Chapter 59 - Shirou vs Bazzet 1

"What are you doing by helping the Edelfelt heir, Sekiryuutei!" Bazzet said with a cold tone while walking entering the mansion. "Aren't you a part of Gremory heir peerage?"

Shirou didn't look surprised at all when he saw Bazzet entering the mansion that quickly. Bazzet have great strength, Shirou can feel it when he endure her punch before. But after seeing her dislocated right arm, Shirou knew that her endurance at least not as strong as Kokabiel.

"I'm just a temporary member of Gremory Peerage," Shirou said. "So it's not really a problem for me if I'm helping Luvia."

"A temporary member?" Bazzet said while fixing her dislocated right arm that made a creepy cracking sound. "That's the reason you're still a human and not became a devil? No that's impossible there isn't a way to reverse evil pieces transformation!"

"Well I have my own way to reverse the transformation, is up to you to believe it or not," Shirou said. "So miss Enforcer, who is the one that send you to retrieve the Class Card from Luvia and Rin, isn't that the exact opposite of Zelretch order?"

"I'm here only to retrieve the Class Card because that was the order from the Association," Bazzet said. "And I didn't care about anything else!"

Bazzet dash out to Shirou and do a multiple punch to him, even when her right hand not in a full power because of the dislocated from before. Shirou can still feel numb when he try to defend it with his right hand that reinforced with magic.

'Her power and physical strength is above Kokabiel,' Shirou said with a sweatdrop in his cheek. 'Fighting her without killing will be a bit tricky.'

"I'm really careless when you punch me before," Bazzet said. "But I will not make a same mistake twice! I will defeat you and take the card away!"

Bazzet attack became more intense and faster, Shirou quite overhelmed because of that. His basic power is not as strong as Bazzet and the effect of Boost before already gone, and because of Bazzet hand to hand combat skill is better than Shirou is hard for him to match Bazzet right now. Surely he can match her if he use boost of Ultimate Reinforcement but right now Shirou want to compare his basic power with Bazzet.

"Trace On!"

Shirou trace his trustry weapon Kanshou and Bakuya.

"An advance Projection magic?" Bazzet said. "And you made a twin falchion to fight me? Are you think that you can fight me with that fragile weapon?"

"We'll see," Shirou said while reinforce the twin Falchion to the max. "Trace Overedge."

The twin falchion became a long blade that look like a wings, more sharper and durable.

Bazzet feel little surprised by what she see, she didn't expect that Shirou can use reinforcement magic to that level.

But she didn't care about that, the most important thing to her was to take back all the class card. And she will defeat anyone that obstruct her job.

"You're also can use advance reinforcement magic, huh?" Bazzet said. "That's really a surprise, there is someone in this world beside me who can use advance reinforcement!"

Bazzet attack became more intense and powerfull, after she saw Shirou using the same magic as her. Shirou can end the fight in instant if he firing off B or A class Noble Phantasm toward her using the Gate of Babylon. But if he did that, Luvia's mansion would became more destroyed. But that's not the only reason Shirou didn't use the Gate of Babylon, If Shirou want to fight seriously he must take Bazzet to another place, where there were no people because if Shirou fighting Bazzet seriously inside the Eldelfelt Mansion, he worry that not only the mansion that will be destroyed, all the house around it also will be a ruin and a lot of people will became a victim and die. That's what Shirou want to avoid.

He crosses his trusty twin sword to withstand Bazzet powerful streak.

'If her punch is hit ordinary people, it will be a one hit kill, I must find a opening to lure her following me to the forest near the empty church where Asia was detained before,' Shirou said.

Bazzet's punches and Shirou's twin swords collide with each other and every time Bazzet's punches and Shirou's swords strike each other it always ends in equal. No one wins or loses, their strength is equal.

But suddenly Bazzet felt a jolt in her right hand, making her stop attacking Shirou, the injury from Shirou's first strike still affected her right hand.

Seeing an opportunity, Shirou immediately used the Boosted Gear to double his strength.

"Boost!" Shirou's strength which has doubled giving him an opportunity to change the situation, Shirou's slash which becomes stronger cannot be resisted by Bazzet. Makes Bazzet's body pushed back a few meters.

"Trace On!"

Shirou stepped back his body and projected his flagship bow. And then he projected a randow D rank weapon, making it an arrow and shooting it to Bazzet.

Of course because of the speed of the arrow that shot by Shirou was not too fast Bazzet can catch it easily. With her left hand that didn't have any injury.

But before Bazzet could react Shirou already fired another arrow at Bazzet but this time with a higher speed and a higher number of arrows.

"Shit!" Bazzet swearing, she didn't know that Shirou is so skilled in archery. She rolled her body to the side to avoid all the arrows fired by Shirou, in her normal condition Bazzet felt she was strong enough to knock down all of those arrows, but with her right arm still injured it was impossible for her to do it, so what she could do right now is to avoid the attack!


"That woman is really a monster! Emiya-kun first attack to that woman is strong enough to kill a Cerberus, but her body only have a slightly injury?" Rin said while watching the fight between Shirou and Bazzet. "And now she fighting toe to toe with Emiya-kun who defeat Kokabiel! She really deserves to be the number 1 enforcer of the Holy Church!"

"You're right Tohsaka Rin," Luvia said. "But I think Shero power is enough to defeat that berserker lady with easy, but why Shero didn't finish his battle with that gorilla quickly?"

"I don't know Luvia," Rin said. "Maybe Emiya-kun have another plan for her?"


'Why you didn't finish her from the start, Archer?' Zelretch Asked. 'If you firing some A class Noble Phantasm with the Gate of Babylon, you can finish her in no time at all.'

'I agree with the old man partner,' Ddraig said. 'You even didn't need to use me to defeat her.'

'Oh, I only want to know how strong she is,' Shirou said. 'In the past Bazzet was master of Lancer before that bastard Kotomime steal her command spell and kill her, I hear a lot about her fighting ability in Clock Tower and how good she in when doing a job. Even my old man didn't want to make a mess with her, all of that make me curious about her. So I want to play with her a bit before defeating her.'

'So you're enjoying a good fight too, huh,' Ddraig said. 'That so unlike you partner.'

'Only sometimes Ddraig,' Shirou said. 'I'm not a battle maniac like Lancer.'

'Then Archer, what are you going to do to lure her out of the Edelfelt Mansion?' Zelretch said. 'Did you have some plan?'

'I will lure her out with this!' Shirou said while taking out the Lancer Class Card from his trouser pocket.

'A Lancer Class Card?' Zelretch said. 'The one that you borrow from Rin before the fight, so that the reason your borrowing it from her.'

'Yeah, When I asking Rin earlier if she was holding one of the Class Cards, it turned out that the Class Card she had was a Lancer Class Card, this is a strange coincidence, isn't it?' Shirou said.

"You're right it really a strange coicindence, the Class Card that you use to lure her out of the Mansion is the Class Card that have connection to her in your past life,' Zelretch said.


Bazzet, who couldn't stop Shirou's attack by using her punches, decided to use her legs and stopped Shirou's arrows with her kicks that were much stronger than her punches, and slowly she began to approach Shirou who continuously shot arrows at her.

When Bazzet was close enough to Shirou, She reinforced her legs and shot towards Shirou at high speed.

Shirou, didn't expect that Bazzet could move that fast, because of that he shocked for a moment and make the arrow he shot missed, Shirou carelessness was not wasted by Bazzet. Seeing the gap in Shirou's defense, Bazzet immediately kicked Shirou in the chest and made Shirou's body thrown back. Fortunately Shirou has reinforced his entire body using magic and Boosted Gear power that still active inside his body, making him can withstand the kick from Bazzet.

Seeing that Shirou could withstand her kick, Bazzet did not feel surprised, because she knew Shirou was a tough fighter.

"You're tough, Sekiryuutei," Bazzet said. "But when I see you're fighting style, it really look like Archer figthing style that I defeat, are you have some connection with him?"

"Maybe yes, Maybe not," Shirou said. "If you want to know, why you didn't find it by your self?"

"If that what you want then I will fight you more seriously, prepare yourself Sekiryuutei!" Bazzet collected a large amount of magic and then used Reinforcement to the maximum level, because to defeat Shirou decided to go all out.

"Okay, then let's start the round two!" Shirou said.

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