he only fainted for a moment. He slowly healed his body using the healing magic he knew. And right now Kokabiel is gathering his strength to do a final attack.


Griselda was lying on the ground shaking while holding the wound on her stomach, she failed to detonate her magical core because Siegfried managed to injure her body first, causing the magic energy she concentrated in her magical core to scatter.

Xenovia condition are not much different from Griselda, her Durandal was lying on the ground and Xenovia right arm was bleeding badly and both of her legs were broken by Siegfried making her unable to stand up.

Kiba's condition is much better and his injury is not as bad as Xenovia and Griselda injury thanks to the Speed ​​Booster he used to increase his speed beyond Siegfried speed, he even managed to injure Siegfried. but because using Speed ​​Booster is draining his stamina and took a toll in his body. Right now Kiba looks very tired and almost fainted.

"Hah, hah I never thought that I could be hurt this badly," said Siegfried while clutching his chest which was injured by Kiba's slash. "You're sword skill is pretty good Kiba Yuto."

"Hosh, hosh, but I still can't beat you Siegfried," said Kiba. "My strength is also running low."

"I still have a lot of strength," said Siegfried. "But my bleeding has prevented me from fighting any longer, how about we end this fight with one last blow?"

"That's a good suggestion," said Kiba. "If it's just one hit I can still do it."

"Very nice!" Siegfried said. "Let's begin!"

Siegfried deactivates his Balance Breaker and only wields one sword which is Gram. If he using his Balance Breaker, in the last blow it will only hinder his movement.

Meanwhile Kiba deactivated his Speed ​​Booster and activated his Holy-Demonic Sword after seeing Siegfried's Gram.

The two of them sped up from their respective stands place and prepared to use the best attack they could.

When the two of them clashed their sword. Kiba who was already exhausted finally couldn't endure Siegfried's attack. He was pushed back and then received a slash from Siegfried.

Kiba fell to the ground covered in blood, and Siegfried was still standing while supporting his body using Gram.

"You are a strong opponent, Kiba Yuuto," said Siegfried. "Practice more so you can become stronger."

Siegfried really regrets by playing too much in his fight against Kiba, and now he decides to leave because his body already at limit. He felt quite satisfied with his battle with Kiba even though his mission to get the Excalibur failed. Siegfried then took out a teleport stone which he usually use to escape from a critical condition. He broke the teleport stone and then disappeared from Kuoh Gakuen.

Author Note; Kokabiel will tell the truth about God in the next chapter.